God is Coming

Chapter 1179 Cleaning

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Chen Er talked mysteriously and vaguely for a long time, and Chu Jungui finally understood what was going on: the upper echelons of the dynasty were about to be purged.

This purge is mainly aimed at some people who were in high positions in the past but were not capable enough. These people can't be said to be completely incapable, but their abilities are mainly in internal fighting, and they are not good at external fighting and management. Coupled with the fact that they have been in high positions for a long time, various problems will arise. In peacetime, it can be suppressed, but in wartime, a group of new young generals will not accept it. These people who fight with their lives on the front line every day have long put life and death aside, and they have no scruples in doing things. A major event in the early stage was that a newly promoted lieutenant general was made things difficult by the quartermaster on the front line, and the fuel and ammunition he deserved was withheld.

After the lieutenant general returned with his army, he directly occupied the theater headquarters, then captured the military chief and threw him into space. This incident caused an uproar, mainly because the quartermaster was actually a relative of an elder in the upper echelons of the dynasty. After the incident happened, the elder was extremely furious and demanded severe punishment several times. The punishment decision aroused strong backlash from the grassroots officers and soldiers in the theater. After the general was arrested and imprisoned, many fleets even showed signs of mutiny.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the fleet in the theater, whose attitude was somewhat ambiguous, finally expressed his attitude and completely sided with the lieutenant general. Turbulence also appeared in other star field theaters, and the long-standing dissatisfaction of many grassroots fighters broke out, and violent incidents surged accordingly. Under the pressure of the situation, high-level military officials expressed their views one after another and began to put pressure on the government. This incident thus became the trigger, prompting the upper echelons of the dynasty to conduct a comprehensive introspection and begin a complete liquidation of the old forces. In a sense, Chen Er and Chu Jungui's dealing with Su Jian was also part of this process.

Now that the struggle at the top has come to fruition, the principle of handling is that ability comes first, those who are capable but not so clean will be reused, and those who are not capable and not clean will be fully cleaned. It is worth noting that this time, people who are incapable but clean will be cleaned in the same way. In Chen Er's words, now is the time to be able to win battles, not the time for them to show their moral character. Besides, what is the use of mere moral qualities?

It seems that at the time of life and death, the dynasty finally woke up.

After Chu Jungui digested it, Chen Er finally said: "When the battle is over, can you leave me a job in light years? The salary is higher, as long as I don't get tired."

"You have a bright future, why do you want to come to me?"

Chen Er smiled wryly: "What's the future? What I do now is to offend people. Now it's a war, and no one dares to make trouble with the fleet. When the war is over? You know I'm not that clean, and I might be punished by then." liquidation."

"Even if you are not very clean, there is no doubt that you have made great contributions to the dynasty. If the dynasty were all like Su Jian and Xu Yan, I would have left long ago."

"Contribution is contribution, and uncleanness is uncleanness. These are two different things. Now you can make some changes to win the war, but you can't do it like this after the war is over." Chen Er is very sober.

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "No problem, I will always have your place here."

Chen Er seemed a little more relaxed, with a smile on his face again, and then said: "I need some funds now, informally."

"no problem."

Chen Er still explained: "The money is used to clear up the relationship. I plan to transfer some of the equipment on the first-class license to you. This matter is not easy to handle, and we need to use some unconventional methods."

"This..." Chu Jungui couldn't object. After all, the equipment on the first-class license can significantly improve the combat power of the starship, and he didn't have the confidence to refuse.

"Don't think too much, I'm purely thinking about it from the perspective of maximizing the near-term combat power. These devices should be in the hands of those who can turn them into starships the fastest. Now is not the time to talk about fairness."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away. What currency do you want?"

"Of course it's Wang Chaoyuan."

Chu Jungui was a little surprised: "I thought you would ask for some federal currency or community yuan."

Chen Er shook his head: "No. We have already reported all of our overseas accounts, and we don't plan to take any money there. The Federation and the Commonwealth don't want to threaten us with these. Those of us who are still in position People will never surrender, and it is useless to ask for foreign currency. Of course, after the battle is won, there may be a need for it.”

Chu Jungui sighed, and said: "The dynasty has people like you, and I don't know whether it is good or bad."

Chen Er rolled his eyes at Chu Jungui, and said, "Of course it's a good thing! We've done all the hard work, and when it's easier in the future, we can be kicked away so we don't take up seats. How nice we are!"

"That's true!" Chu Jungui laughed.

Chen Er snorted and said, "Tell me what you plan to do next?"

Chu Jungui said: "Suppress those two galaxies first, and then go to the community for a while, until the community withdraws the fleet."

Chen Er thought for a while, then asked again: "Do you have any ideas on how to end the war?"

"As long as it's not too bad, I think we can negotiate a truce."

Chen Er nodded and sighed: "The higher-ups think so too. It's a pity, it would be great if Xu Shuai was still around."

"You still miss him?"

"Of course! I'm a big country chauvinist after all."

Communication was cut off, and Chu Jungui began to make arrangements for the attack. This time, when going to two galaxies to suppress the rebellion, we couldn't use the prisoners of war just captured from the community, we could only use the old people from light years away. Hundreds of thousands of light-year veterans originally seemed like a lot, but in a total war, they were pitifully few. They were not enough to defend one galaxy, let alone two. Moreover, the dynasty obviously intends to throw more troublesome galaxies to itself.

The dispatch of human troops is much more troublesome. After Chu Jungui gave the order, he still had to mobilize, assemble, prepare war preparations and living supplies, and also consider pensions and placement of the sick and wounded. These people have all been with Chu Jungui for a long time, and some of them were captured by Guangnian at the earliest. They cannot be treated badly either due to emotion or reason. In comparison, the community prisoner-of-war troops are much less troublesome. They do not need wages and do not pay attention to treatment. Anyway, all kinds of treatment are better than the prison space station.

However, there are still a large number of residents in the two galaxies, all of whom are legal citizens of the dynasty. Therefore, we cannot use the Mist Clan's sub-body army to attack them. When Chu Jun returned to his original position and hesitated whether to use prisoners of war as the theme of the landing force, the Ministry of Defense of the dynasty sent a series of documents to officially confirm the transfer of galaxy sovereignty. It is sovereignty rather than stewardship.

Chu Jungui sighed, crossed out most of the planned prisoner-of-war troops, and changed them to mainly light-year regular troops. Once these two galaxies are obtained, they will be the core of Lightyear's personnel placement in the future. We cannot be careless. After all, planets 4 and 5 are not suitable for habitation and cannot be colonized on a large scale.

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