God is Coming

Chapter 661

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How much is appropriate is the question. Chu Jungui saw that he was not needed for this operation at all, and these young people didn't have enough shares for themselves, and they were basically allocated according to their status. It seems inappropriate to take more or less for yourself.

Fortunately, the short-term embarrassment was resolved by the little princess. She pressed Chu Jungui on the shoulder and said, "You don't want to join in the fun. How can this share be enough for you?"

To exchange good books, pay attention to the vx public account. [Book Friends Base Camp]. Pay attention now, you can receive cash red envelopes!

Chu Jungui nodded.

The little princess said to everyone: "You don't have to worry about him, all of us here don't have as much money as him alone."

A group of young people were a little surprised, but not to the point of shock. After all, they were brought by the little princess, and there was nothing special about them. No one believed it.

The older boy locked the action map and said, "Then it will be allocated in this way. Everyone needs to transfer the funds to the action account within three days, and the troops and equipment need to arrive at the front line within a week."

After the reminder, he apologized to Chu Jungui and said, "Sorry, let's cooperate again when we have a chance."

"Look for him to cooperate, be careful not to be wiped out." The little princess muttered.

Chu Jungui's eyes suddenly lit up, and he was instantly reminded by the little princess that the suppression of star thieves really made money, and billions of dollars can be doubled within a month. But what if Chu Jungui is on the side of the star thief? It is very likely that these young masters and ladies will be wiped out. By then, the ransom may not be more than 10 billion. Although the ransom of the federal nobles also has rules, but Chu Jungui has never played cards according to the rules. There is a high probability that you can get that much.

Back then, he was young and ignorant, so he was inaccurate in appraising the little princess. Now, if he can reappear in the past, he will have to be worth 18 billion.

The afternoon tea ended like this. Before leaving, the little princess took Chu Jungui to introduce everyone one by one. This kind of way of deepening the impression is quite rare. Although Chu Jungui does not need a second memory, but I also seriously re-acquainted with everyone.

Those who had nothing to do left first. While Serena was going to change clothes, the little princess grabbed Chu Jungui and asked softly, "Did you remember those people just now?"


"That's good, remember, you are not allowed to pretend to be a star and steal them to go to clean up, and then arrest them all for ransom!"

Chu Jungui was taken aback, he just had a plan just now, how did this girl know about it? But it's a pity to let go of such a good opportunity. After pondering for a while, he tentatively asked: "But what if we really encounter it on the battlefield? I can't be beaten and not fight back, right?"

"That's not the case. They dare to attack if they know it's you. It's their own death. As long as you don't do it deliberately."

This is very reasonable, and Chu Jungui agreed on the spot. It's easy to do without first attacking. Chu Jungui only needs to detect their movements, and then immediately put the troops on the way they must pass. In this way, it is likely that these little guys will shoot the first shot. As for intentional or not, that belongs to the category of wrangling.

The little princess frowned slightly, obviously still a little worried, she grabbed Chu Jungui again, squeezed the flesh hard, and said, "They are your friends now, even if you catch them on the battlefield, you can only kill them." One-third of the ransom!"

"Why?" Chu Jungui couldn't agree to this condition.

Unexpectedly, the little princess snorted and said, "You really intend to capture them!"

"No." Chu Jungui hastily denied it, feeling that his persuasion was not enough, and said: "There are so many nobles in the Federation, why do I have to arrest a few of them?"

"Remember, you promised me!"

Chu Jungui had no choice but to nod, this time sincerely. One-third of the ransom can only be said to barely cover the cost, and there may be a possibility of losing money. The normal ransom is 200% of the profit, if the revenge after the event is not considered. According to Chu Jungui's original plan, it would be more than ten times the profit, and no experimenter would reject such a level of profit.

"Very good, let's go shopping!" The little princess was very satisfied.

For the next two hours, Chu Jungui really went shopping with her and Serena. Hathaway helped him choose a suit of clothes, and then the two girls began to stroll around, asking Chu Jungui to carry things behind. This process is also boring and not boring. Looking at the two beauties who are disastrous to the country and the people in front of them, talking and laughing are all scenery.

Soon it was time for dinner, and the three of them flew to the dome restaurant at the other end of the city. When they arrived, there were already a dozen young men and women waiting in the room. The older boy from afternoon tea was also there. As usual, the little princess introduced Chu Jungui, focusing on introducing these people present. It doesn't take her to say that Chu Jungui also understands that these people are included in the list of one-third of the ransom.

If you were a normal person, you might be a little unhappy: Am I the kind of person who arrests people for ransom? This idea also flashed in Chu Jungui's mind, and then the test subject fell into deep thought...

After entering the table, everyone ate and chatted, all of them were personable, and they talked about some profound topics. There is no art or ultimate human concern here. Everyone talks about politics and military affairs, and occasionally economics. The purpose of the discussion is also related to everyone's current investment. There is no empty talk here, it's all about your own business.

Chu Jungui also roughly saw that the people at the afternoon tea and dinner tables were basically young talents from half a planet.

Chu Jungui, who was sitting next to the little princess, naturally became the focus of everyone's attention. When the meal was a third full, the older boy smiled and said, "I didn't expect that Mr. It’s rare that the industry under his name is still so young.”

There was a small commotion during the meeting, and the sudden emergence of Light Year can be regarded as a talking point in the capital market recently. Originally, the volume of light years could not achieve this kind of attention, but thanks to a big fight between the two sides, heavyweight institutions have been eliminated one after another, and light years has been placed in the focus of the capital market in an instant.

A girl asked curiously: "Mr. Chu, what kind of company is Guangnian? Who are the people in it?"

Chu Jungui thought for a while and said, "According to the standards of the Federation, they are all elites, and there are many elite talents among them."

"Is it so powerful?" The girl was a little skeptical.

The little princess next to her said angrily, "What he said is true."

Since Heatherway said so, it was difficult for everyone to question her. A young man suddenly exclaimed, and said: "There is a change in the bond of Light Years, my God, the 30 billion long order has been eaten! It is still sweeping down!"

Many people immediately opened their personal terminals and saw billions and billions of empty orders pouring out, instantly clearing tens of billions of empty orders around 100 yuan, and then a 30 billion ultimate large order was thrown out, instantly smashed Lost all long orders hovering around 96 yuan!

There was a sudden silence at the banquet, and after a while, a young girl said softly: "In the past half a minute, a total of 50 billion has been paid out?"

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