God is Coming

Chapter 1063 Two Worlds

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As soon as Jane was sent away, Henry saw a small commotion in the trading floor. A young trader was flushed with excitement, and he was arguing very fiercely with several colleagues.

Henry stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the scene condescendingly, then called the supervisor over and asked, "What's going on?"

"It seems to be about the de Frey comet transaction..." The supervisor couldn't explain clearly. Henry didn't listen to him at all, and directly called both parties in the quarrel.

The young man's chest heaved violently, but his emotions were still agitated. Before he could speak, an older man on the opposite side said first: "He refused to execute the company's trading orders and tried to stop us!"

Henry frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

The young man was a lot more honest in front of Henry, and said: "Mr. Henry, it's like this. I think the client's batch of trading orders on Comet de Frey is obviously suspected of insider trading. The reason is very clear. The price given by this batch of orders It was far lower than the market price at the time, but within a few hours, news of the military’s investigation appeared. Obviously, this client probably knew the news in advance, and thus placed these orders. As a top investment bank, I think We are obliged to suspend the trading of this order while reviewing the basis of this customer's order. If there is any violation, we need to report to the exchange..."

Henry interrupted him and said: "You are very reasonable, I know. Well, you go and write a report with your thoughts and reasons first, and show it to me when you finish writing. The work you are doing now Leave it to others for now, go."

The young man didn't know whether to be happy or worried, and retreated under the supervisor's signal. Henry said to the older traders: "Continue to execute and finish all the orders before the time limit!"

Several traders shuddered and rushed back to their seats.

When they left, the supervisor smiled and said: "Mr. Henry, that young man is a star trader who has just been recruited. His performance in the past few months has been very good, and he is also very sharp. He just took advantage of a similar compliance incident last month. Brilliant to beat our old rival. He's just a bit stubborn, but that's what happens to talented youngsters..."

Henry waved his hand and said, "Remove him from his post and give him a casual job."

The supervisor was taken aback and asked, "He's not wrong either! There are indeed serious problems with this batch of instructions..."

"What's the problem? Violation? At most, it's a borderline." Henry waved his hand, stopped the supervisor who wanted to argue, and then said: "Our client has the top lawyer team. According to our federal laws, this case is probably the case. We won’t be able to finish it until the day we die of old age. And our price is to lose a phenomenal client.”

The supervisor still wanted to speak, but Henry stopped him again. Henry glared at him, and said slowly: "I know what you want to say, this is a matter of principle. But principles also have boundaries. The fundamental principle of our federation is to serve the rich. Don't talk about this matter again. If the customer If the list cannot be completed, your entire department will resign."

The supervisor didn't dare to say anything more, and left obediently. Henry looked at the busy trading hall again, and suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly, thinking that he was so serious and passionate back then. But as the position climbs higher and higher, what you see is different.

Just like this job, Henry got it by relying on the friendship he fought side by side many times in the past. So what if you break the rules? Can the federation find out about the military headquarters of the dynasty? And the Federation will sanction Light Years? How to sanction? The ink on that paper contract is still wet!

Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, the big boy who seemed a little immature at the time would become a big shot who could force the Federation to sue for peace on the frontal battlefield. Unknowingly, Henry and Chu Jungui became more and more respectful when speaking. In this way, Henry felt that he was watching Chu Jungui go further and further away, gradually opening up the distance, until he really became a person in two worlds.

He was distracted before he called a really close supervisor and ordered: "Our own batch of instructions can be carried out."

At this moment, Chu Jungui stood up from the bathtub. The water in the full tank has become boiling hot, even if you keep adding cold water, it will not help. Chu Jungui felt that the bathtub that could fit five or six people was too small. Now he relied on the energy field to radiate heat, even a swimming pool could be heated.

With the help of powerful data processing capabilities, although Chu Jungui cannot cover the entire market, it is still possible to track Comet de Frey in all directions. A batch of suspicious accounts have entered Chu Jungui's field of vision. Some of these accounts bought aggressively before the company's announcement, while others held large positions but did not move. The former is easy to understand, even if it is not an account directly controlled by Old Jim, it is probably related to him. The latter are mostly shareholders who are going to vote at the EGM.

At this moment, the accounts that bought in advance have already suffered heavy losses, and more than half of the accounts were directly liquidated. Chu Jungui’s funds were absorbed in a large amount in panic, especially in the bottom area, he received a lot of panic selling, and the chips he got in this round alone exceeded 15%. In addition to the parts secretly acquired by various investment banks, Chu Jungui actually controlled more than 40% of the shares.

Chu Jungui withdrew his mind, and handed over the rest of the work to a large number of traders on standby. He himself began to establish contact with the wise men and adjust the production on planet 4.

After receiving the order, the entire No. 4 planet reacted immediately, and batches of working beasts walked out of the training room, boarded the engineering vehicles that had been prepared long ago, and rushed to various mining sites. In just one day, the comprehensive material production capacity of Planet 4 has increased by 20%, a large number of energy bases are already operating at full capacity, and 4 new bases are starting to be constructed.

Another day later, large transport ships flew out of the storm clouds and began to assemble large bases in orbit.

The movement of Planet 4 was immediately captured by the spy satellites that were always monitoring the place, and transmitted to the rear in real time, and sent to the Federal Intelligence Agency and Dynasty Fourth Fleet respectively.

This information was uploaded layer by layer in the federal intelligence agency, and when it reached a certain layer, it was replied: continue to observe, and then go silent. In the Dynasty's Fourth Fleet, it was sent all the way to Su Jian's desk.

Chu Jungui kept arranging and adjusting the production of Planet 4, and in a blink of an eye it was time for the extraordinary shareholders meeting of Comet de Frey.

The general meeting of shareholders was held in accordance with normal procedures, and everything was carried out concisely and efficiently. Old Jim read out the motion without any lengthy speeches, and the next step was to enter the voting session. However, at this moment, a temporary motion was suddenly added to the list of motions: remove all members of the board of directors.

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