God is Coming

Chapter 636 Meet Again

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Before he could walk out of the hotel suite, Ross had already assigned a task in the background: "All the staff in the research department and the investment bank have canceled their vacations. From now on, they only have two hours of free time every day. I want all the information about this person's proposed bond issuance, Especially the batch released by Chain Reaction."

"Are you planning to subscribe for this batch of bonds? How much do you plan to subscribe?"

"how many?"

"The total amount is 1 billion."

Ross stretched his eyebrows slightly and said, "All."

"All?" The person on the other end of the communication channel was taken aback and said, "This doesn't seem to be in line with our risk control principles."

"Fuck his X principle!"

Daisy's voice sounded from the other end of the communication channel: "Mr. Ross, you have to explain to me that the risk control principle cannot be canceled without a reasonable reason."

Rhodes calmed down a little, and said quickly: "The actual texture of this batch of bonds is completely different from the general expectations of the market, do you understand? Many people, no, almost everyone, think that this batch of bonds is similar to junk bonds, and they also would price it that way. But in practice they have close to zero risk of default!"

"How sure are you?"

"It's huge."

"Then there is indeed a great opportunity. It's a pity that the quota is too small."

"It's ok, there will be more credits coming soon," Rhodes said.

Daisy said: "By the way, I have already found the double-accredited school you just asked about. It is Harry. But I read his report, and there seems to be no logical problem."

"There is no problem with the logic. It only shows that his vision is too narrow and there are too many assumptions. If it can be simplified infinitely, the universe can become black and white. You tell him that the fool he thought was being fished happened to know Nolan, That is another idiot who he thinks has laid down the first cornerstone of the whole scam." Ross' tone was quite bad.

Daisy wisely changed the subject: "Buy the bonds, no problem. But then?"

"Then we figured out how to come up with more bonds like that."

Nolan stood in the lobby of Red Ocean Star Port, looking towards the exit. After a while, a woman with short silver and blue hair came out from the exit. Nolan immediately greeted her and said, "You arrived so fast! Why don't you let me pick you up directly on the tarmac?"

"I don't want too many people to know, is everything arranged?"

"It's all arranged. Here's the information."

"Let's go, let's talk on the road." She passed Nolan and walked out. Nolan quickly followed.

She was almost as tall as Nolan, and her long legs walked with high frequency and elegance, and her speed was already equivalent to the trotting of ordinary people. Nolan knew her style well and followed quickly.

After leaving Xinggang and boarding the flying car, she had read all the materials in this short period of time, and said, "Call me over for a trivial matter of more than one billion? You must come. Now I It is already here, and you can explain the reason. I think you should know very well what will happen to you if this reason does not satisfy me."

Nolan hurriedly said: "Of course I know, I will definitely not let you down. This business itself is quite interesting, the key is that there is another very interesting person."


"Guess? It's about your fiancé."


"Not this one, the last one."

"Is that trash?"

Nolan chose his words carefully: "Maybe he's not that useless, at least this time, I feel like he's doing something big."

The woman stared at him: "Is it really a big deal, or is your vision getting worse?"

Nolan said seriously: "It's a really big deal. If this thing is done, it will be a real building, and I'm just the one who laid down the first cornerstone for this building."

The woman stared at him for a full minute before slowly saying: "It seems that you have indeed grown up. When you lied in the past, you would look at me for three seconds at most. I think you should remember what happened to me when you lied to me. "

"Unless they trick me too."

"It's quite possible."

The speeding car drove at full speed throughout the whole process, ignoring the traffic laws, and stopped at the entrance of the hotel in the blink of an eye. The woman got out of the car and walked directly to the private elevator hidden in the landscape. In an instant, two waiters appeared in front of her with haughty expressions: "Ma'am, I think you went to the wrong place, the elevator is over there."

The woman took out a card and said only one word "Get out", and the two waiters disappeared in an instant along with the eight security guards behind them.

Nolan was dumbfounded and said, "Sister, why do you have the card here?"

The woman sneered, "Will you pretend that I didn't know I would come here, who would I come to see?"

Nolan was stunned for a moment, the woman had already walked to the wall. The seemingly complete piece of art wall is suddenly separated to the two sides, revealing the elevator inside. Nolan hurriedly followed, rushed into the elevator, saw the woman directly pressed the bottom floor, and didn't dare to say another word.

The elevator reached the ground floor very quickly, with little sense of movement. This is an elevator equipped with an anti-gravity engine, which can neutralize the acceleration perceived by humans to the greatest extent.

After getting out of the elevator, there was a three-way intersection in front of her. The woman chose the middle one without even thinking about it. She walked to the end and stood in front of the ten-meter-high copper gate. She wanted to ring the doorbell, but after thinking about it, she said to Nolan: "You come."


"You! If I appear, I will scare the children."

Nolan was very reluctant, but he still rang the doorbell. A minute later, the door weighing tens of tons slowly opened. Chu Jungui stood at the door and smiled, "Mr. Nolan, why are you here?"

Nolan didn't expect the opening remarks to be like this, he was stunned for a while, and then said: "Ah, that, I'm delayed..."

"It doesn't matter if it's early or late, as long as you come." Chu Jungui looked at the woman behind Nolan and asked, "This is..."

"Mr. Nolan's personal secretary." The woman said.

Chu Jungui looked at Nolan, then at the woman, smiled meaningfully, led the two of them into the room, and sat down in front of the French window in the living room. The tea table in front of the three of them opened automatically, and a dozen glasses of various wines floated out, each of which was a top brand in its respective category.

Nolan was excitedly picking it up when he saw the woman pick up a glass of water. He was taken aback for a moment, and resentfully took a glass of water. Chu Jungui chose a glass of wine with great interest. Looking at the glass of wine, Nolan had a strange expression on his face, because this glass was the cheapest. But Chu Jungui had a happy face, this cup has the highest calories.

The woman watched all this quietly, and then said indifferently: "Mr. Jun Gui, everything you do now is following the routine of a liar. This is to remind us, aren't you a liar?"

"Huh?" Chu Jungui was a little confused, "Is that so?"

"Doing the opposite is a famous saying of the Dynasty. The more a person looks like a liar, the less he is a liar; so a clever liar will pretend to be a liar, so that people who think they are smart don't think they are liars."

Nolan was confused and asked, "Then is he a liar?"

The woman pondered, and then said: "I don't know."

"What are you guys talking about?" At this time, Xinuo's loud voice sounded, holding fruit in one hand and a wine bottle in the other, Shi Shi ran into the living room.

The moment he saw the woman, Sino took a step back and hit the door frame directly, and said in a voiceless voice, "Jane?"

The woman nodded slightly: "Meet you again."

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