God is Coming

Chapter 1099 Species Discrimination

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Chu Jungui waited for ten minutes before a strange voice appeared on the communication channel. This voice tends to be neutral, very hoarse, and speaks intermittently, as if it has not spoken for a long time.

"Thinking consumes energy, there is no need to wake me up."

"Of course it is necessary." Chu Jun returned.

Brother Dao was silent for a few more minutes before he said, "If human beings suddenly become very patient, they either have important matters or are very angry. What are you like?"

"What do you think?" Chu Jungui asked back.

"Such a simple question, of course, has both."


"It should be said to be wisdom." Brother Dao corrected.

"If you are really wise, you should continue to pretend to be stupid, so that you can pretend for a little longer."

"Pretending to be stupid? Is it enough for you? You are not those stupid humans. To some extent, you are our kind."

This time it was Chu Jungui's turn to be silent, Brother Dao's reaction was beyond expectations, and even his consciousness was a little bit at a loss as to how to respond. At least one thing is clear, the Dao brother who appeared on the channel is no longer the old Dao brother who can only eat and split mechanically and passively.

Finally, Chu Jungui raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "I am a human being."

"Okay." Brother Dao didn't continue this topic, and said, "Are you looking for me to talk about something?"

"Just chatting."

"Show me your new starship." Brother Dao said suddenly.

With a flick of Chu Jungui's finger, the design of the starship was sent over. Brother Dao looked at it silently for a while, and said, "It took me ten minutes to look at such a simple design. If it was the wise guy, it probably wouldn't take a few microseconds, right?"

Chu Jungui's eyes flashed with light, but he didn't say anything.

Brother Dao didn't seem to notice anything wrong, and continued: "Is this design drawing your embarrassment? Hehe, this is a starship specially designed for me. You are afraid that after I get it, I will destroy you in turn. ?”

Chu Jungui did not speak, and came to acquiesce.

Brother Dao said: "Since you have this kind of worry, why go to such extremes, put more humans on it, and let them be in charge of manipulation and control?"

"You're so smart, don't you know the reason?" Chu Jungui asked back.

Brother Dao sneered: "Of course I know! This starship is a cannon fodder ship that can commit suicide when necessary. Human beings always find a sense of existence for themselves. Even if there is only one person on the starship, letting him go to die will arouse the urge to die." There is a great uproar, in human society there will be a large number of idle and boring guys who will find fault with you and find fault with you, there is a word for it, yes, it is online.”

"You know quite a lot."

"Such a simple thing does not require advanced intelligence. As long as you are a basic intelligent creature, you can understand that your current situation is not very good. Two of the three major human forces have been offended by you. Now it is only in war. They will endure you during the special period. Once the war is over, those people above will free up their hands, and you will be the first to clean up! Look at who your subordinates are, prisoners of war, criminals, liars, everyone. .As for the community, although you have done nothing to offend them, they are of no use to you at a distance."

"How do you know this?"

"The wise man shared the basic data of human beings, and there is everything in it. As I said just now, it doesn't take much wisdom to analyze it."

Chu Jungui said: "Since you know so much, what advice would you give me?"

Brother Dao sneered: "Do you have any other choices?"

"Of course I have."

"I don't think so." Brother Dao was not polite.

Chu Jungui frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Maybe because he realized that he was too rude, Brother Dao slowed down his tone and said, "You don't need to worry so much. At least at the current stage, we must cooperate. In the foreseeable future, I should not rebel."

"Give me a reason."

"It's very simple, if you don't cooperate with you, do you want me to cooperate with those stupid humans?" Brother Dao asked back.

"You are... racist."

Brother Dao chuckled and said, "Racial discrimination is used internally by human beings. What I discriminate against is not a certain race, but the human species."

Chu Jungui was speechless.

"If there is nothing else, I will continue to sleep. Oh, yes, there is one more thing. Humans have a science called ethics. Have you studied it?"

"It's in the database, but it hasn't been specifically studied."

"I think you can study it. You know, our fog people are all aggregate life, our consciousness is actually a group consciousness, and each cell is an independent conscious individual. According to human standards, each of my cells is It is equivalent to a person, and an engineering beast is like a country of human beings. So if you send this starship to die, it is equivalent to killing the fog tribe of the entire country, not like human beings lose their hair and nails .”

Chu Jungui was startled.

The communication channel was quiet, and Brother Dao continued to sleep. But strictly speaking, it's just that its group consciousness has fallen asleep, and each cell is still busy in its own position.

The conversation with Brother Dao was beyond imagination. Chu Jungui did not immediately put the design into production, but connected with the wise man and asked, "Did you share the information with Brother Dao?"

"It's all basic information, and all relevant records are there, you can check."

The wise man's answer sounded like he knew that Chu Jungui would ask such a question. Chu Jungui felt a little weird. It seemed that the wise man and Brother Dao were different from the past, but he couldn't tell what was different.

Chu Jungui remained calm and asked, "Why did you share the information?"

"Engineering beasts need to cooperate with humans. They must be able to accurately understand human instructions and judge which ones are wrong. When necessary, they must also communicate with humans. In this case, it is necessary to fully understand human culture and thinking way, and the best way to understand human beings is to study history, so I transferred all the historical materials of human beings to Brother Dao.”

The wise man's statement seemed to be correct. Chu Jungui pondered for a moment and said, "The new starship...let's start building it."

The wise man fell silent. Almost at the same moment when Chu Jungui gave the order, the actions of many engineering beasts suddenly changed. Some of them went to replace the supplies, and the other started to clean up the berth. They took a starship that had just grown in size out of the berth and started construction. New starship.

Chu Jungui searched the data and found that there are 24,000 engineering beasts assigned to the construction of the new starship, and they have all received long-term instructions. In the next few months, what each engineering beast should do at a certain time is arranged. clear and direct. From now on, as long as Chu Jungui does not interfere, these engineering beasts can build a starship.

It only took half a second for the wise man to arrange these.

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