God is Coming

Chapter 665

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The flames of war broke out in an instant because of the fall of the first heavy artillery. Both sides in the war had no time to care about who fired the first artillery, and devoted themselves to the fight. All parties have tried their best to fight for market neutrality. All kinds of reports are released at a speed of more than a dozen per minute, and the topics are becoming more and more sensational. At first, they focused on the light-year business and repayment ability. But in a blink of an eye, it has risen to the level of verbal abuse and personal attacks, and the scope has spread rapidly from the person concerned to family members, relatives and friends, to ancestors and descendants, to ancestors and descendants of friends, to ancestors and descendants of friends of friends , in this process, even pets are not spared.

In this scolding war, the major organizations headed by Hengyuan were quickly defeated because they still had to worry about their basic image. The top executives of the bank do not have to go to battle in person, sit in a beautiful office and selectively read a few reports, and require their subordinates to not only adhere to the corporate culture, in short, the set of elegant and noble responsibilities, but also require them to win this war.

However, subordinates are also human beings. After all, they are only here to earn a salary. Facing the opponents on the screen who come up to point their noses and greet the biological organs of your ancestors for three generations, if you want to win by cursing calmly, you must have Extraordinary psychological quality, or abnormal mental state, or in the case of one of the two, master-level language skills are also required. Having said that, if anyone has these few things, why would he need to come here and sit in the big bay, and be bullied by those guys in the small office?

So what we see in the market is that the major institutions are so scolded that they can't hold their heads up, and even a single word will attract dozens or even dozens of times of scolding. The public opinion position has become a carnival for the short side, and analysts of large institutions who are usually high above and pointing the country have instantly become street rats.

In fact, it's not entirely their fault. It's really that Light Year's orders are too fake, and they fell into the trap of their opponents, and they can't explain it.

But somewhat unexpectedly, there were not many personal attacks on Guangnian and Chu Jungui himself. According to common sense, Chu Jungui was the one who should be scolded the most. This made many male employees in large organizations feel aggrieved, but the result of complaining with colleagues was a collective backlash from female colleagues. Someone analyzed another reason, that is, scolding banks and other financial institutions has no consequences. Anyway, these analysts are expensive, and they can't really get out of the fight, and they can't fight if they end up.

But Light Year is different, that is to provide ammunition for the Star Thief, and I heard that sometimes he will end up fighting, if this is put in the past, he is a full-fledged bandit warlord. Looking at the behavior styles of those arms dealers in the Federation, you can see that there is not much difference in light years. So if you dare to scold Light Years, it’s okay if your voice is quiet, but if your voice is too loud, it’s very likely that killers will come to the door, and no matter how bad it is, there will be hooligans blocking the door. This is not a good thing. When scolding needs to consider the consequences, many people will think rationally.

The big institutions complained that they could not win the battle, and the market was also retreating steadily. The short side continued to attack, and the firepower was unexpectedly fierce. At this time, the major institutions have already been battered, and the number of empty orders has far exceeded their previous estimates. The preliminary estimate is at least 40 billion more, and it is not yet known how many will follow. At this point, the funds previously prepared by various institutions are completely insufficient, and when they want to increase the quota, they habitually encounter a lot of resistance.

After a trader applies for a quota, the supervisor will ask why it is not enough, what are the previous mistakes, what are the targeted rectification measures, what is the risk of the newly applied quota, and whether there is a risk plan.

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After finally being approved by the supervisor, the department director will ask why the quota is not enough, what were the mistakes made before, and what are the targeted ones...

After the department director passed it, he reported to the vice president in charge, and then the vice president in charge asked again why the quota was not enough, the previous mistakes...

After deliberation, the vice president in charge felt that this matter was beyond the scope of his ability, so he called the directors of risk control, compliance, public relations and other departments to deliberate together in order to complete the process on the surface and to exempt himself from responsibility. Fortunately, this time the trader only needs to say what he said just now, and there is no need to say it to each director separately.

Finally, the traders gathered all their signatures, and felt that he was about to become a capital market crocodile, and once again enjoyed the market changing with one command, the market price of Light Year Bonds had already fallen below 70, and the quota he had just applied for was not enough. up.

Fortunately, there is no need to rewrite the main body of the report, and the reasons are still the same, just change the numbers. The traders quickly completed a new round of signature collection process, and then something happened to the vice president: the quota for freshmen has exceeded his authority, and must be reported to the president for approval.

The president has been paying attention to the project here, so he made a decision after seeing the report: If the authority of the regional branch is exceeded, report to the planetary branch for approval!

As for whether the planetary branch will report to the relevant departments of the headquarters for approval, that is another matter.

All in all, for front-line employees, the project is the whole world in their eyes, while for large organizations, Light Year is just one of many projects, nothing more. Compared with a single project, the importance of the process is much higher, and there is no need to destroy the authority of the process for it. Even if you really step on a mine, it’s okay, anyway, there are landmines every year, even if there are more mines this year, once the size is averaged every year, it will return to the average value. However, if the process is complete, the approvers on a line basically have no responsibilities, and those who need to take the blame and leave are the front-line workers.

In this way, a group of large organizations dragged their heavy bodies and fought hard, and it is conceivable that they were beaten to death in a short period of time. However, the advantage of a large institution is its strength. Gains and losses in one city and one place can’t hurt them. What will happen is anyone's guess.

Among the many large institutions, Hengyuan Bank was lucky, because at this time, there happened to be high-level executives from the headquarters on site, and there was no need to go through lengthy cross-system or even cross-star field approvals. However, there is also misfortune in luck. During the three hours of sudden changes in the market, Henry spent two and a half hours dealing with personal affairs.

For an hour and a half, he listened to his wife's cries, growls, complaints and threats, trying to temporarily suppress the erupting volcano. In the next 45 minutes, he talked to 8 of the 11 lovers, appeasing the opportunity to make a price, suppressing the warning of the imminent move, and venting the rant of the honesty, and then sought the love from the most beautiful one. A few words of comfort and a new promise.

In the last 15 minutes, Henry contacted 40 media and public relations companies with super high efficiency, expressing dissatisfaction, making appeals, and promising benefits.

After finishing all this work, he had time to take a look at the report of the project itself. It only took him 3 minutes to read the summary and conclusion, put the report aside, and said to his subordinates: "Go to Chu Jungui and ask him for the light year report! By the way, contact my son immediately after finishing this matter The school's board of trustees, I want to donate another sum of money to them."

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