God is Coming

Chapter 94 Survival

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A fluffy, squirrel-like animal climbed down from the tree, sniffing all the way, and cautiously approached the charred rescue cabin.

It bypassed the embers, approached the rescue cabin, raised its nose, and sniffed carefully.

With a bang, the door of the rescue cabin suddenly exploded, and the head was pressed down on it!

With a scream, the little beast fled with all its strength, only to narrowly escape the disaster from the sky.

The heavy hatch slammed heavily on the ground, half of it sank into the soil, splashing countless gravel. With a bang, a combat boot stepped on the hatch, and stepped on the hatch further.

The little beast finally realized the danger, turned around and ran into the forest, and disappeared there.

Chu Jungui got out of the rescue cabin, dragged Lin Xi out of it, and made her sit against a tree. Then he got into the emergency cabin again, and got No. 4 and Li Ruobai out one by one. Finally, he dragged Li Ruobai's big backpack out of the cabin.

Chu Jungui looked around. This is a rare planet full of vitality. Under normal circumstances, it can become a habitable star and has the highest value among all kinds of planets.

At this moment, the respiratory system of the Sensuke Armor began to automatically detect the composition of the atmosphere, and finally concluded that the nitrogen and carbon dioxide content in the air was too high, and the oxygen content was less than 10%. Normal humans cannot survive in this environment. This is another unbreathable planet.

Chu Jungui took off his helmet, took a deep breath, and felt okay. However, he still put on the visor and activated the breathing system of the armor. With this kind of atmospheric composition, although the test subject can survive, it will be somewhat uncomfortable, and it is not as comfortable as breathing pure oxygen.

After confirming the surrounding environment, Chu Jungui came to Lin Xi, docked the personal terminal with her armor, and activated the emergency wake-up system. Then he did the same thing, activating the wake-up systems of No. 4 and Li Ruobai.

Everyone held on to the missile attack in the air, but when it landed at the end, it was still different. Except for Chu Jungui, the other three were all knocked unconscious.

Chu Jungui looked at the personal terminal, and the light screen showed that all three of them had completed their physical self-examination, and there was no serious problem, only number four had a broken rib, and the life-saving system that came with her battle armor had injected her with growth agents .

Chu Jungui then manipulated No. 4's battle armor to fix the broken rib, and he was relieved.

Lin Xi groaned and opened his eyes, and then Li Ruobai and No. 4 woke up one after another. The three of them looked around, checked themselves, and stood up.

Chu Jungui turned on the battlefield scanner, lowered the accuracy, expanded it to the maximum range, and began to scan the surrounding terrain. Li Ruobai began to try to determine the current orientation of the universe.

Number four silently checked various weapons and ammunition, while Lin Xi tried to take off the visor, took a few breaths, frowned slightly, and put the visor on again.

She pointed the personal terminal at a big tree and started scanning. After a while, she finished scanning, and then scanned other plants and small animals one by one.

Everyone performs their own duties, and there is a division of labor naturally. After a while, the four of them got together, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on Li Ruobai.

Li Ruobai spread his hands helplessly, "The bad news is that we are not in any known star field at present, at least not in the known star field of Shengtang. The good news is that this conclusion is not yet fully convincing. It is definitely possible. When we find With more reference objects, we can determine our position."

"How likely is it?" Lin Xi asked.

"twenty three%."

"So accurate?"

"It's more convincing if there are parts and wholes." Li Ruobai was serious.

Lin Xi really wanted to slap Li Ruobai into the woods.

Number Four said: "Small weapons are available, ammunition is plentiful...of course it is only temporary. We can sustain three to five moderate intensity battles, but after that, we will run out of ammunition."

Lin Xi looked at his personal terminal and said: "The plants and animals here are all carbon-based life forms, which have evolved to a fairly complex and mature level. There is plenty of water, so our luck is not particularly bad, at least we fell on an earth-like creature." on the planet."

Chu Jungui had already completed the terrain scan at this time, and transmitted the data to other people's terminals, saying: "This is a topographic map with a radius of 20 kilometers. There is a lake not far away, and it used to be a continuous lake 11 kilometers away. Water. The composition shows that the water is nearly saturated with salt, so we should be not far from the shoreline now."

Hearing that there is water, everyone is refreshed. At least half of the survival problem has been solved in a short period of time.

Chu Jungui said: "This is the video data I collected before the emergency capsule crashed. I think there are people on this planet."

On the light screen of the terminal, the images of several missiles attacking were displayed. Although they were not very clear, they could still see the distinctive Terran style. Since the era of the mother star, no matter which country, the missiles produced seem to be similar.

Chu Jungui added: "Judging from the speed of the missile, the accuracy of guidance, and the power of the final warhead, the technical level of the forces launching the missile is still at the level of just leaving the parent planet, and they are still in the era of great interstellar development. There is a generation gap of hundreds of years."

Li Ruobai had just displayed the result on his light screen at this time, and he was surprised: "How can you calculate so fast?"


Looking at Chu Jungui's delicate and immature face, Li Ruobai obviously didn't believe it, and asked, "Are you 20?"


"A 17-year-old has experience?"

"17 years of experience."

Li Ruobai raised his hands in surrender, "Alright, you continue."

"It's over."

Lin Xi looked at the topographic map in his hand and said, "Can you confirm where the wreckage of the spaceship landed?"

Li Ruobai shook his head, "There is no way. We need more data to determine our position on the planet. Then it is possible to find the wreckage of the spaceship. In addition, even if we find the wreckage, it may be useless. The moment we jumped out of the wormhole, The equipment for storing E matter on the spaceship is destroyed. In other words, even if we find a good spaceship, there is no fuel for space jump.”

Four said, "Maybe we need to protect ourselves before looking for the ship. Maybe they're on their way to search for our troops."

Lin Xi said to Chu Jungui, "What do you think?"

Chu Jungui said without hesitation: "Move all the materials on the rescue cabin down, and find a suitable location to build a base, preferably near a water source. First cut down trees and repair houses, then hunt, and finally look for ore. With ore, there will be Weapons and vehicles, and then we need energy..."

The test subject already has a complete set of procedures for survival in the wilderness, and has rich practical experience. On this environmentally friendly terrestrial planet, it is even more useful.

"It's as if you have lived alone..." Lin Xi chuckled.

But after laughing twice, she remembered that when this guy was picked up by her, he seemed to be living alone on an uninhabited planet.

"We still have to deal with the pursuers." No. 4 reminded.

"There are four of us! If the pursuers come, just surround and wipe them out." Chu Jungui took it for granted.

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