God is Coming

Chapter 681 Quite worthy

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Chu Jun returned to the side, and the image of Xinuo appeared, looking very dissatisfied: "Is this the end of the fight?"

Chu Jungui didn't speak, but Kai Tian was merciless: "What else? Continue to chase? Can't catch up? Why don't you chase one by yourself?"

Sino was speechless for a while, and said, "That's not what I mean, but I don't even have a chance to use this fighter plane. It's a pity."

"There is a chance, but I hope that day will not come." Chu Jungui said.

Chu Jungui ordered the two damaged destroyers to approach the Billinder starship to collect loot and save the crew in the rescue capsule or floating in space.

The reception and control of the two starships that had lost power went smoothly, but it was a bit troublesome to rescue the crew members floating around in space. There were also some incomplete equipment and parts that were extremely valuable in the scan and had to be recovered. This process was very time-consuming, Chu Jungui was very patient, and waited for an entire hour until the space was cleaned up.

Then all the starships moved closer together, connected together with connectors, turned into a large starship, jumped into the void, and left the battlefield.

This jumping distance is very short, but Chu Jungui has no choice. Except for the starship that has not been focused on his side, the other two starships have little power left. Half of the thickness of the hulls of these starships is armor, and the internal space is extremely narrow. In addition, the Alpha main gun consumes terrible energy, and the energy efficiency is slow to pass. It is enough to recharge the shield once, plus three shots from the main gun.

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In this way, the group of starships arrived at the outer edge of the N7703 galaxy after many jumps. Redbeard is already here waiting.

After connecting to the communication, she immediately blew a kiss to Chu Jungui, and said, "My insider in Bilinde has already sent me a message. It was a miraculous battle! It is said that Kun was so angry that he would kill the whole Offices were smashed."

"Who is Kun?"

"It's the bastard who killed my mother's fleet."

"Oh." Chu Jungui has no interest in Kun, and probably won't have any interaction with this person after this battle. Chu Jungui has another enemy in the Bilinde Group. After getting acquainted with the federal system, Chu Jungui also understood that the direct and indirect employees of a giant like Bilinde could have millions, or even more. There are many factions within these groups, and the disputes and hatred between them are even stronger than those outside. In this case, it is not wise to blindly build more enemies.

"You just used these three starships to kill Kun's fleet?"

"It can't be counted as killing, more than half of them escaped." Chu Jungui felt a little regretful.

"I also had three light-year starships at the time, and the number of starships was much more. How did it become like that?" Redbeard was very puzzled.

Chu Jungui thought for a while, ignored the top few reasons, and chose two reasons that were not on the list at all: "One, bad luck. Two, the enemy commander was stronger that time."

Redbeard thought so.

She looked at the three starships in front of her. The scars on the hulls were shining pink in her eyes, and she couldn't be more fond of them: "I want all three starships!"

"It doesn't work now, and we need to make necessary modifications before we can deliver it." Chu Jun returned.

"Okay then, I'll wait." The red beard felt very regretful.

Chu Jungui led the fleet into the N7703 galaxy and returned to the base.

Naturally, these three starships had to be remodeled. The internal space was too small. According to the normal establishment, the per capita living area was only three square meters, including eating, drinking, and fighting. This is not the standard of the interstellar era. The slave ship in the middle ages of the mother star is similar.

Star Pirates actually have higher requirements for the quality of life than the regular army, and most of them have the idea of ​​living happily every day. After all, this is an era when one person can live on a strange planet for a long time with one rescue capsule, and no one wants to be angry.

The starships that were sold to the star thieves had also been adjusted and refitted to increase the living area by ten times, so the star thieves were not satisfied and installed a lot of entertainment facilities inside.

After returning to the base, the three starships docked on the orbital station. The engineers began to dismantle the internal armor and energy compartment, remodel the living area and increase the entertainment area, and expand the command area to make it look a little "small" instead of Chu Jungui's "poor acid" when he used it. The starship's alpha main gun also has to remove the redundant crystal generator. From the original 40 to 25, this still has more firepower than other destroyers, but it won't just fire a few shots and lie down.

These transformations seem to be a huge amount of work, but the internal structure of the starship has been optimized by Li Xinyi and the final adjustment by Chu Jungui, which has achieved the ultimate efficiency.

Li Xinyi's job is to modularize the functions as much as possible, and integrate many tiny devices into one module, which is extremely convenient and quick to replace. Chu Jungui further optimized these modules and the degree of replacement, eliminated unnecessary performance redundancy, and greatly reduced costs at the expense of small efficiency.

The specific performance is that before Chu Jungui made the adjustment, the interior of the starship could still be said to have an industrial style, and the modules were placed in perfect harmony. After Chu Jungui adjusted, the appearance of each module was extremely rough, with metal cutting burrs, and the gap between each other could fit a finger. Noise reduction and shock absorption were solved by stuffing sponges into the gaps. If we have to talk about style, we can only say it is rough style, and even a bold word can be saved.

But in this way, the cost of the module immediately dropped by 15%. If this is in the enterprise field, it is simply a slaughter-level application, which is much more effective than any business model.

Counting the cost of refitting, the three starships together are only in the early 300 million, and Chu Jungui received 2 billion from Redbeard. In terms of collecting money, Chu Jungui treats everyone equally, no matter if he has a red beard or red hair.

In the test subject's own accounts, the money is actually calculated like this: 600 million starships, it is simply a cabbage of conscience, how can the profit of arms be only 100%? Adding a zero is not too much; Chu Jungui's command and the dispatch cost of the Light Year Legion are 1.5 billion, which is also too conscientious. Although the combined crew of the three starships is only more than 300 people, Kai Tian and Wise Men are dispatched. What is the price of these two? This is an intelligent life form that has never appeared before, and in the rapid evolution, the value of viewing and rarity alone is inestimable. Just like the same exhibition, can giant pandas and kangaroos be the same price?

In the end, Mr. Chu belongs to himself, and only by being able to defeat Bilinde in a targeted manner, 1.5 billion is not too much. These three starships were specially built by Chu Jungui to deal with Bilinde based on the battle images of Redbeard. With a destroyer-level hull, there is only so much equipment that can be packed, and the ceiling of total combat power is so high. Chu Jungui wanted to make Bilinde confident to face the bomb head-on. How could Commander Bilinde think that the opponent would tear down everything that could be dismantled and pile up the offense and defense?

So on the whole, Chu Jungui felt that he had given Red Beard a 30% discount, which was quite worthy of her appearance.

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