God is Coming

Chapter 622 Try a compliment

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Lin Xi's mind went blank for a moment, his whole body froze, and he said, "You, you are..."

"It's me." Chu Jungui let go of his hand like an electric shock, and took a step back, as fast as lightning, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

He took off the backpack and threw it on the ground. The backpack disassembled and unfolded by itself, turning into a simple armor replacement machine for field battles, and it came with a light armor.

"Put it on."

Lin Xi stood where he was, stretched out his hands, and said helplessly, "I can't move."

Chu Jungui raised his hand to the side to shoot, and the recoil pushed him so that he was visibly shaken. But this extremely powerful bullet directly destroyed the glass curtain wall of the quarantine area. Chu Jungui shot the force field generator again, and Lin Xi immediately regained his freedom of movement.

She immediately put on her battle armor and followed Chu Jun back out of the isolation area.

"Squat down and close the sensor." Chu Jungui shouted, and then connected a small device to the exposed cable. This thing is small in size, but absorbing energy is extremely terrifying. In an instant, the lights in the entire hall began to flicker, and the electronic synthesis sound began to sound: "Warning, the main power grid is overloaded! Activate all backup power stations!"

Chu Jungui rushed to Lin Xi's side and knelt down with his head in his arms. The gizmo soaked up power for a full ten seconds, getting brighter and brighter.

At this time, several hidden doors around the hall opened, and a large number of heavily armed soldiers rushed in. However, their identification friend or foe system was still working. The small device suddenly exploded, and the entire hall was filled with terrifying screams and electromagnetic surges. Countless electronic devices were overloaded and burned instantly, and the screams directly resonated with human bones. . Everyone in the hall was stunned by colorful lights before their eyes. Some technicians who were struggling to get up even passed out directly.

Lin Xi turned off the sensor in time, and he had a strong body, which made him feel sick. In the audience, only Chu Jungui acted as usual. He tightened the skeletal muscles of his body, thereby changing the resonant frequency of the bones, so the human shock bombs were ineffective against him. He appeared next to the technical director like a ghost, took off his personal terminal, inserted a knife into the back of his neck, picked out the personal chip, and sprayed the wound with healing spray. The technical director is not going to die, and some damage is inevitable.

Over there, Lin Xi barely stood up, still shaking a little, and saw Chu Jungui striding forward.

"We..." Lin Xi only said two words before Chu Jungui hugged him. Her heart moved, and she thought to herself: "This piece of wood is finally not easy to carry..."

As soon as this idea came up, Chu Jungui used his arms to carry her on his shoulders.

Before Lin Xi had time to protest, Chu Jungui bent over and squatted on the ground, his battle armor spraying out thin jets. Chu Jungui exerted all his strength and shot out like a cannonball. With the first step, he stepped 15 meters, and with the second step, he reached the passageway that was blasted out. He bounced off the ground, hit the broken wall like a cannonball, and then refracted upwards. After a few bounces, he rushed out of the ground, and his speed was many times faster than that of the battle armor.

Chu Jungui sprinted at full speed, jumped up from the wall, jumped over the 15-meter-high wall, and rushed into the lively urban area.

There was already chaos outside the security bureau. Numerous flying cars slowed down. Drivers and passengers stared dumbfounded at the plume of smoke spraying up to 100 meters, and turned on the holographic video recording one after another.

Chu Jungui passed through the chaotic traffic like a ghost, smashed through the second-floor window of the building next door, rushed in, and rushed out from the other side in a blink of an eye, disappearing into the night.

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A few minutes later, Chu Jungui and Lin Xi were already sitting in an old flying car that couldn't be more ordinary, flying quickly on the main air route. Until this time, the two had a chance to speak.

Lin Xi wanted to say something else, but he couldn't help but said, "Why are you so impulsive? Go to the security bureau to rob people? Do you know what this means?"

"I know." Chu Jungui was very calm.

"I know you're still here?"

"I heard they gave you a shot and I would never give them the chance to get a second shot."

Lin Xi sighed, "That injection is nothing special. At worst, I'll be an ordinary person, and you shouldn't come. You've already ruined yourself by making such a fuss."

While driving the car, Chu Jungui said, "I'm just a warrior, and I'm of no value in the first place, so I can't talk about destroying or not."

Lin Xi suddenly became angry, and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about! You don't need to care about yourself, but there are many people who care about you. If I knew you were acting like this, I shouldn't have taken all the ownership of planet 4. I leave it all to you."

"The base is developing well now, and the debt is almost paid off. Everyone's bottom-level control is locked in our hands. If you want, you can transfer it to you at any time."

Lin Xi was so angry that she couldn't bring it up, but she also knew that Chu Jungui was like this, so she gritted her teeth and said, "In the future, without my permission, you will never come to save me on your own! Do you hear me?"

"No." Chu Jungui refused simply.

Lin Xi was inexplicably happy and asked, "Why?"

"This is a mission." Chu Jungui poured cold water on her again.

Lin Xi couldn't take it anymore this time, and pinched Chu Jungui's neck with her little paw. Chu Jungui instinctively felt the threat, turned his head and saw a small face with gnashing teeth, and was stunned for a moment.

"Why are you in a daze?" Lin Xi asked.

Chu Jungui said seriously: "You look so pretty when you're angry."

Lin Xi couldn't believe that such words would come out of Chu Jungui's mouth. His mind went blank for a moment, and he subconsciously asked, "Yes, is it? How beautiful is it?"

"There are only a dozen people in front of you." Chu Jungui felt murderous aura rushing towards his face when he said a word. Survival is the instinct of the test subject, and he dared not save energy, so he hurriedly completed the omitted sentence: "I mean, the entire human star field."

Only then did Lin Xi turn his anger into joy, snorted, and said, "Is it so difficult for you to say something nice? Why don't you make me happy?"

"I work hard." Chu Jungui's attitude was very good, but Lin Xi didn't appreciate it, raised his small eyebrows, and shouted: "I still need to work hard to praise me? I'm so bad that I can't find a place to praise me?"

"Of course not, but I have to think about from which angle I can properly express your kindness."

"That's about the same, let's give it a try."

When Chu Jungui was pondering, the three major components jumped out scrambling to contribute, even metaphysics was unwilling to lag behind, and actually gave dozens of proposals, apparently wanting to seize the rare opportunity to make meritorious service, so as to improve themselves The status and capacity of the three major components into four major components.

It's just that even with the emotional intelligence of the test subject infinitely approaching zero, I still feel that compliments such as "the heaven is so full, the earth is very round, and the Yintang never turns black" are very problematic.

Chu Jungui directly turned off metaphysics, and among the remaining hundreds of suggestions, he found one that was particularly suitable and did not violate his general principle of not lying to Lin Xi.

Chu Jungui looked at Lin Xi and said, "Apart from being good-looking, you don't seem to have any good points."

"Nonsense!" Lin Xi smiled like a flower.

Chu Jungui chose another one. He was about to say that when Lin Xi was about to listen, the channel suddenly flashed, and Duan Xuyan's big face appeared instantly, occupying the entire front window!

This shock was no small matter, and the speeding car sank suddenly.

Duan Xuyan's face twisted for a while, and he reluctantly said "run away!", and then disappeared.

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