God is Coming

Chapter 1226 Pervasive

In the Community Parliament, MacMillan, who had not slept all night, sat in his office, frowning and thinking. In front of him, four secretaries were reporting at the same time, all talking about different contents. Each of them is assigned a different channel so that they will not interfere with each other. With his super personal ability, McMillan can listen to 4 reports at the same time without confusion.

After MacMillan's strong intervention, the police department, which had always been known for its slow efficiency, burst out with amazing vitality. Of course, this may also be due to the resignation of the chief superintendent and the waiting for the replacement of the deputy chief superintendent.

Now the common patterns in nearly a thousand cases have been found, and the method of committing crimes by wise men has been roughly ascertained. The wise man first finds out the target's actions in the next period of time, and then plans the itinerary that will not change. Select key figures, such as the freight speed driver in a case. The driver got sick for no apparent reason that day and took a day off. But his leave application mysteriously disappeared online, and at the same time he received a reply from his boss approving it. In fact, the boss did not approve it at all. But the truck still started moving that day, with the same driver behind the wheel, and the truck followed the planned route until it suddenly swooped and hit a speeding car parked on the side of the road that had just picked up someone.

The flying car was crushed on the spot, and no one inside was spared. The truck was safe and sound. The driver got out of the car calmly, crossed the street, entered a large shopping mall, and disappeared.

On board was a congressman's wife and two children, as well as a driver and two bodyguards. And that member of Parliament has always been known for firmly promoting the war against Light Year. This is a typical recent light-year crime. The key is the appearance of two truck drivers. The one driving the truck is obviously a fake, but not only does he look exactly like the real driver, but he also has the same physiological characteristics, so he can drive away the freight car that requires a pupil test. In the main systems of the community, practitioners in sensitive and key industries have submitted biological characteristics such as pupils, fingerprints, and genes. As long as the biological characteristics match, they will automatically pass without additional inspection. Similar industries include not only urban freight drivers, but also interstellar freighter drivers, special construction machinery operators, important facility security guards, police officers, etc.

In response to the wise man's method, McMillan immediately thought of two methods. One was to transform all monitoring facilities and focus on investigating the situation where the same person appeared in two places at the same time. But this is very difficult and not necessarily useful. For example, the real freight driver slept at home all day, but residents cannot install surveillance cameras in their homes.

The second is to change genetic testing to protein molecular structure testing, just like the wealthy family member did. This can effectively detect the whereabouts of the murderer. The negative effect is that it requires astronomical amounts of funds and is of little use. What if we finally know that the murderer's remains are in the sewer? Take the petri dish containing the residue to court, or wave the petri dish at an interstellar meeting and accuse light years?

The more he thought about it, the more MacMillan felt a headache. He now truly understood the meaning of Chu Jungui's words that you have no evidence. To prevent all-pervasive attacks, the only way to comprehensively upgrade the security system of the entire community is to spend astronomical amounts of money. The initial transformation of the capital galaxy alone will exceed 10 trillion, and the annual maintenance cost can build two capital ships. And to be truly effective, surveillance must be installed in everyone’s home, not just in bedrooms but also in bathrooms. It is conceivable that if Parliament dared to enact such a decree, the Community government would collapse the next day. And this is just one galaxy in the capital galaxy. There are at least a dozen other important galaxies in the community, and there is no money to transform them.

Information systems also need to be transformed. Facts have proved that the community's network is like a light-year back garden. The other party can browse as they want, take all kinds of data as they want, and change it as they want. If this part also needs to be renovated, it will be a huge project.

If you think about it, you will know that it is impossible to defend against Light Years. In other words, from now on, all big shots and their families must live cautiously, as they may encounter a fatal attack at some point.

A thought suddenly flashed through McMillan's mind: This was a terrorist attack on the upper echelons. The community will inevitably be intolerable and war will be inevitable.

At the same moment, Chu Jungui was holding a research report and reading it. Opposite him, Le Mans sat nervously during the class implementation, wiping the non-existent sweat from time to time.

The report was not long, so Chu Jungui read it carefully word for word for half an hour. After reading it, he thought for a moment, put down the report, and said, "It can be successfully transplanted and reproduced normally, but I don't know the specific principle?"

Le Mans said: "Yes. The double-leaf tree is a magical species. It was only by chance that we discovered the soil formula for it to grow successfully in space, and the composition is completely different from the soil of Planet 4. This is a kind of... coincide."

Even if it is a coincidence, it is still a huge discovery. Chu Jungui silently commented in his heart.

This report is part of an ongoing project in Le Mans, the artificial cultivation and transplantation of double-leaf trees. Previous attempts have not been very successful. After being transplanted into space, the double-leaf trees will slowly die, with a lifespan of no more than a year. The success of Le Mans came from an accident. A researcher accidentally dropped the seeds of a double-leaf tree into a culture medium box. The soil in the base box was completely different from the soil of Planet 4. In this kind of soil, the double-leaf tree sprouted and grew successfully, and subsequent space experiments also confirmed that it could grow smoothly.

In the energy utilization system, the importance of double-leaf trees is unique. It's not collecting or converting energy, that's the job of storm clouds or solar panels. What it does is convert electrical energy into energy grains, which is actually energy compression. The stable and controllable grains and extremely high energy density make it the best quality energy source, and its comprehensive performance is even far superior to antimatter. If there were no crystal grains produced by the double-leaf tree in light years, the difference would be even greater than burning oil and burning gasoline. It is the difference between chemical energy and fusion energy.

Such an important project, such a major breakthrough, came from an accidental mistake by a researcher? Chu Jungui suppressed the sense of absurdity in his heart, affirmed the success of the project, arranged rewards, and then began to mass-produce the soil and prepare to transplant double-leaf trees into space. When large-scale transplantation is completed, Lightyear will no longer need to be crucified on Planet 4. Chu Jungui casually opened the latest production plan. The development of Planet 5 has entered a bottleneck, and he is preparing to develop Planet 6 in the near future. This is the last step in the Lightyear expansion plan. According to the energy output of Planet 4, it can only support the full opening of two planets at most. But after the successful transplantation of the double-leaf tree, the light-year ceiling has disappeared.

As for how the double-leaf tree produces grains, Le Mans has not yet understood it.

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