God is Coming

Chapter 1217 Counterinsurgency

Chu Jungui watched quietly, waiting until the president finished venting his emotions. The President threw himself on the sofa, covered his face, and was still muttering something in a low voice.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Chu Jungui finally asked.

"Those rebels, those rebels..." The president's voice was full of fatigue, "They actually got the support of several congressmen! Those congressmen are my mortal enemies, but they are breaking the rules of the game! They want to You want me to step down!”

"So, you haven't secured the 30,000 rebels yet?"

"Now it is 300,000, and we have received assistance with weapons and ammunition. My enemies have already moved their fleets to the border, ready to intervene in my counter-insurgency operations at any time."

"It seems that your position is indeed unstable. Didn't I give you a batch of equipment? Why are there more and more rebels fighting?"

As soon as he mentioned this, the president became angry: "They are all a bunch of ungrateful guys! I ordered the troops to slow down the attack and gave them time to reconsider. Then they used this opportunity to contact my enemies, all enemies !”

"Now that the Community is preparing to attack my galaxy, what are your plans?"

The President had regained his composure. This was a vital issue. Without thinking, he said directly: "Of course I am on your side! Except that I cannot directly participate in the war, I can give you whatever you need!"

The president's firm attitude is surprising. Chu Jungui said immediately: "Very good, then give me the authority over the Meyer Galaxy. I will take over the entire galaxy in three days."

"Meier Galaxy?..." The President gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

Chu Jungui nodded and cut off the communication. Next, he contacted a dozen old friends from the community, half of whom did not answer his communication, and some of the other half had ambiguous attitudes. Four of them were firmly on Chu Jungui's side. However, Chu Jungui knew that two of the four were actually insiders of the community and were ready to give him a hard blow behind his back at any time.

Chu Jungui is quite satisfied to have three powerful figures on his side. After all, the community has obvious advantages now, and Lightyear's fleet has been exhausted. The only thing that people are afraid of is the engineering ship. The armed engineering ship is not invincible. Heavy cruisers and battleships with dense secondary batteries are its nemesis.

Now Chu Jungui has three staunch allies within the community, although they are all in turmoil. The most important one is the president of Harvey Republic. Chu Jungui actually only made substantive demands on him.

One day later, the Community fleet arrived in the N77 star field and gave Lightyear an ultimatum, requiring unconditional surrender within 24 hours, otherwise it would be completely destroyed.

Chu Jungui's response to this was to let the unfinished starship stay in the dock for another 24 hours, so that the construction progress could be moved forward to some extent. Mist starships are different from human starships. They can be ready for battle if the completion rate exceeds 50%. The reliability of many systems is not important. Even if the fleet armor has not yet been installed, you can still hide behind other starships and attack under the control of the wise man.

As soon as the 24-hour ultimatum expired, the Community fleet immediately entered the N77 star field, and then encountered the Lightyear fleet outside the N7703 star system. The commander of the Community Fleet looked at the six battleships in front of him, 4 in front and 2 in back, and slowly opened his mouth.

The battle was one-sided from the beginning. The commander of the Community Fleet was decisive. After a short fire test, he found that the six battleships on the opposite side were all firing, and all of them were battleships of the battleship level. He immediately retreated. Moreover, the two battleships fled at full speed, not caring about the fleet behind them. It's just that the strength gap between the two sides is too large. The fleet that the community left behind was eaten up by light years in the blink of an eye, and then began to chase the main fleet that escaped.

This round of pursuit revealed a problem. Three of Lightyear's six battleships stayed put and did not participate in the pursuit at all. One of the other three battleships is obviously slower, 30% slower than the normal standard. Therefore, there are only two battleships that Lightyear is really chasing after, and we don't know what their true status is. However, although the commander of the Community Fleet doubted the integrity and true combat power of the Lightyear battleship, he did not dare to stop and fight. Although the capital ship that is lagging behind is slow, it will catch up as long as it stops to fight. In addition, the Lightyear Fleet includes more than just capital ships. There are more than 20 light and heavy cruisers of various sizes, which is twice the number of the Community fleet! Half of the community's originally strong cruiser fleet was lost to the rear forces and has been eaten up by light years.

This round of pursuit lasted for six days. In the end, the Community fleet forced a jump despite light-year firepower, and then escaped from the N77 star field. One-third of the starships were destroyed during the jump, and the rest were all injured, but the two battleships still brought them back, and destroyed many light-years of starships in the battle.

The distance for an emergency jump will not be too far. The first choice target of the Community fleet is the Meyer system, where there is a starship supply and maintenance base directly managed by the Community. The fleet plans to rest here briefly before returning to the capital system. However, when the Community fleet jumped out from the jumping point, what was waiting for them was a light-year fleet.

The Lightyear fleet attacked the fleet that had just completed the jump, causing heavy casualties to the undefended fleet in the blink of an eye. The only good thing is that the fleet of Light Year is not very strong, with only three heavy cruisers. Therefore, the Community fleet still succeeded in allowing two battleships to escape. The price was that the mobile fleet was completely destroyed and all the landing ships were turned into Prisoner of light years.

Just before the Community fleet jumped, this light-year fleet entered the Meyer system disguised as the supply fleet of the Harvey Republic, and then, with the cooperation of the President's people, raided the Community's space fortress and maintenance base, and captured all the Community defenders. , and then waited at the jumping point, waiting for the arrival of the Community fleet.

The Community fleet in the N77 star field fought fiercely all the way. They had no idea that changes had occurred behind them, and they still completed the jump according to the original plan. In fact, the mobile fortress deployed by the Community in the Meyer system was so powerful that it could not be captured by three heavy cruisers. However, Chu Jungui had the president as an internal agent. After camouflage, the fleet successfully approached the fortress and sent the marines up. There were also people from the President in the fortress who were destroying everything, so a top-level fortress with full deterrent power fell into Chu Jungui's hands in less than an hour.

The battle in the Meyer Galaxy completely tied the president of the Harvey Republic to a light-year chariot. Without the cooperation of the president's men inside and outside, Chu Jungui would not be able to capture the community's mobile fortress, nor would he be able to catch the community fleet off guard. Now, although the Community fleet has saved its main ship, the rest of the starships have been wiped out, and another 5 million soldiers have fallen into the hands of Lightyear. Even for a behemoth like the Community, the loss of 25 million marines is unbearable. In fact, the biggest loss was due to underestimating the enemy and allowing the landing troops to follow the main fleet. As a result, the main fleet collapsed time and time again, and the landing troops in the rear became the victims.

24 hours after the Community fleet escaped, the Lightyear fleet also completed its jump and appeared in the Mer galaxy. In the Lightyear Fleet, the two capital ships were so murderous that the surrounding star systems were so frightened that they did not dare to move. The main fleet of Lightyear was stationed in the Meyer system, and then sent a large number of mobile fleets to begin sweeping the surrounding systems. In just a few days, not only were several galaxies occupied by the community taken back, but five additional galaxies were harvested.

With the help of the light-year fleet's intimidation, President Harvey mobilized all his troops to attack the rebels. The rebels were divided among several planets and had no orbital combat power, so they were quickly defeated.

Lightyear's victory came so quickly that the Community's ground forces had no time to evacuate. Only some small fleets escaped early when the situation was bad, and they escaped. Most of the people who were put on the must-kill list by Chu Jungui did not have time to escape and fell into Chu Jungui's hands. The only people on the list who were not arrested were those who gave orders at the community headquarters.

After catching the people, Chu Jungui held a trial without further ado, declared them war criminals, and then executed them all.

Lightyear's quick victory and execution of war criminals shocked the entire community, and some hawks and nobles strongly demanded an all-out war against Lightyear. The people in the country were also very vocal, launching continuous demonstrations and demanding war against Light Year. The top leaders of the community finally began to discuss the plan to mobilize fleets from the dynasty's front line and then completely destroy Lightyear.

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