God is Coming

Chapter 727 Vulnerabilities

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The assessment battle of the Louis family is very strict, and the mock battle is not a mock battle in the usual sense. The two warring parties will drive real starships and fight in the designated star field. The whole process is no different from a real fleet battle, except that the power of the high-energy beam is adjusted to one-tenth of the original, and the particle cannon and electromagnetic gun are also In this way, the missile is replaced with a solid warhead. The referee will convert it into real war damage according to the battle situation, and judge the status of the starship.

This level of simulated warfare is no different from real warfare, and only the rich and powerful Louis family can afford it.

According to the rules, as the challenger, Sino will be at a disadvantage, the fleet will be 20% less powerful than Lucien, and will enter the battlefield half an hour later. If there are two commanders who are evenly matched, then these gaps are enough to determine the outcome. However, for Chu Jungui, it is the same whether he has this regulation or not. He has never fought a battle where he has an superior force.

During the rest of the journey, Mr. Chu brought the starship models and performance parameters of the Louis family fleet, and began to analyze and prepare for the battle. Kai Tian was in charge of analyzing Lucien's past battles and finding out his habits and weaknesses, while Sino was in charge of being in a daze.

The Tabby 3 galaxy is rich and magnificent. It sits on one of the three major financial planets of the Federation and is also the headquarters of the Louis family. However, this highly developed galaxy is not dominated by the Louis family, and two other big families have also set up their bases here.

At this time, the Elders' Meeting of the Louis family was being held, and the meeting hall was almost full, with 31 of the 36 elders present, and many elders in other star regions also made time to participate remotely. The core topic of this meeting is the assessment battle.

Lucien had just delivered an impassioned speech, commenting on the challenge in the harshest tone, slamming the Council of Elders for allowing the challenge. In his opinion, even if this ancient rule has not been officially declared invalid, it should not be used as an excuse for some kind of absurd behavior.

At the end of the speech, Lucien made a concluding statement: "Whether that clown really wants to usurp this position or just wants to gain attention, he is doomed to fail! However, the assessment battle itself is against My insult is also an insult to the entire fleet! Such a farce should not have happened, but it did happen. We should all reflect on why a clown is jumping up and down. Is it his fault or ours? ! My speech is over, thank you all."

However, to Lucian's surprise, the wonderful speech did not have the desired effect, and there was even very little applause. Most of the elders were in a strangely quiet state, not expressing their opinion at all. Even the elders who usually had the best relationship with him were silent and did not express any opinions.

Just as Lucien stepped off the podium, an elder suddenly asked, "What will happen if Sino wins?"

Lucien was startled, and then said firmly: "It's absolutely impossible!"

At the end of the elders' meeting, Lucien walked out of the elders' house full of anger. He was about to board his flying car when he saw the Patriarch waving to him. Lucien hesitated for a moment, then walked over and boarded the other party's speeding car.

Patriarch Louis looked to be in his early forties, but he was actually a generation older than Lucien. When Lucian got on the speeding car, he asked in a casual tone, "How are you preparing for the assessment battle?"

"I still need to prepare? To deal with a rookie who has never commanded a large fleet, the question is whether winning is good enough."

The Patriarch gave Lucian a playful look, and said, "Do you know why the application for this assessment battle was passed?"

Lucien sneered: "Isn't it because many people want to see my jokes? Do you think I will believe the ridiculous reason of the regulations?"

The head of the family said: "The regulations are very important, which makes it very difficult for us to reject the application. There are people who want to see your jokes, but the number is not as many as you imagine. Another reason is that many elders have been secretly suppressed. Lobbying."

"Who? Who did it?" Lucien was furious immediately.

"Even if you know, you can't retaliate. They are lobbying legally. By the way, by the way, I am also the target of lobbying."

Lucien was dumbfounded, "Then you agree?"

The Patriarch shrugged and said, "Of course, why not? As the Patriarch, of course I have to stand with most people."

"Then what do you mean by coming to me? Persuading me to give up?! No problem, as long as the elders pass a resolution to remove me, I will resign immediately without hesitation!" Lucien was already furious.

The head of the family was still calm, and said slowly: "You think too much, I just want to remind you to take this battle seriously. This is not just an internal matter of the Louis family. In case, I mean in case One, if you lose, you may lose the commander."

Lucien heard the unusual meaning, calmed down, and said, "Could it be that clown?"

"Even if he is elected, everyone will think it's just a transition and they will find another candidate. However, there are always contingencies in everything. What if he does a good job?"

Lucian's anger completely disappeared, and a coldness surged in his eyes, he asked, "Is this also the meaning of lobbying that person behind the scenes?"

The head of the family said: "That person doesn't care much about who will be the commander of the fleet. His purpose is to suppress your faction. He paid a good salary, so the lobbying was very successful. Of course, as the head of the family, I must uphold justice. .So I will guarantee the fairness of this assessment battle, from the process to the result, do you understand?"

Speaking of this, how could Lucian not understand? Once he loses, the commander will definitely be gone.

Seeing that Lucien understood what he meant, the head of the family rarely smiled and said: "Be prepared, I mean, use all available means. In addition, I will temporarily increase the amount of your loan to the family by three times. Until the assessment is over. Do it well, Lucian."

Lucian got out of the car and watched the Patriarch's speeding car go away with stern eyes.

He stood there for a while before he got on his speeding car and got through to another elder in the faction: "Mike, can you find out who is lobbying behind the scenes?"

"This is a bit difficult, the time is too tight, and many people simply refuse to talk about it."

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later, the key now is to win the assessment battle."

Mike was a little surprised: "You can't win?"

"How is it possible? But winning is beautiful! I think it's time to make good use of the rules. Hehe, does that little guy think he's the only one who knows how to use the rules?"

Mike smiled and said, "I just like your insidiousness! Tell me what you plan to do, and I will do my best to support you."

"The fleet under my command in this assessment battle can be 20% more powerful than that little guy. But according to the rules, this 20% refers to the number of starships, and there is no specific limit on a single ship. The loophole is here! I I have a heavy cruiser and two light cruisers in hand, don’t you have a channel to get the heavy cruiser, help me get one, I want to replace the light cruiser.”

Mike laughed exaggeratedly, and said: "You are really insidious! I can imagine how shocked and desperate that little guy would be when he suddenly saw two heavy cruisers in front of him! He would probably scream 'this It's not fair, I want to complain to the elders'. Hahaha! But if you do this, I'm afraid some elders will think about you."

Lucien smiled inscrutably, and said: "I just want to let those guys know that if they really want to provoke me, I will definitely do whatever it takes! If they had known this earlier, there would be no such thing as an assessment battle." It happened."

"Well, anyway, I have always known that you have no bottom line. Now time is a bit tight, and the only heavy cruiser I can find is this one. The ship is 20 years old and has an estimated combat power of 9912, which is a little worse than the Federation's 10,000 heavy cruiser combat power standard. , but no worse than your flagship."

"My flagship's combat power is only 9700, very few, it's just it, just to replace that old-fashioned light cruiser."

After hanging up the communication, Lucian sneered and drew an X on Sino's profile picture.

At this time, Sino and Chu Jungui had arrived, and Sino got the starship form assigned to him. Seeing the list, Sino sneered: "I knew they would definitely do something wrong. A heavy cruiser with a combat power of 8,500? What is this? A better light cruiser is stronger than this thing. The family fleet is full of such antiques Goods? Well, I also gave me a light cruiser, let me see... Your uncle! There are still 5100 light cruisers in this world? Is this a destroyer? The ship is 210 years old! This thing can still fly Wake up, it is also a miracle!"

Amid Sino's constant complaints, Chu Jungui had already read the entire form. In all fairness, the distribution this time is fairly fair, basically sorted by combat power, and then the two sides will be distributed in the order of you and me, except that Lucian has an extra light cruiser and a destroyer.

Sino is still complaining endlessly, Chu Jungui already has a plan: "There are many loopholes in the rules, we can make good use of them. Since the rules don't say that you can't modify starships, then we will take all destroyers and frigates. All the advanced equipment and weapons were dismantled and installed on that light cruiser. After refitting, the combat power of the light cruiser can be increased to more than 8000, which is enough.”

"Aren't the other starships useless?"

"It doesn't matter, I don't need them anyway, a light cruiser is enough." After ravaging many federal first-line legions, Chu Jungui looked at the configuration of this family fleet again, and always felt that there was a sense of color and fragrance.

In the neighboring galaxy, Hathaway sat in the conference room, concentrating on the documents in front of her. There are also several old people in the meeting room, all of whom are imposing.

Hathaway looked up, smiled and said: "Their rules are full of loopholes, we can make full use of them. Since the rules allow the replacement of starships of the same level, then we are welcome. There happens to be a fleet of pirate flags nearby, and they have just changed their outfits recently. .Let them send a heavy cruiser and pick the best ones, and don’t take out the garbage that costs less than 15,000.”

An old man nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Do you want to replace the destroyer and the frigate together?"

The little princess shook her head: "No need, I know that guy Sino, he can't command too many starships."

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