God is Coming

Chapter 675 Humiliation

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On the battlefield full of corpses, there are only two people left standing at this moment. Although they couldn't see each other, Jane and Chu Jungui were still staring at each other across time and space.

At this moment, it seemed that Jane was already at a disadvantage. At least Chu Jungui still had tens of billions in his hands. If the money entered directly, it would easily defeat Jane. Most of the remaining institutions in the market that still hold light-year bonds are looking forward to this.

However, Chu Jungui knew that the opponent was not that simple. So far, Jane is still as stable as Mount Tai, and she doesn't need to think about it to know that she must have thunderous means.

Jane also thinks so, besides the last hole card, she has quite a lot of cards in her hand. For example, the video of Redbeard's destruction is ready to be posted at any time. Now Jane is not in a hurry. In her eyes, the method Chu Jungui used is nothing more than a trick. Now most of the small and medium-sized investors must have chosen to sell back the bonds and stop the loss. Then next, Chu Jungui will definitely increase the price in a straight line, not to mention 100, it is possible to be 110 or 120.

Jane is waiting for Chu Jungui to be promoted, and she really wants to see how crazy Chu Jungui will be when he has the absolute advantage.

The market price has now fallen below 50, and the market is extremely light. There are almost no transactions, and it is no longer the grand occasion of hoarding tens of billions of huge orders in the past. The face value of the top and bottom is less than one million, and the ground is bleak.

Chu Jungui was dispatching the funds and remitted them to Hengyuan Bank one by one. In the blink of an eye, his account balance in Hengyuan Bank had exceeded 20 billion.

In the underground area of ​​Hengyuan Bank's headquarters, a data engineer left his work station and walked into the bathroom. In one particular compartment, he pulls out a memory stick the size of a fingernail and hides it under a trash can. After a while, a cleaner came in, put away the storage, and left.

The cleaner returned to the work area, completed the handover procedures, got off work, and left the building.

A moment later, Jane received a text message: "The target account balance is 21.5 billion."

Jane deleted the text message, then sneered. Normally, more than 20 billion is enough. If ordinary people were in Jane's position, they would have been beaten to the ground long ago. However, Jane is not an ordinary person. She carefully weaves a big net and waits for Chu Jungui to fall into the net step by step. Now Chu Jungui had reached the edge of the net, and he only had to jump.

Jane poured herself a rare glass of wine, and in this final moment of triumph, without a glass of wine, the victory seemed incomplete. She waited quietly. Years of experience told her that she didn't need to wait long. Now that everything is ready, if Chu Jungui can't even take advantage of the victory to chase after him, then he is not worthy of being her target.

At the same moment, Chu Jungui looked at the screen in front of him. On the right was the money in Hengyuan Bank, which was the ammunition to increase the price. On the left was the remaining funds, which still amounted to 30 billion, not counting the money already spent. 10 billion, this 30 billion is Chu Jungui's cash surplus after a series of operations.

According to Chu Jungui's calculations, as long as he issues an order and consumes up to 10 billion, the price of the light-year bond can be pulled to more than 150, or even higher, thereby forcing the short side to liquidate. As soon as the bears explode, the war is over.

But Chu Jungui didn't act immediately. He looked at the numbers on the left and then at the numbers on the right. Both strings of numbers were very long. Before that, Chu Jungui never imagined that one day he would own so much wealth.

Right now, victory is imminent, as long as the last onslaught is made, the opponent will die without a place to bury him. However, Chu Jungui did not move. He was thinking, what is the reason for spending so much time and energy in the Federation for so many days, and even thoroughly understood the financial history of the Federation for thousands of years? Just to make money?

To this question, Chu Jungui already had an answer. Of course, Chu Jungui didn't come here just to make a small amount of money!

The federation's financial system is extremely complex and natural, and there are endless opportunities in it. There is no need to squeeze out every sub-sector, and you must eat the last bit of profit. In this case, the efficiency is too low. It’s like eating steamed buns, a traditional delicacy in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Just take a bite in the middle and eat the stuffing. The skin can be thrown aside, and there is no need to savor it bit by bit.

Thinking of this, Chu Jungui gave up the idea of ​​raising bond prices and jumped directly to the next step. As for the light-year bonds issued, more than 50 billion of the 80 billion has been recovered, leaving less than 300 to pay the principal and interest. Anyway, the time is still long, so just let it go, and the rise and fall have nothing to do with Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui turned off the screen, picked up a virtual book, and read it slowly. When it comes to reading slowly, you can only read a book for three to five minutes at most, and then change to another book.

In this way, Jane waited for a whole night, and the reserved glass of wine turned into two full bottles, and there was no change in the board. Looking at the morning light coming in from the window, Jane couldn't help thinking, did that guy oversleep again?

Of course Chu Jungui couldn't oversleep, so he woke up Xinuo before dawn, ready to go out.

Sino was sleepy, and asked in a daze, "What, you want to go out? To the other side of the planet..."

He woke up suddenly, "On the other side of the planet?"

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"Yes, the flying car is ready, you have 10 minutes."

Sino screamed, "What about my breakfast?"

Ten minutes later, a dazzling speeding car soared into the sky, left the Melting Mountain Hotel, and flew into the distance. Ten kilometers away from the hotel, several flying cars also flew into the sky, chasing Chu Jungui's flying car.

These are individual investors who do not give up, and have been guarding around the hotel, waiting for Chu Jungui to appear. After all, they were quite capable. Although they couldn't get within ten kilometers of the hotel, they could still buy a few internal employees. As soon as Chu Jungui came out of the hotel gate, they got the news, and immediately chased after him, trying to intercept Chu Jungui in the air.

However, as soon as they took off, they saw a flash of light in the sky, and Chu Jungui's speeding car had already disappeared into the sky. These investors have more or less little money, and cannot afford starships. Naturally, speeding cars are spared no effort to decorate the appearance, so all the flying cars that took off are full of brilliance, flexible steering, fast acceleration, and eye-catching appearance. It looks like high-performance versions of several high-end brands, and some of them are limited edition paint.

This is usually the existence that can crush civilian-level family cars, but today Chu Jungui's speeding car can't even eat the trail, they just completed the ascent, and Chu Jungui has disappeared.

The most important thing was that none of the people present knew the brand or model of Chu Jungui's speeding car! And a brand they don't recognize? Obviously, it wasn't because they didn't recognize this speeding car because it was too bad.

For a moment, these investors felt that they had been humiliated again.

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