God is Coming

Chapter 667 Highlight Moment

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Regarding profitability, there are many different interpretation angles. How to let investors interpret it from the direction that is most beneficial to them is the difference between veterans and rookies in the capital market.

This time Chu Jungui did not act alone, but communicated with everyone he knew in private, including a bunch of acquaintances in the dynasty, and gradually formed a plan. This process sounds complicated, but under the multi-threaded processing of the test body, it only took one night.

In the early morning, in the restaurant of the hotel, Chu Jungui had breakfast with Serena, the little princess and Xinuo. As soon as everyone sat down, Chu Jungui asked directly: "How much money can you spend at most?"

"How can it be used?" Serena asked.

"Including those that can be borrowed."

Serena seemed a little distressed, "I'm still young, and my family's pocket money and investment shares are all light years away. My friend is also Hathaway's friend, and you have seen it too. Um... If When I go home and act like a baby with my elders, maybe...can I spend another 2 billion?"

Xinuo was deeply shocked, "You can get 2 billion just to act coquettishly? His grandma, when I was down and out some time ago, I wanted to sell cute for a bottle of wine, but what I got in return was a beating. This world is too bad." It's fair!"

Serena rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "You were considered young and promising back then, but it's a pity that you didn't take advantage of the great opportunity. Now who can blame you for making yourself like this? Are you still cute? Look at your age, uncle!"

Xinuo opened his mouth wide, and in an instant he was furious, and said, "I'm still young, I'm not even 30, how can I be an uncle?"

"Anyone who is five years older than me is an uncle!" Serena said firmly.

Sino instantly turned into a defeated rooster, turning his head to the side angrily, expressing his disdain to argue with her.

Chu Jungui next to him fell into deep thought. According to the standard of being promoted to a generation in five years, what should he be called Selena and Little Princess?

This trouble flashed away, and Chu Jungui looked at the little princess again. The little princess became more serious, and after thinking about it, she said: "If you can give me a more specific title, or don't give it to me, I can find the title myself, and then raise funds from friends and the public, maybe I can borrow... 10 billion?"

Sino immediately looked at the little princess with admiration, but then he thought, isn't there a monster who just borrowed 80 billion sitting beside him? From this point of view, how did he feel that Chu Jungui felt awkward.

Chu Jungui nodded and said: "Okay, then 12 billion, Sino, I will lend you 1 billion, and put it here, the total is 13 billion. It will be credited within three days."

The little princess asked: "What are you going to do with this money?"

"Acquisition of Light Year's shares."

The little princesses and the three looked at each other, but Chu Jungui had already done too many strange operations, so they didn't say anything, and quietly prepared funds. Only Sino was restless, feeling extremely awkward.

After breakfast was almost finished, Chu Jungui pondered for a while and said, "If I do something that makes the public feel uncomfortable in the next few days, I hope you can forgive me."

"You can do anything!" Serena was very happy.

But the little princess asked seriously: "Since you know that we and others may feel uncomfortable, why do you still do this?"

"One, because of efficiency. Two, it can improve the success probability of the plan."

"Okay, you can do it!" said the little princess.

Sino said from the side: "Hathaway, you are a bit unprincipled!"

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The little princess snorted and said, "Do you still want to be ethical in the capital market? Are you going to distribute money to everyone?"

"Then there's no bottom line, right?" Sino disagreed.

Serena was unhappy, "What is no bottom line? You don't even know what he's going to do, so how can you make a conclusion!"

"I..." Sino was at a loss for words.

The little princess waved her hand and said, "Okay, I won't discuss this topic with you. Let's talk about it when you understand better!"

Sino was provoked again, "How do you know that I don't understand? I know as much as you do, okay?"

The little princess sighed, looked at Xino sympathetically, and said, "Whether you understand investing or not doesn't depend on how many formulas you memorize and how many questions you can solve, but whether you can make money."

Serena immediately made up the knife: "You are so poor, how dare you talk about investing?"

Xinuo was not convinced, and pointed at Chu Jungui: "It's all his fault, okay? If he hadn't beaten me so badly back then, how could I have fallen to where I am today?"

The little princess said lightly: "A wise person knows how to choose an opponent."

This time, Sino was completely speechless.

"Okay, since none of you have any objections, I will act according to the plan." Chu Jun returned, and relieved Xinuo by the way.

The little princess suddenly said: "If I say I mind, will you give up?"

"Mind?" Chu Jungui was startled, and then said, "Yes."

A light suddenly lit up on the face of the little princess, and she said, "That's good. No matter what you do, I will support you."

After breakfast, Chu Jungui returned to his room, sift through the media, and finally his eyes fell on the famous beautiful host.

After a while, the image of the beautiful host appeared in front of Chu Jungui, and she said in a slightly exaggerated tone: "Oh my God, it's really Mr. Chu! This is really unexpected, are you planning to be on our show? "

Chu Jungui said: "It's fine to be on the show, I plan to make a statement through your show."

"What statement?" The beauty host instantly sensed the importance, and immediately turned on the recording device.

Chu Jungui said: "The content of the statement cannot be disclosed for the time being, but the content is about Guangnian's business quality and repayment plan. The release time is set at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. I will send you the statement one minute in advance."

"I'm looking forward to it! I'm also very glad that you can choose our Glonass News Channel! Okay, now that we're done, can I have a private chat with you? Look, all the recording devices are turned off."


The beauty host said: "This question should be asked in person, but considering that you must be very upset recently, I will ask it here. Many people in the market now say that you are a liar, what do you think?"

"Obviously they are wrong. What kind of liar can cheat tens of billions?"

"There are still, there are 12 in the history of the Federation alone."

"19." Chu Jungui corrected.

The beautiful host was a little surprised, "I didn't expect you to know so much about history."

Chu Jungui smiled slightly, but did not answer.

The conversation ended here, and the background of the living room behind the beautiful host disappeared like flowing water, revealing numerous staff members and various complicated equipment. She turned back and asked, "What's the result of the analysis?"

"From the statistics, he is not lying, and he has great confidence in himself." An engineer replied.

The beautiful host hesitated for a moment, looked at the director, and said, "I always feel that there seems to be something wrong."

The director said: "The data don't lie! Hurry up, release the news, all channels must be covered! Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, we will exclusively release the response from the owner of Light Year! This will be a highlight moment in the history of our news station !"

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