God is Coming

Chapter 717 Response

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Chu Jungui already felt the pressure.

The 4th Fleet will not do these things out of thin air, this will only push Chu Jun back to the Federation. In the N77 star field, in fact, Light Year is already a force that cannot be ignored. On the surface of the planet, several legions of the Federation have been defeated, and their own deep space forces have also begun to form. Even if combat power is not considered, the ability to supply energy and supplies alone cannot be ignored.

According to them, the preparation stage has begun again, why bother to use light years? Chu Jungui did not offend them. There must be a reason behind this, but Chu Jungui still doesn't know what the specific reason is.

But whether you know it or not, the attitude of the 4th Fleet has already been placed here, and unless the chief is replaced, it is unlikely to change. In this case, Chu Jungui had to deal with it.

Although most of his wealth is on the side of the Federation, if the war really resumes, Chu Jungui will still stand on the side of the dynasty. As long as there is no full-scale war, the federation will not prohibit trade with the dynasty, and the same is true for the dynasty.

The regime of the dynasty is slightly different from that of the Federation. In wartime, the power of the starship fleet is astonishingly large. It is completely possible to wipe out light years during the attack, and there is not much consequence, but the premise is that the battle can be fought win. In the history of mankind, after entering the era of star sea development, the war culture of the dynasty far exceeds that of the federation and the community, and the army has always been an unstoppable force within the dynasty.

The war culture of the dynasty focuses on results rather than details and processes. In other words, as long as the battle is won, most of the shortcomings can be tolerated. This also makes the dynasty's troops more diversified to adapt to wars in different situations. For example, Chu Jungui has both agents and special forces.

The emphasis on war also makes the dynasty pay more attention to military rank, and promotion is far more difficult than that of the Federation. In the dynasty, there is no case where a young general can be promoted to a general by relying on his family at a young age. In history, all young generals were promoted exceptionally by relying on their outstanding military exploits. And there are various obstacles behind these extraordinary promotions, so Lin Xi almost failed to be promoted to major general due to various reasons. It is not surprising in history, everyone came here like this.

After sending away the members of the 4th Fleet, Chu Jungui cleared his mind, and now the key is to strengthen his own strength. Just like animals want to survive, they must either make themselves particularly unpalatable, or grow something like spines and horns, so that predators can't bite, or at least they have to pay a heavy price.

Light Year is now sitting on the 4th planet, the secret of Le Mans crystal in the hand house, which is extremely delicious. It is unrealistic to want to make yourself unpalatable, so you can only add thorns to your body. The test subject is not a prudent person, of course it can't be one or two thorns, at least it must be full. Following this line of thought, Chu Jungui thought of a food creature that has survived to this day.

That kind of creature has grown up like that, and it can't escape the fate of being eaten. It seems that defense alone can't solve the problem fundamentally?

Chu Jungui just diverted his thoughts for a while, then put them back, and started a new round of planning. Now the most important factor restricting light years is people. People are like universal universal equipment, which can be placed in any link of production and combat, with unparalleled flexibility and scalability. But just like general-purpose manufacturing machines, the improvement of versatility comes at the cost of production capacity, and professional equipment is definitely more efficient than general-purpose equipment.

For the time being, there is no good solution for the people. The people in the Legion are all elite fighters from the former Federation, and their quality in all aspects is far superior to that of ordinary people. Although Chu Jungui also got thousands of people when he bought Redbeard, most of them were not eligible to enter the 4th planet. They are too weak to survive on the surface of the planet, let alone work. In addition, there are trust issues. There are many secrets in the planetary base that cannot be leaked.

But now, it's time to compete in speed with the 4th Fleet, at least when the 4th Fleet's revenge comes, Chu Jungui will have thorns all over his body. It would be even better if the thorns could be powered and add thorns with various attributes.

After making up his mind, Chu Jungui called Li Ruobai and Li Xinyi, and after a brief explanation with them, he prepared to return to the surface of the planet. However, the two were determined to go down with Chu Jungui, and Chu Jungui did not object.

The transport ship slowly landed at base 2. The base is still full of turrets, like a hornet's nest waiting for someone to poke it. Although the beast horde has not appeared for a long time, and the process of arming the base has slowed down considerably, a new turret will still appear every few days, and the rapid-fire gun is also being replaced at a rate of one a day.

It's just that without the beast horde, the original steel exterior wall plan was temporarily shelved.

Outside the gate to the south of the base, there is already a wide and flat road. The two arks just drove out of the base, then accelerated, half-flying and half-running towards the original Doomsday Shadow Base.

Returning to Base No. 2, Chu Jungui immediately came to the top floor of the command building. In the middle of the command hall is a constant holographic image of the surrounding base. The area within a radius of 100 kilometers and within 1,500 meters underground has been explored. A long belt-shaped area extends into the distance, and the other end disappears beyond the edge of the image. This is the road to the shadow of doom, and the surrounding area has also been explored.

When Mr. Chu returned to stand in front of the map, a cloud of black mist appeared on the left and right sides. Immediately, a smaller group of black mist shrank and condensed, and finally transformed into a young human, but the part below the knees was not very solid. This is Kaitian in human form, it has an astonishing beauty, which is a neutral beauty. It's just that there are dozens of eyes floating around its body, twisting the painting style to a creepy and weird one.

The other cloud of black mist was much larger, and it also began to condense, as if it wanted to turn into some entity. At this moment, Kai Tian suddenly said: "Don't learn from me!"

The black mist formed by the wise man stagnated, and then released a piece of shining words: "How could I learn from you, a stunted waste!"

Kai Tian is extremely angry, but in terms of size, it is indeed much smaller than the wise man. There is no way to do this, after all, Chu Jun will basically bring Kai Tian with him when he travels, and it is often inconvenient to eat. But the wise man is different. When it stays on planet 4, it can work and eat. For the wise man, which is actually a collection of single cells, it doesn't need to sleep at all, and can eat 24 hours a day.

Under the ebb and flow, the body shapes of the two have obvious differences.

Facing the sarcasm from wise men, how can Kai Tian bear it? Its eyes lit up immediately, and it was about to retort.

Chu Jungui didn't have time to listen to their quarrel, so he immediately said, "Stop arguing and solve the problem. I want to quickly expand production capacity, but there are only so many people, what should I do?"

The wise man and Kai Tian were silent for a moment, and then gave their answers respectively:

"There are not too many people, as long as there is more meat!"

"If there are not enough people, you can let the machine move by itself."

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