God is Coming

Chapter 1049 Visit

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"When they told me it was you, I couldn't believe it. Only now I'm sure they didn't lie to me." The girl's face flushed slightly, and she looked very excited.

Chu Jungui recognized this long-legged beauty, Zuo Xiaoyue, as Li Xinyi's best friend and best friend. When he was Li Xinyi's tutor, Chu Jungui once collected information on her girlfriends. Two of them had incomplete information due to insufficient authority, and Zuo Xiaoyue was one of them.

This shows that Zuo Xiaoyue has a strong background. Although it is not as good as Tianyu Li's family, it can be regarded as a first-rate family within the dynasty, the kind that can be named by others. There are only three big families with the surname Zuo in the dynasty, so it is not difficult to guess.

Perhaps because she realized that she was too excited, Zuo Xiaoyue took a deep breath, showed off her figure intentionally or unintentionally, and said, "Entrusted by the Li family, I will accompany you throughout these two days and be your guide. Tian Yu There are still many places worth seeing in the galaxy. Now I will take you to the place where you live."

The guest room arranged for Chu Jungui is on the mountain inside the dome, overlooking the entire Blue Mirror Lake, the scenery is invincible. From the room arrangement, it can be seen that the Li family attached great importance to this trip, which more or less diluted the unhappiness of Li Youran waving off the guests.

After returning to the room to put down the luggage, Chu Jungui tidied up his clothes a little bit, sorted out the documents by the way, and walked out of the room. Zuo Xiaoyue has been waiting at the door. If she didn't know her real identity, she would have mistaken her for an ordinary female employee, but she was much prettier than ordinary female employees.

"Can we go anywhere? What about other galaxies in the star field?" Chu Jungui asked.

Zuo Xiaoyue said: "We have prepared a whole fleet of flying cars for you, two ferry ships that can adapt to different star conditions, a small high-speed private starship, and a large starship that can be written as a ferry ship. As long as you In the Tianyu Starfield, no matter where you want to go, you can get there within half a day."

"I plan to arrange these three places, see if you can arrange them, the order is random."

Zuo Xiaoyue was taken aback when she saw the list of locations sent by Mr. Chu, and said, "Pulima Mine is fine, Tianyu Academy of Sciences? Huoyu Shipyard? This... I have to ask for instructions from these two places."


Zuo Xiaoyue hurried outside to ask for instructions. With his own status, he can travel unimpeded in most places, but the Tianyu Academy of Sciences is the highest scientific research institution in the entire Republic. It once overwhelmed the Dynasty Academy of Sciences, and it was not until the birth of Dr. Zero that the Tianyu Academy of Sciences was once again suppressed. down. However, there are still many top-secret research projects in the Academy of Sciences, and not everyone can visit them if they want to.

Huoyu Shipyard is the largest comprehensive military industrial base in the entire Tianyu, and it also has the ability to manufacture battleships. Although the capital ships it produces are not as good as the top level of the dynasty and the federation, they are still enough to match the standard equipment in active service. It is precisely because of its capital ship production capacity that the Tianyu Dynasty can maintain a relatively detached position, and its right to speak within the dynasty has never been weakened.

It can be said that these two places are the pillars of the entire Tianyu Republic.

At this moment, Li Youran was standing in front of a steel statue, wondering what she was thinking. At this time, the communication channel flickered, and it was still the most advanced channel. Li Youran silently read the news, and suddenly punched the steel statue!

The Iron Man didn't move at all, but the back suddenly broke open, and a stone heart flew out, which was already covered with cracks!

The iron man seemed to be made of a one-centimeter-thick steel plate, but Li Youran punched his back, and there was no trace on the front. The power of this punch has far exceeded that of normal human beings. Li Youran only got it by chance when he was furious, and he usually doesn't have this level.

After one punch, Li Youran's surprise was fleeting. He now knows that even if he can fight at this level, he is not Chu Jungui's opponent. The point is that until now he doesn't know how high Chu Jungui's fighting skills are. This is quite discouraging.

He sighed, gritted his teeth and said, "Look, look! Anyway, it will be yours sooner or later, so you can watch it if you want!"

Outside Chu Jungui's residence, Zuo Xiaoyue could hardly believe her eyes when she saw the reply. After confirming several times, she came back and said excitedly: "The request has been approved, and we have been given level 2 authority, which means that except for the most core laboratories, the Academy of Sciences and the shipyard are free for us to visit! "

It's no wonder she was excited, these two places couldn't get in with Zuo Xiaoyue's original authority. Now that she has such an experience, her position among her friends is different.

Visit the Academy of Sciences and the Starship Factory to share a day. The Academy of Sciences is actually nothing to look at. Each laboratory is either in a dangerous environment, or the experimental process is as long as ten years. Most of the research here is basic theory. Because of the secondary authority, most of the experimental data is released. But in Zuo Xiaoyue's eyes, these data are no different from heavenly scriptures. Let alone let her read it by herself, even if she asks a few professors to explain it one by one, she will never understand it.

So the whole visit process was dull and boring. Chu Jungui just looked at the laboratories one by one. After seeing the environment in each room, he sat down and browsed the experimental data and reports. At the beginning, the accompanying researcher was a little worried, but when he saw that Chu Jungui flipped through a report in a second, he immediately felt relieved, and secretly despised: "It's just a pretender who wants to pick up girls. What can you do in a second? You can't read the title." over!"

However, Mr. Chu looked at each laboratory, opened and closed the reports one after another, sat in each laboratory for 20 minutes, and read all the reports for one second, as accurate as a machine. In the end, even the person in charge who accompanied him was a little admired. It is also a skill to be able to do this with work and rest.

In Huoyu Shipyard, Chu Jungui can see more. There happened to be a new capital ship being built in the dock of the shipyard, and Chu Jungui started a carpet-like visit, turning around and looking at it, with each circle rising 5 meters, and watched it for 5 hours. Looked inside and out of a battleship. The person in charge of the shipyard also murmured in his heart, not understanding what this guy wanted to do.

Of course, capital ships belong to Tianyu's core secrets, and Chu Jungui can see the actual objects but not the blueprints, and there is no detailed data to look at. The completion of this rebuilt capital ship is 40%, the main body has just been built, and it is in the stage of internal equipment installation.

In Huoyu, Chu Jungui spent all his time visiting the capital ship, and talked a few words with Zuo Xiaoyue during the whole process.

It was already late at night when we left the shipyard. After a short rest, we will set off to a resource star and visit the Prima Mine.

This itinerary is the only thing Zuo Xiaoyue doesn't understand. This mine has a history of hundreds of years, and it produces ordinary metals. To see it, you don't need level 2 permission, or even permission. You can go there whenever you want.

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