God is Coming

Chapter 1087 Neon Bunny

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In the clearing outside the forest, a snow-white rabbit was gnawing grass. Strictly speaking, it doesn't just gnaw on grass, but also shrubs and thorns, and even some ores with high metal content.

This rabbit is not only white, but also fat. Its size of one meter makes many predators in the sky and under the earth covet it. Coyotes, dogs, hawks, etc. rushed at the rabbit one after another, and there was even a bear cub. But the rabbit just moved its ears and turned them into high-quality protein.

The giant lizard appeared again, but this time it obviously hesitated, after all, the rabbit was too big, too big for him to swallow. But the monitor lizard hesitated, Kai Tian didn't hesitate, it ejected a strong airflow from under its body, directly ejected to the monitor lizard, and chopped the monitor lizard into several sections with a wave of its ears. The monitor lizard was much larger than Kaitian, and after eating it, Kaitian's size grew again, approaching 2 meters, and now it was a big snow-white and furry ball. The only fly in the ointment is that this monitor lizard doesn't taste very good.

The snow-white rabbit was shoveling the grass quietly, and countless pairs of eyes were staring at it from a hundred meters away. The predators are full of question marks at the moment, this thing looks like a rabbit, but why is it so big? Their simple instincts make them extra sensitive to body size. No matter how docile and cute they look, they are a threat to a certain extent, no matter how docile and cute they look.

Kai Tian'an quietly shoveled the grass, as if he didn't see the predators lurking around. It's just that its efficiency in shoveling grass is a bit scary, leaving a 1.5-meter-wide blank area wherever it passes, and the grass is as clean as if it was wiped away by an eraser.

While hoarding energy, Kaitian is digesting the harvest of evolution. After breaking through the genetic barrier, Kai Tian gained not only a huge amount of knowledge, but also choices on the path of evolution. According to the knowledge recorded in the gene, the evolutionary path is divided into 4 major directions, which are the central type that focuses on thinking and computing power; the war mothership that can become an army by itself; the survival type that can survive in the extremely harsh environment of deep space ; and an all-rounder who knows a little bit about everything.

Among the three known fog tribes, the wise man takes the central road, while Brother Dao is the mother ship of war. As for Kaitian himself, the initial evolution was survival type. At that time, Kai Tian was in a daze, he didn't know how to choose at all, and he chose completely by instinct. But this time Kai Tian has fully awakened, and has many inexplicable memories. Although it doesn't know exactly what the real world refers to, it has recalled a lot of knowledge and insights from that world.

According to the knowledge of genetic inheritance, the other three evolutionary directions will have the ultimate form and ability, only the omnipotent type does not. But Kai Tian looked at the festering purple-black in the sky, and finally chose the Almighty type.

This path of evolution brings together the abilities of the other three paths and develops its own unique strengths. After choosing the path of evolution, Kaitian stopped grazing, lay still, and waited for the somatic cells to fully upgrade.

This is quite a dangerous process, after all, there are many predators around. A big white rabbit lying on the open ground is particularly conspicuous, it is simply a delicious feast, at least Kai Tian thinks so.

However, Kai Tian didn't wait for the expected attack until 1 hour passed and the evolution was completed. This made Kai Tian quite disappointed, he had prepared a lot of energy for those super long ears, and at the same time there was a mystery hidden in the hair all over his body, there were a lot of ultra-thin but extremely strong and tough hairs. These hairs are as sharp as a scalpel under the right circumstances. If any beast came to lick the sky, its tongue would be cut into strips.

It's just that these preparations were useless in the end, which made Kai Tian very dissatisfied. It looked around, and suddenly found that the trees seemed to be shorter. It took a closer look, only to find that it wasn't the tree getting shorter, but itself getting taller. In the past hour, Kaitian has been growing bigger and bigger, and now it is already a huge monster with a length of three meters and a height of two meters. The giant beaked bird that made Kaitian want to die at the beginning can now be slapped to death with one paw. That giant lizard that digested half of Kai Tian's hind legs would definitely not be able to withstand Kai Tian's kick. All in all, the world is a different place when body shape reaches a certain level.

Kai Tian looked around, only to find that most of the predators around had disappeared, only a few remained, and the rest had gone to nowhere.

Kai Tian is not discouraged either. After evolution, he has many means to search for prey, such as ultrasonic waves, vibration waves, infrared rays, and various visible and invisible lights. The magnetic field is now somewhat beyond Kaitian's ability, and that thing consumes too much energy.

Searching and chasing prey is not a very good strategy, as it consumes too much energy, Kai Tian prefers to use smarter and more flexible strategies to lure the prey over. So it dressed itself in a snow-white fur to be more eye-catching. At first, the effect was good, but for some reason, it failed during this period of time, and no predator came over for a long time.

Could it be that they are tired of looking at white? Kai Tian thought about it.

It shook its body, and the color of its fur gradually changed into an iridescent color with a glare effect. But such a splendid rabbit is still loved by no one, and all the predators avoid it far away. Within 500 meters around Kaitian, there is no biological breath.

While thinking, Kai Tian waved his claws, felled a big tree with a sound, then waved his claws, cut the tree trunk into several sections, and stuffed them into his mouth. Its mouth is like a pulverizer, and with a soft sound of cracking, a section of two-meter-long and one-meter-thick tree trunk disappears. Its body also quietly enlarged.

Kaitian finished gnawing on one tree in half a minute, then knocked down another tree with his paw, and continued to gnaw. It looked down at the turf on the ground, and felt that it was a little far away from itself, and also a little less, unlike trees, although the unit nutrition was a little lower, but it couldn't support a large amount. Moreover, Kaitian also remembered many ways to digest the trunk fiber, such as anaerobic carbonization, which is much more efficient than the pure biological fermentation mode.

But no predator ever got close to Kaitian.

Kai Tian was puzzled, so he pricked up his ears, stood upright, and looked around. When it stands up, its eyesight will still be blocked by the canopy, but its ears are far above the canopy. Its ears can not only be used for cutting, but now it can also emit high-frequency sound waves, and then rely on the reflected waves to detect the surrounding environment, just like two large radar antennas. The results of the scan made Kai Tian very dissatisfied, there was no sign of any valuable target approaching. And after it detected it, there was a sudden panic in the forest, and countless big and small beasts appeared from their hiding places, and quickly moved away from Kai Tian.

Kaitian habitually scratched the rabbit's head with his front paws, thinking about why this happened. After much deliberation, I couldn't find the reason. What's so scary about a neon bunny this cute? But what Kaitian didn't notice was that this neon rabbit was already 4 meters tall, and when it stood upright with its ears pricked up, it was already more than ten meters high.

A rabbit that looks like a small mountain exudes a terrifying light, which naturally makes all non-stupid animals run away.

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