God is Coming

Chapter 1239 Return

Looking at the pile of bones, Chu Jungui was stunned for a few seconds, then he squatted down and reached out to rummage through the scattered bones. After a few minutes, a rabbit was spelled out. According to the skeleton calculation, this rabbit should be one and a half meters long and half a meter high in front of its body, making it a veritable giant rabbit. The rabbit's skull was completely chewed into pieces, and many of the bone fragments still had gnawing marks. And the skull was incomplete, with about a third of it missing.

Judging from the traces of the bones, the rabbit must have been preyed upon by some kind of predatory beast and became its dinner. Kaitian's wave signal is emitted from a bone, but it is not the skull, but a claw bone of the front paw. Chu Jungui picked up the tiny bone, which was no longer than a little finger, and determined that this was the source of the distress signal. At this moment, in the hands of Chu Jungui, it still sends out extremely weak signals at a fixed frequency. It seems that Kaitian has lost consciousness.

Chu Jun was about to do something when his eyes suddenly fell on a small bone. The bone was only a few centimeters long and as thin as a match. At first glance, Chu Junhui thought it was just a bone fragment, but upon closer inspection, he discovered that it was exactly the same as the hind leg bone of a giant rabbit and was very complete. These are also the hind leg bones of a rabbit, only one is huge and the other is very small. Chu Jungui used his hands to dig up the gravel and soil, and soon found more small bones, and finally pieced together a rabbit skeleton the size of a palm.

Chu Jun returned to the way he came and dragged the body of the strange beast over. The waist and abdomen of the alien beast were roasted, but some of the internal organs in the chest were still intact. Chu Jungui tore open the chest of the alien beast with his bare hands and took out the beast's heart. The vitality of this strange beast is extremely tenacious, and its heart is already half-cooked and still beating from time to time.

Chu Jungui picked up the giant rabbit's foot bone, opened it and looked at it, then rubbed his hands into powder and sprinkled it on the heart of the alien beast. The powder slowly blended into the blood, and tiny bubbles began to appear in the purple-black blood. The first tiny bubbles rose to the surface of the blood, and it took a few minutes before they exploded, and a wisp of black mist that was almost invisible to the naked eye floated out. As more and more tiny bubbles appeared, the layer of viscous blood on the surface of the heart gradually disappeared, and the heart was covered with a thin layer of mist. The mist began to erode the heart, slowly at first, then faster and faster, and finally the entire alien beast's heart turned into a surging mist.

"Master?" A faint idea came from the mist.

Chu Jungui took out a few more internal organs from the body of the alien beast and said, "Recover first."

After a while, the alien beast had turned into an animal skin, and even the bones were gone. There was a somewhat transparent young man in front of Chu Jungui, and Kaitian finally came back.

In Chu Jungui's consciousness, it took a total of 35 minutes from devouring the heart to basically recovering.

"What happened? It's okay. Speak slowly. We'll talk while working." After saying that, Chu Jungui picked up a few colorful stones and threw them to Kaitian, saying, "Check the composition." , do you remember how to do it?”

Kaitian paused for a few seconds before saying, "I remembered."

"Huh?" Chu Jungui asked while picking up stones and building the stove: "What do you think? Tell me in detail!"

Kaitian originally only had a few remaining cells left, hiding in his bones. These few cells couldn't remember anything at all, and they couldn't save much information no matter how hard they were used. So where did Kaitian's memory come from?

Kaitian carefully recalled the feeling just now and said: "It felt like there was an invisible door. Behind the door was my knowledge and memory. When I wanted to recall just now, the door opened and let me take it back. I have gained a lot of memories and inherited knowledge.”

"Is there anything else behind the door?"

"I don't know, there is a sea of ​​light behind it. When I touch it, memory and knowledge appear naturally."

Chu Jungui stopped asking any more questions and listened to Kaitian's story about his experience during this period.

The last time the real dream changed drastically, everyone else returned from the real dream, but Kaitian was stranded in this strange world. Later, it met the black and white rabbit left by the previous civilization, found the scavenger base, and fought several battles with the approaching Festering Sky. It's just that the beast army in the festering sky is endless, but the scavengers in Kaitian are limited, and they are defeated in front of the endless monsters. Kaitian continued to escape with the black and white rabbit, changing his body several times along the way, but in the end it was difficult to escape. Kaitian had no choice but to find an ordinary beast and turned it into its dinner. He hid the last bit of body cells in a claw bone of his front paw and waited for Chu Jungui's arrival.

There is no meat in the front paws of rabbits, and most wild animals are too lazy to chew them. Many beasts can even eat larger bones. From this, Kaitian was able to preserve the last few cells and send signals regularly. Due to too few cells, Kaitian also lost a lot of memory, and only had the function of passively sending signals.

As for that base, it has long fallen into the scope of the Festering Sky. Kaitian doesn’t remember the specific location either.

After hearing Kaitian's experience, Chu Jungui knew that the skeleton of the tiny rabbit turned out to be the manager left behind by the creation of the real dream civilization, but unfortunately it had now turned into white bones. Chu Jungui tried pouring some of the blood of strange beasts on it, but there was no movement at all. It seems that the vitality of this former civilization manager is far less than that of Kaitian. However, this does not mean that it is completely dead. When the conditions are right, Chu Jungui plans to extract the genes from its bones to see if he can clone a Friesian rabbit.

While listening to Kaitian's experience, Chu Jungui set up the stove. In a short period of time, Kaitian has tested the composition of dozens of ores and selected 7 types of ores that can be used.

Chu Jungui chopped down a tree with a stone axe, laid the wood blocks and crushed ore layer by layer in the furnace, and then hung his hand over the furnace. In the blink of an eye, black smoke came out of the furnace, and then the smoke turned into Became a spitting pillar of fire. Under the blessing of Chu Jungui's high-temperature force field, the flames ejected from the furnace mouth turned blue in a few minutes, and a stream of red molten iron flowed out from under the furnace. However, the molten iron did not cool down, but the temperature was still rising. Chu Jungui grabbed it casually, and a ball of molten iron flew into the palm of his hand, and then tiny particles continued to fly out of it. Chu Jungui stared at the molten iron, constantly adjusting its internal components. After a while, the molten iron turned into the shape of a multi-functional knife. It suddenly cooled rapidly, and Chu Jungui had a multi-functional knife in his hand.

This knife was dark gray in color and was no longer iron. After Chu Jungui fine-tuned the proportion of elements in the molten iron, it was now a steel alloy knife. In terms of metal properties, it is naturally far inferior to those high-performance alloys, but it is already qualitatively different from ordinary iron knives.

Chu Jungui threw the steel knife to Kaitian. Kaitian slowly brushed the blade with his hand, and then the dull blade became radiant with cold light and extremely sharp. If you look carefully, you will find that the blade has not even entered Kaitian's palm. It has been sharpened when it comes out, which is similar to what is processed by human machine tools.

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