God is Coming

Chapter 695 Extreme Pursuit

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The distance of 170 kilometers is just a matter of minutes in the eyes of heavy-duty high-speed flying cars, and this also includes factors such as take-off acceleration and speed limits in urban areas.

Kun is also bound by the speed limit. The Federation is a society with a relatively complete and strict rule of law. Even the Bilinde Group cannot do whatever it wants. Besides, Kun is not strictly an executive of the Bilinde Group, but only a middle-level executive.

However, after leaving the city, he regretted it. The speed of casualties of the soldiers was far beyond imagination. This was no longer a drop of blood, but bleeding on his heart! In comparison, the speeding ticket is nothing at all.

When the number of surviving fighters was less than 500, Kun's psychological balance was finally broken, and he passed the frontline commander and directly ordered: "All retreat, disengage, keep the blockade of Shilin, and wait for my arrival!"

The soldiers did not retreat in a swarm, but alternately covered and retreated slowly. This is a very effective tactic in normal times, and it can inflict great damage on reckless pursuers. However, in front of Chu Jungui, this tactic became an inescapable source.

Chu Jungui clung to several teams and killed the key personnel one by one in their crossfire, constantly causing delays in their retreat. Fortunately, the commander ordered the team members to turn off the safety of the hand grenades in time, so that no greater tragedy was caused. Otherwise, only a few grenades were needed to completely block the retreat routes of several groups of soldiers.

But even so, the groups of soldiers who were bitten by Chu Jungui suffered heavy casualties and were almost wiped out.

When Kun's flying car arrived at Stone Forest, there were only 410 soldiers left alive at this moment, and 12 were seriously injured, none of whom were slightly injured. Kun didn't wait for the flying car to land, and flew out of the car directly, rushing towards Chu Jungui's position.

Chu Jungui felt a little regretful, stopped chasing and killing the team with only 4 people left in front of him, and retreated into the center of the stone forest.

Kun walked out from behind the stone pillar and appeared in front of Chu Jungui, with no one behind him. Kun made the mask transparent, showing an extremely angry face, and said word by word: "I admit, I underestimated you, and this is the biggest mistake I have ever made."

Chu Jungui smiled and said, "I have always killed my enemies, because there is no room for mistakes."

Kun gritted his teeth and said, "These are ordinary fighters, and there is a huge gap between them and us. Don't you think it's shameful to slaughter them like this?"

Chu Jungui glanced at his somewhat empty right arm. Because the arm was missing, the armor's arm also lost its active power. Apart from hanging by the body, it could only do some simple movements.

"The word shame is not in the dictionary of you people." Chu Jun returned.

Kun's face flushed slightly, unable to answer, he could only curse Jane secretly in his heart. He picked up the gun in his hand and strode towards Chu Jungui, aiming and shooting as he walked. Chu Jun did not retreat but advanced, and rushed towards Kun against the rain of bullets.

The battle between the two sides is full of weirdness and danger. Kun is like a reed in the wind, erratic, constantly avoiding the lock of the opponent's muzzle. The same is true for Chu Jungui, as long as Kun's gun is pointed towards him, he will move slightly to avoid the firing line. However, the guns of both sides did not stop, always firing at the highest rate of fire.

Just like that, the two shot at each other crazily, and moved forward like ghosts in the rain of bullets. The bullets and ion balls all over the sky failed to touch a single hair of the other!

The two sides quickly approached, and in a blink of an eye they entered the distance of close combat. This was already expected by Kun. From the very beginning when he saw Chu Jungui's battle, he knew that it was impossible to defeat him with a rifle.

In an instant, Kun pulled out the short knife on the outside of his thigh, and sealed it against Chu Jungui's neck. The movement was so fast that it dragged a dazzling lightning in the air!

At this moment, Kun saw Chu Jungui holding the barrel of the plasma rifle with both hands, and turned the entire rifle around!

With a bang, Kun's eyes went dark, and he flew upside down, like a baseball that was knocked into the air, bouncing heavily on the stone pillar.

Looking at Kun who was slowly sliding down from the stone pillar, Chu Jungui threw down the plasma rifle which was obviously bent in his hand. This plasma rifle was longer and stronger than a saber, and it was even more powerful when swung with its own weight of 20 kilograms. It can be said that Kun's loss was not wronged at all.

Chu Jungui did not continue to hunt down because several miniature missiles fell from the sky. Chu Jungui retreated instantly, and there was a violent explosion between him and Kun, and the smoke and dust raised everything up.

The heavy fighters in the sky kept firing missiles, separating Kun and Chu Jungui. Just now Chu Jungui was too close to the soldiers of the special forces, and the fighters were afraid of accidentally injuring their own people, so they didn't fire until now.

In the smoke and dust, Kun was supported by two special combat soldiers and rushed to the edge of the stone forest. Kun shook his head vigorously, and the dizziness improved slightly.

"My lord, your helmet." A warrior handed over a new helmet. Only then did Kun realize that there were a few thin cracks on the visor of the original helmet. These cracks will burst if they are hit hard again.

Kun put on his helmet, said with a gloomy face, "Continue to seal off the battlefield, this time he won't have such good luck!"

"My lord, you are too risky!"

Kun entered the stone forest without looking back, and said, "I'm not taking any risks. Do I let you die? You shouldn't die in such a battle."

Kun rushed into the dust and mist, but for a while, he didn't find Chu Jungui's trace. He was not in a hurry, and moved forward calmly. At least he had the advantage of almost one-way transparency on the battlefield, and he was not afraid of sneak attacks.

While searching, Kun suddenly heard a strange sound, it was the roar of a large-caliber rapid-fire machine gun!

Kun is no stranger to this kind of strange gunshot, because it is a special machine gun of the Bilinde Special Corps. 30 cm armor plate. This power is close to the electromagnetic rifle, but the rate of fire is much higher than the electromagnetic rifle.

However, the direction of the gunshot didn't seem to be right. Kun instantly had a bad feeling and rushed towards the direction where the gunshot sounded.

Several corpses fell from the top of the tallest stone pillar, and Chu Jungui appeared in the position of the machine gun shooter, controlling the machine gun with one hand, and the bullets swept across the other two machine gun positions like flaming whips. The terrifying power instantly flattened all the people and objects on the two positions, and then Chu Jungui looked at Kun who was rushing towards him out of the corner of his eye, raised a machine gun weighing hundreds of kilograms with one hand, and aimed it at the sky. fighter!

The rain of bullets baptized the fighter plane in an instant, and the belly of the plane was flooded by splashing flames. Although most of the bullets were bounced off by the armor, fighter jets hovering at low altitude inevitably exposed many weak parts, such as weapon perforations, exposed missile nests, and various sensors and observation ports.

In a blink of an eye, the fighter plane began to emit thick smoke, and had to raise its altitude in an attempt to escape the fire coverage. Then a dazzling blue electric arc suddenly lit up below it, and a powerful electromagnetic storm washed over the fighter plane in an instant, and electric sparks suddenly shot out from the fighter plane's surface, and fell to the ground obliquely.

Kun has already rushed under the stone pillar, suddenly his brain hurts sharply, his eyes are watering, and his ears are full of buzzing. He secretly yelled that it was not good, and actually forgot that some soldiers would carry electromagnetic ammunition. Obviously, these ammunition were detonated by Chu Jungui somehow, creating a powerful electromagnetic storm.

The heavy fighter is probably going to be scrapped, but that guy is not much better... Kun gritted his teeth and thought, trying his best to fight against the dizziness. Even if he is wearing the most advanced armor, he can barely withstand the electromagnetic storm, and the people inside will still feel extremely dizzy and nauseous. This is the case with Kun, and it is even more unbearable for ordinary soldiers. If they get close enough, they will go crazy even if they don't lose their lives.

But Kun has already seen that the armor on Chu Jungui's body is not as good as his own, and he is in the middle of an EMP bomb. At this time, he is probably bleeding from all seven orifices, and his internal organs are almost half-baked, right?

Kun endured the discomfort and dragged his body towards Chu Jungui, trying to kill him before he recovered.

On the top of the stone pillar, Chu Jungui was in good spirits, without any sign of injury. He was surrounded by a layer of black air, and the surface was glowing with flowing light. Kai Tianzheng expressed his joy in colorful words: "It's been a long time since I've experienced such a comfortable ray bath, and it's a bit like my hometown! It's just that the intensity is still a bit weak, please double the amount next time!"

Chu Jungui raised the machine gun with one hand and aimed at Kun below, but the machine gun did not respond at all. Kun from below also aimed at Chu Jungui, who moved a step sideways to avoid the line of sight. But Kun's rifle didn't respond either. Both sides used high-tech firearms, but they were all destroyed by the electromagnetic storm just now.

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Kun threw his rifle and ran towards the stone pillar, then ran on the almost vertical stone pillar and rushed towards Chu Jungui. However, when the two of them were only a few meters away, Kun saw an old-fashioned pistol in Chu Jungui's hand. This gun was purely made of machinery and gunpowder, without electronic components.

Bang bang bang!

A series of gunshots sounded, and a large amount of flames splashed on Kun's battle armor. He could no longer maintain the upward posture and fell to the ground.

Chu Jungui, who had emptied the magazine, put away the pistol with some regret. It's not a powerful weapon like an electromagnetic or ion rifle, it seems that Kun's armor can't be dealt with.

But soon after Chu Jun returned, he discovered a powerful primitive weapon. He took a few steps back, picked up a boulder weighing hundreds of kilograms, and pointed it at Kun under the stone pillar.

Kun suddenly lost his mind.

He activated the power system of the battle armor, flew out close to the ground, and a boulder hit the position where he was just now, causing the whole earth to tremble. If he was hit this time, Kun's battle armor would probably be deformed, and the condition of the people inside would not be much better.

At this moment, a bright light appeared in the distant sky, and two military fighter planes appeared and flew towards this side. Kun immediately remembered the electromagnetic storm just now. Such a large storm is enough to paralyze electronic equipment within a hundred kilometers and affect urban facilities within hundreds of kilometers. Therefore, it is not surprising that the military was alarmed.

Seeing the rapidly approaching fighter plane, Kun gritted his teeth and ordered unwillingly: "Withdraw!"

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