God is Coming

Chapter 1083 Wake Up

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In a real dream, time seems to be frozen here, the sun is always high, the river is no longer flowing, there is no wind, and the leaves and grass are still.

Everything here is still and unspeakably weird.

On a small hillside, a small bulge suddenly bulged in the soil layer, then burst, and a wisp of thin black mist floated out from it. The black mist squirmed, and one eye slowly emerged, looking around blankly.

After watching for about ten minutes, it reacted, and its eyes slowly rolled. But the whole world is still, not even a blade of grass shakes. Without moving objects, it can't find the target, and can only scan the surrounding circles in a daze.

In the distant sky, there was originally a cloud floating. The cloud is also motionless, hanging there quietly, like a painting. But at this moment, a layer of dark blue suddenly surged from the horizon, like a large pot of ink poured into a lake, quickly spreading across half of the sky, and dyed the clouds into dark blue. This thick layer of color seems to be so heavy that it weighs down the clouds.

The black mist seemed to sense something, and looked towards the distant sky. When it was stared at by its eyes, the dark blue color suddenly froze to almost static. But if you look carefully, you can still see that it is spreading forward bit by bit.

At the Dynasty Experimental Base, what is rare in front of Dr. Zero is not a data flow, but a design drawing of a starship. This starship is impressively the capital ship design submitted by Light Year through Comet de Frey.

Behind the doctor, a young man is introducing the history and current situation of Comet De Frey, and finally said: "...Currently, Comet De Frey has completed the spin-off, and all starship design and manufacturing operations have been separated. Now Comet De Frey There are only current assets and fixed assets such as land and factories.”

Speaking of this, the young man paused, and said: "I can't see that this guy is really ruthless enough to acquire a century-old capital ship manufacturer in a short period of time, and then immediately dismember it and sell it off. The opponents didn’t even have time to hold a shareholders’ meeting, it’s really ruthless! But this guy still has a bit of conscience, he didn’t take away the money from the sale of assets, and it’s a good thing to clean up those negative assets.”

Dr. Zero snorted and said, "Is he conscientious if he didn't take the cash away? I guess he doesn't care about that. Go and check the capital flow of Comet de Frey's stock."

The young man started immediately, and a few minutes later he exclaimed: "This guy has made tens of billions in one entry and one exit?"

Dr. Ling said: "Otherwise, where did he get the money to hire Dr. Xiao's research institute for half a year?"

The young man froze for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief and said, "You're really rich!"

With a flick of the doctor's hand, the design of the starship in front of him turned half a circle. If you look carefully, the design drawing can be continuously enlarged until you can see the details of each screw clearly.

After looking at it for a while, the doctor said: "Even with Dr. Xiao's unreserved support and all the key institutions being replaced with new alloys, this kind of quotation is impossible, unless...he has free and unlimited energy supply."

The young man was taken aback, he knew exactly what this meant. He secretly looked at the doctor, but the doctor's side face remained unchanged, showing no surprise or other emotions.

The doctor pondered for a moment and said: "There are still many defects in this design drawing, but it is not a design problem, but a problem with the equipment and system. Many of the equipment used here are outdated equipment, um, and some equipment parameters are somewhat different. Strange, it should be some second-hand goods. You pick out all the equipment of this type, replace them with the latest equipment, and then ask him to send all the orders to our company. Oh, yes, by the way, all the licenses that should be given It's done for him."

The young man wrote down the request, and then asked: "In this case, will the new ship be too strong? Maybe the Xu family will be very unhappy."

The doctor said blankly: "As long as Xu Bingyan doesn't mind, it doesn't matter whether the rest of the Xu family are happy or not."


The doctor waved his hand, and the young man left the office. However, he only went out for a few minutes before rushing back and said, "Teacher! The real dream has reacted, and we have detected its activity!"

The doctor was startled, and said, "A real dream?"

The young man said: "It's a real dream. I almost forgot about it. Fortunately, we have three large detectors that are always watching, so we can monitor the reaction signal."

"Go to the observation room." The doctor walked towards the door, remembered something on the way, and closed the starship design drawing back.

The observation room is magnificent. The 100-meter-high huge dome can project holographic images of huge planets, and the three huge detectors are connected to the outside of the dome, targeting different frequency bands.

When the doctor came to the console of the observation room, he saw a piece of light floating above, and a black spot in the center. Naturally, the doctor knew that the images would be misleading, so he opened the original data and began to read. After watching for a while, he looked a little surprised, and said, "Is this a singularity?"

The young man said: "From the data point of view, yes. I have checked all aspects, the data should have no errors, and the error is within an acceptable range. So in the sense of data, the real dream is a singularity."

The doctor had a rare long meditation, and he said after half an hour: "The reality of dreams may be far beyond the current level of human technology. We are playing with fire...continue to monitor."

"What if you're getting the keys?"

"...If there are more than three, then notify the Federation and the Community."

"But we are at war with the community."

"that's not important."

The young man had great respect for the doctor. Although this order obviously violated the dynasty's war policy, he still wrote it down and was ready to execute it at any time.

In the real dream at this time, time finally began to flow, the sun began to move in the sky, the river water also began to flow from high to low, and the waterfall began to roar again.

On the hillside, the black mist was slowly crawling. At this moment, a fist-sized mouse rushed over and swallowed it in one gulp!

The mice swallowed the black mist and didn't feel full at all. At this time, a big tree not far away was swaying in the wind, and a fruit fell from it. The finger-sized fruit bounced and rolled down the hillside, and the mouse immediately chased after the fruit with bright eyes.

It jumped down the hillside, stretching nimbly, but the moment it landed, it suddenly lost its balance and turned down the hillside like a fruit.

The mouse rolled all the way to the bottom of the slope, twitched a few times and then stopped moving. Its body shrank slowly, then became dry, and finally turned into a pile of gravel.

Wisps of mist emerged from the gravel, gathered together, and then two eyes appeared on it. This time, its thinking speed was much faster, and some memory fragments floated from the depths of its consciousness: "I am... Kaitian."

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