God is Coming

Chapter 1210

At this moment, the N77 star field suddenly became the focus again.

Several reconnaissance ships quietly appeared around the galaxy, closely monitoring every move of Light Year. However, the light-year fleet came in and out, and they all just hid and watched in the dark. Even Chu Jungui tentatively sent a fleet to land on a galaxy in the community, but the community did not respond. The ground defenders of that galaxy resisted tenaciously, but without the support of the orbital fleet, this resistance could only be suppressed.

Chu Jungui was in his flagship, watching the latest battle report. The battle report is the latest and extremely detailed, with a large number of real-time images of the battlefield.

In the second war zone, the joint fleet of the Federation and the Commonwealth launched 4 assaults, broke through the two defense lines of the Dynasty, and occupied 3 key galaxies. The fleets of both sides suffered heavy losses, and two capital ships each suffered heavy losses and withdrew from the battlefield. The dynasty has a slight advantage in terms of battle losses, but it is clearly inferior in terms of the ratio of troop losses.

At the end of the battle report, the dynasty finally started full-scale mobilization and wartime enlistment, which also means that the entire dynasty will become a war machine, everything serves the war, and all private property may be conscripted. No matter how bad the situation was before, the dynasty refused to start wartime recruitment, and now it shows that they are really cornered.

Chu Jungui put down the battle report, checked the time, opened his personal terminal, and inserted a special chip. At this time, a special channel appeared in the terminal, which was constantly flashing. Chu Jungui entered the channel and logged in. After a series of complicated verification procedures, his vision changed and he appeared in a solemn conference room.

In the center of the conference room is a long table with ten seats on each side. Surrounding it is a high platform with two rows of seats on it, with a total of sixty or seventy seats.

Chu Jungui appeared in a certain seat in the first row of the high platform, and then the meeting rules and precautions appeared in his vision.

This is the meeting room of the Dynasty Starship Joint Command Center. The regular meeting is held once a month, and the highest-level combat matters are discussed. Those who can sit on the central meeting table are all permanent members. As the commander-in-chief of the two fleets, Chu Jungui has the status second only to the permanent members. But at this meeting, Chu Jungui was only an observer and could not speak without permission.

It was the first time for him to participate in a meeting of this level. The fate of the entire dynasty's more than 800 galaxies and nearly 100 billion people had to be decided at this meeting.

The meeting started, and the opening link was quickly skipped. The chairman said: "There is a new member in this meeting, and that is Marshal Chu Jungui, the commander-in-chief of the Fourth and Seventh Fleets. I don't need to say more about Marshal Chu's deeds. Everyone We already know, we first welcome Marshal Chu to join us!"

After a burst of applause, we entered the first topic, and we did not hesitate at all.

The first topic is about the criteria for recruiting civilian starships. Discussions are short and efficient, and no minute is wasted. The final standard was very broad, and almost any private starship of a slightly larger size could be recruited. This standard was even more exaggerated than the Confederation's recruitment campaign at the time.

The standard is passed and implemented immediately. But there was no sign of relaxation on the faces of the marshals present, all of them were solemn and heavy. This time, there is no limit to the enlistment. Even if the war is won after the enlistment, they will face huge compensation after the war. The dynasty government may have to spend decades to repay the debt.

The following topics were quickly discussed and passed.

Chu Jungui listened quietly, and heard a lot of key information throughout the meeting. For example, the current military expenditure of the Dynasty has accounted for 70% of the total government budget, and there is almost no room for increase. The ratio of government revenue to GDP has also been rising along with the war, and has now exceeded half. This has also reached the limit in the scattered interstellar era, and when the recruitment starts, it is possible to directly break through 100%. The excess comes from the accumulated wealth of the residents.

The huge war machine of the dynasty finally began to run at super speed, of course, the cost was extremely huge, and many measures would cause endless troubles. But right now, for the sake of war, I can't care so much.

In addition, the dynasty has completed the mobilization of 50 million reserve troops, and there are still 150 million in mobilization. In the interstellar era, this mobilization ratio has also exceeded the limit. There are still 12 million people fighting on the planets in the star systems that have fallen on the front line. Their fate is bound to fail, but the time for the Federation to control these star systems can be delayed to buy time for the dynasty to counterattack.

Another brutal decision was the remobilization of the lightly wounded and the delay in the payment of pensions. The huge dynasty has been so distressed that it is almost impossible to pay the pension? Chu Jungui checked the information, only to find that the number of people in need of pensions in the dynasty has exceeded 5 million! The normal pension standard for the dynasty is 1 million, and the starship crew starts at 1.5 million. This is another astronomical figure.

After 5 hours, the meeting finally came to an end.

Before the end, an image of an officer appeared in front of Chu Jungui, saying, "Marshal Chu, wait a moment. Minister Cheng wants to meet with you after the meeting."

"Okay." Chu Jungui agreed.

At the end of the meeting, the scene before Chu Jungui changed, and he appeared in an office. The office is not too big, and the furnishings inside are very simple. It is hard to imagine that this is the office of the Minister of Defense of the Dynasty.

The marshal who was presiding over the meeting just now was sitting behind the desk. The Dynasty Ministry of Defense and the Starship Joint Command Center are not in the same galaxy, and he also presided over the meeting remotely.

At this time, Chu Jungui had the opportunity to observe closely the core figure in the power center of the dynasty and the promoter of the great purge. Most of the military reforms in the post-Xu Bingyan era came from this man. In terms of influence on the political situation, Minister Cheng is already in the top three.

Chu Jungui quickly went through the other party's information in his mind. Cheng Weiqi, Marshal of the Dynasty, was also a starfleet commander. He is less than 70 this year, so he is very young in terms of his position. Before the purge, there were many people who were nearly a hundred years old among the high-level officials of the dynasty, and now more than half of them have been purged.

Cheng Weiqi stood up from behind the desk, greeted Chu Jungui, and said, "Chen Er told me about you many times, and said that after the war, he would resign and go to work in Guangnian, haha!"

"He's a good joker."

"No, he's serious."

Chu Jungui was a little surprised and didn't know how to answer for a moment. Seeing Chu Jungui's expression, Cheng Weiqi said: "This is also very simple. Chen Er's previous experience was flawed. Now is a time of war, and everything can be changed, as long as we can win. But it can't be like this after the war. Yes, what has been done must be found out, and the price must be paid. No matter how many achievements Chen Er has made, it is another matter. After the war is over, at most he can be exempted from punishment, but the crime cannot be removed, otherwise the law will be where ? If he wins this battle, he should resign, and it would be a good choice to go to Light Years at that time."

"Chen Er used to..."

Cheng Weiqi sighed, and said: "At that time, he couldn't do otherwise. I understand, but there is no other way. Now that the forces of all the families have been cleaned up, I plan to recruit several families. The roots have been pulled out. Keeping them is a cancer for the dynasty.”

Chu Jungui didn't answer. If you want to talk about cancer, I am afraid that the biggest cancer now is light years.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Weiqi's next sentence would be: "The only thing I can pull out is a small tumor, but the biggest light-year can't be moved, haha!"

After laughing, Cheng Weiqi said, "I'm just joking."

Chu Jungui did not believe this sentence.

After the joke, Cheng Weiqi said seriously: "You have also seen the situation in today's meeting. The dynasty is very difficult now. The capital galaxy has begun to mobilize and is ready to start fortification at any time. Once the fleet can't stop the enemy, we are ready to attack the capital galaxy. Carry out the final decisive battle. If you still can't hold it, then continue to retreat, but you will leave 5 million ground troops in the capital galaxy, dragging the enemy into the quagmire."

Chu Jungui knew that in this way, the capital galaxy would inevitably be in ruins, and this loss was too great to be added.

Cheng Wei paused for a moment, and asked, "I want to know, how many starships are there in Light Years now? Can we launch an attack on the hinterland of the community and force the community to retreat first?"

Chu Jungui had already prepared, saying: "I still have 4 heavy cruisers and 6 light cruisers that can fight, and I can use half of them. As for forcing the community to retreat, it may be difficult. I have captured nearly 10 Galaxies, but they are completely unresponsive now."

"The community continues to attack! How many starships are you building? I want everything that can be used within three months!"

Chu Jungui hesitated this time. Although there are many starships under construction in Light Year, most of them are Wuzu starships, and there are very few that can be used by humans. The newly started construction is all Wuzu starships, not even a single one used by humans. The cost of building a human starship can build seven or eight Mist clan starships. The vast majority of Chu Jungui handed over to the dynasty are starships robbed or captured from the community. After cleaning the battlefield and dismantling the parts together, a few more ships can be assembled, but the hull needs to be rebuilt . The terrifying production capacity that can change the planet in light years now, the difficulty lies in the shipboard equipment, and it couldn't be easier to build only the hull.

Chu Jungui thought for a while, and said, "In two months, a new capital ship will barely reach the docking standard. I wonder if it will be too late?"

Cheng Weiqi's eyes lit up instantly, and the exhaustion on his face was swept away. He rushed up and grabbed Chu Jungui's hand, but it was empty. Only then did he realize that Chu Jungui was just an image, and said, "I forgot that you are not here. I want this starship, and you can just ask for the conditions!"

Chu Jungui thought about it carefully, but he really didn't know what to mention. The current dynasty is in turmoil, everything is lacking, and there is nothing to get out. After thinking about it, he remembered something and said, "There are quite a few descendants from aristocratic families who want to join my fleet, and I hope to be more relaxed in terms of personnel appointments."

"For your fleet, you decide who to choose. Oh, by the way, we still have a surplus of officers. Do we need to support you?"

Chu Jungui quickly refused. His fleet didn't need people, even the current officers and crew had nowhere to put them.

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