God is Coming

Chapter 16 Return to Civilization

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The transport ship lifted off slowly, left the planet with a slightly cumbersome movement, and sailed towards the orbit of the planet.

In the restaurant inside the transport ship, a special banquet is being held. All the students sat neatly on both sides of the rows of tables and kept quiet.

Standing with his hands behind his back, Meng Jianghu swept across the audience like an electric gaze, and said in a deep voice: "We all know that there have been many accidents in this field test, and we also know that there may be accidents in every field test, and the casualty index is like this Come. But!"

The sudden increase in volume shocked all the students, and they straightened up unconsciously.

Meng Jianghu paused for a moment, then Fang said: "However, the casualties this time are very stupid! It's stupid to see that the giant beasts that were dropped didn't run away immediately, and it's even more stupid to fly into the sky! Some of you didn't die, just Because of good luck! For those who are still alive, I hope that I will not make such a stupid mistake next time. On the battlefield, no one will sympathize with you, and no one will listen to your story. The only consequence of making a mistake is to die in battle!"

"Remember, the purpose of war is not to die, but to live. Let yourself, and your family, friends, and colleagues behind you, be able to live!"

Some of the students were awe-inspiring, while others didn't take it seriously.

Meng Jianghu slowed down his tone and said, "According to our tradition, every year after the field survival test ends, the winner will have a special reward. But this year, there seems to be no winner."

Some students were resentful. This year's survival battle was full of situations and ended halfway through. If not, they are all determined to compete for the highest honor once a year. Even if strength is lacking, luck can make up for it.

In fact, every guy with insufficient strength is confident in his own luck.

However, Meng Jianghu changed the tone and said, "However, the good news is that after eight years, our Xinzheng has obtained the qualification to participate in the year-end performance!"

There was a burst of cheers in the restaurant! Many people jumped on the table without fear of punishment at all. Even Qin Yi's stop was useless.

Meng Jianghu coughed, and the restaurant was instantly quiet.

"It's an accident, not a surprise, to get the qualification for the year-end performance this time. This qualification is a recognition of our strength."

Suddenly someone yelled strangely: "The guards of Tianji have been brought down, it's still such a long time! Of course we must recognize our strength!"

Suddenly burst into laughter.

Su Xue and Li Bin blushed and explained to the people around them that they really didn't do it by themselves, but who would listen?

Meng Jianghu was noncommittal, Qin Yi stood up, and said loudly: "This matter is over, don't mention it again! If it gets out, you will know the consequences."

The laughter gradually died down, but they all turned into whispers and private laughter.

Meng Jianghu coughed again, and the audience stood still.

"The second thing is to welcome our new partner. Come back!"

Chu Jungui stood up and greeted the audience, his movements were a little stiff, and he almost knocked over the cup in front of him. Perhaps realizing his nervousness, he became even more nervous, his face flushed.

Then there were whistles, most of which were blown by female students.

Meng Jianghu showed a rare smile and said, "Since we have no winners this time, the prepared rewards will be given to the newcomers."

Four chefs carried a shiny silver plate into the restaurant, and with a bang, it placed it heavily in front of Chu Jungui. Then the lid of the meal was lifted, and an astonishingly large roasted chicken appeared in front of Chu Jungui.

The size of this chicken is beyond imagination. I don't know if it is a turkey or an ostrich.

"Eat!" Meng Jianghu always spoke concisely.

Facing such a big chicken, Chu Jungui didn't know what to do, but a male student next to him kindly came over and whispered: "Do it, tear the legs, gnaw!"

Chu Jungui was as good as he was, and just as he stretched out his hand, he heard a slap, and the male student had already been hit on the head with a plate. The man screamed, turned his head and saw that the one who attacked was a sturdy female student next to him, who was half a head taller and a circle thicker than him.

"Don't dare to bully my little gentleman again, next time the old lady will blow you up on the battlefield!" The female student snarled against his ear.

The male student's ears were buzzing, and he was dizzy from the shock, and he didn't know where to go.

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded from the side: "Jungui does not belong to your family."

The female student turned her head with a murderous look on her face, "Fang Yu, do you have to fight against me?"

What she was staring at was another female student with long hair and long legs. Fang Yu put his legs on the table, with a face of indifference, and lazily said: "Anyway, you have to fight when you go to the battlefield. It's not a matter of fighting or not. In fact, I just don't like you. If you really want to fight, Now is also okay."

The sturdy female student refused to show weakness, stood up suddenly, and wanted to make a move.

Meng Jianghu coughed again, so the audience was quiet, and Fang Yu quickly took off his legs and sat upright.

Meng Jianghu nodded to Chu Jungui and said, "It's yours now, eat it."

Chu Jungui thought for a while, reached out to the chicken leg, and then tore off the chicken leg that was bigger than his head. After hesitating for a long time, he finally closed his eyes and bit down.

Many students couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot. However, some people were still unconvinced and muttered: "Why is he eating chicken?"

This sentence immediately attracted ridicule.

"proceed if you can?"

"It's like saying that without Jungui, you can eat chicken."

"Say it like you've had chicken before."

The man's face was flushed, and he argued: "Although I have never eaten it, I have a heart to eat chicken!"

No one laughed this time, but whoever participated in the survival battle, regardless of their level, didn't have a heart to eat chicken?

Some smart ones, thinking of the origin of Chu Jungui, stopped talking. Meng Jianghu has always been fair. He must have a reason for letting Chu Jun return to eat chicken, but it is just a reason, and it may not be easy to get into it.

Eating chicken in the name of a newcomer is also a reason that most people can accept. As the banquet officially started, the atmosphere became active again, and it soon transitioned from a dinner party to a wine competition.

"I wonder how Jun Gui's drinking capacity is?"

"Do you want to try it?"

Several male students' proposals with ulterior motives were unanimously echoed by female students. Everyone was clamoring to find Chu Jungui, but found that he had disappeared.

The few people still didn't give up, they searched around again to no avail, and then they were dragged to drink by their acquaintances, and in a blink of an eye they forgot to release Chu Jungui.

At this moment, Chu Jungui was standing in Meng Jianghu's office.

Qin Yi said nothing, handed over a report, and then stood by.

The main content of the report is the data recovered from the rescue cabin, as well as Chu Jungui's identity verification results.

According to the data of the rescue capsule, it originally belonged to a small spaceship returning to Yueyong Xing from the outer space research station, but was intercepted by star robbers on the way. The star thief's attack accidentally detonated the reactor of the spaceship. Before the spaceship disintegrated, the rescue capsule ejected and finally landed on this uninhabited planet.

Reminiscent of the appearance of the Blood Banner Star Pirates, it is clear why the spaceship was attacked. Naturally, this old-fashioned transport spaceship couldn't escape the clutches of the elite Blood Banner star thieves, and it was considered lucky to be able to shoot out a few rescue capsules. As for the other rescue capsules, obviously they were not very lucky, they failed to land on the planet, and could only drift slowly in the universe until the end of time.

The sea of ​​stars is vast, and it is impossible to find these floating rescue capsules.

Meng Jianghu picked up the report and read it carefully. After reading it, his face turned gentle and said, "Your identity has been verified, and there is no problem. Since the matter has already happened, don't be sad. When you graduate from school, Naturally, there is a chance to face the star robbers on the battlefield."

Chu Jungui gritted his teeth and said, "I will kill all the star robbers!"

"I hope so." Meng Jianghu seemed to sigh, then shook his head again.

Qin Yi said from the side: "Some star robbers are simply disguised by the enemy. When they return to the country, they will take off the star robber uniforms and change into military uniforms."

"But when they wear star thief uniforms, they are star robbers. Even if I kill them, I'm just killing star robbers." Chu Jun returned.

Qin Yi sighed, "If it's so easy to kill, that's fine."

At this time, Meng Jianghu smiled rarely, and said, "It's a good thing that you are willing to fight to the death with Star Thief. Oh, by the way, you have lived in the research base for the past fifteen years?"


"Who taught you how to study?"

"Father, other uncles and aunts in the base will occasionally give guidance. In addition, the basic courses are taught remotely or offline." Chu Jungui replied.

These are the contents that the doctor has transmitted to him long ago.

According to his identity information, Chu Jungui was born in an ordinary family. His father was a diligent but untalented researcher, and he divorced his wife very early. Xiao Jungui was raised by his father alone, and has been living in the space research base since he can remember.

When he was sixteen years old, his father finally made up his mind to take a vacation, and wanted to bring Jungui back to Yueyongxing's hometown and let him return to life on the planet. But he didn't expect to encounter star robbers on this journey, and Chu Jungui became the only survivor on the ship.

The information has long been stored in the memory area, and there is no need to recall it, it can be recalled directly, so Chu Jungui answered very quickly.

Meng Jianghu asked a few more questions, and seeing that there was no flaw, he handed over the information to Qin Yi. In fact, Chu Jungui also has a chip that records his identity information, and he has already verified his identity through scanning when he boarded the transport ship. It's just that he appeared suddenly and was related to Lin Xi, so Meng Jianghu had to be more cautious and double-check.

Meng Jianghu reached out and tapped on the desktop, and the wooden-patterned desktop changed into a multi-function display with a document appearing on it.

With a swipe of Meng Jianghu's finger, the document on the display screen circled and it was in front of Chu Jungui.

"Our business school mainly trains all kinds of military talents. It is directly funded by the royal family and has always been the highest institution in the Xinzheng Kingdom. You are a citizen of the kingdom, so it is natural for you to join our school. This is the admission notice. If you think No problem, let's sign it."

The admission notice is actually a contract, only two short pages.

Before Chu Jungui took a closer look, Meng Jianghu said: "Actually, you have no other choice. Since that person has already spoken, if you want to see you in the year-end performance, you can only join the business and become a warrior."

"No other choice?"

Qin Yi patted Chu Jungui on the shoulder and said, "You can choose not to go, but that person named you and handed you over to us, so we have no other choice but to find a way to get you Get over it. It doesn’t matter if you live or die, just go.”

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