God is Coming

Chapter 649 Customization

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On the other side of the planet, Jane was about to board the edge piercer, and Nolan stood below, waving and smiling happily.

Jane glanced at him and took note of his smile. Nolan shivered inexplicably, and immediately put away his smile, but it seemed a bit too fake to show sadness at this time.

Jane suddenly received a message, she glanced at it, a little surprised, then turned around and got off the shuttle, saying, "The trip has been cancelled."

"Not leaving?" Nolan asked in surprise.


"Why?" Nolan realized that he had said the wrong thing after the words came out.

Jane glanced at him calmly, like a lion looking at its next lunch after eating, which instantly shocked Nolan into a cold sweat. She stood for a moment, Fang said: "Just announced the issuance plan of 30 billion new light-year bonds."

"30 billion? Is it... impossible?"

"Yes, he took the bait, very directly," Jane said.

"But, this, those two orders are too fake, is this okay? I thought we were just joking."

"Yeah, I thought so too. It seems that our opponent has a big appetite and is not picky." Jane said as she walked towards the speeding car.

Nolan followed quickly and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

"Shove him a bunch of junk orders and see how much his appetite improves. If he can swallow all these orders, it will be interesting. Do you remember that retarded block game you played when you were a child? ?”

"Tariq cube?"

"Yes, it's a mentally handicapped game where you put a cornerstone at the bottom and keep placing it on top to see who can pile it higher and bigger."

"Please! That's the most intuitive way to learn about physics, not some mentally retarded game."

"You don't need to study physics before your Ph.D. It's enough to read it once."

Jane's knife was deeply inserted into Nolan's self-esteem. He couldn't lift it up, and said helplessly, "That's you... well, what do you want to say?"

Jane said flatly: "Chu Jungui and the banks around him are playing this game. Now they are almost finished. If we take away the bottom cornerstone, what will happen?"

Nolan's eyes lit up, "So your target isn't Sino?"

"That idiot, it's not worth my real anger. I'm only angry because of need."

Nolan quickly recalled the whole incident, and said, "Could it be that you want to deal with Excalibur? They don't seem to offend you, aren't they also cooperating on a big project recently?"

"In that project, Excalibur has already played its role, and they will be useless next time. If there is a big thunder here, I don't think they will have so much energy to take so much share. "

Nolan was stunned for a moment before saying, "I thought you had a very good relationship with their higher-ups... Well, I was naive."

"Do your thing." Jane got on the speeding car.

"Wait, where can I find so many orders? I don't know any Star Pirates!" Nolan said anxiously.

Jane pointed to her head and closed the car window.

The speeding car drove away, leaving only Nolan standing where he was. He thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and connected to a friend's channel: "Hey, Nick! Yes, it's me, Nolan. I heard you're doing education recently? Can you do me a favor and get some students to write An exercise composition, the theme is to imitate the tone of a star thief to place an order...haha! It's very boring, but I don't want things synthesized by artificial intelligence, can you help me? Yes, thank you!"

An hour later, Nolan received hundreds of 'orders' from Star Pirates one after another, all of which were manually written, with different wording and tone. Nolan didn't look at it carefully, and directly forwarded it to his personal assistant, asking her to pick out dozens of letters that could be read, and then distributed them to different star fields, and then sent them to designated mailboxes one after another.

In the Volcano Hotel, Chu Jungui looked at the orders one after another in surprise. He didn't expect that Xinuo was quite capable. Although these star thieves were all small characters who had never heard of them, it made no difference to Chu Jungui whether they were big or small, as long as they could be used to borrow money, they were good star thieves.

He read them one by one, and except for two that he really couldn't bear to read, he still dealt with the rest. Seriously speaking, these so-called orders are similar to middle school students' essays, but the previous orders were not much better. How to turn these orders into bonds is naturally the task of those investment bank elites. With such a high salary, they must have the ability, attitude and appearance to match their salary.

It is their ability to turn middle school students' essays into impeccable and rigorous contracts, just like a good chef can turn any expired seafood into a delicious seafood chowder.

Chu Jungui divided these orders into several parts, and the largest part was still given to Yang Hui, and the other part was sent to all the bankers he had met.

This time, every corner of the entire capital market is busy. The continuous high-density issuance of light-year assets has attracted more and more people's attention. Several banks have followed suit and sold a lot of junk assets, so the new light-year bonds have just appeared, and orders are flying in like snowflakes. More bundled bonds followed suit.

Every minute and every second, huge amounts of funds flow in the capital market, turning into numbers that jump on the screen. And in the past few days, every jump in these numbers has caused Hengyuan and other banks to boil inside. The performance of the bond department and asset processing department has been rising crazily, almost catching up with the craziest period of historical bubbles. According to this The trend, the historical record will inevitably be broken in two days.

The underwriting and issuance department was full of excitement. Many people didn't even go home and slept in the office directly, just to see how much their bonds sold again when they opened their eyes.

In the corridor of Hengyuan Bank, when the bright-faced elites met one by one, they were already discussing whether the funds for this quarter would be 48 months' salary, or maybe more.

At this time, the Light Year Group, which was born out of thin air, was shrouded in a layer of golden light, which dazzled people. As for how its own business is going, not many people care about it anymore. As a celebrity once said, as long as the eggs are delicious, there is no need to know the hen.

The pressure should have been on the sales side of the market, but after adding light years, the mixed bond ratings are at least investment grade, and a few even reach level 3, even the ratings of some big banks themselves are no more than that. Mathematics is so magical. Lightyear’s unique business model makes it different from other bonds, and there is almost no correlation. This is an excellent glue for reducing risks.

In the hands of those real elites, Light Year is a piece of universal plasticine. The professional ability of the elites and the huge network backed by them can make this piece of plasticine into whatever they need. For example, if it is dried and ground into powder, it can be turned into washing powder; if it is put into a test tube, it can be turned into a sample of chemical weapons.

The so-called on-demand customization is the essence of the service industry.

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