God is Coming

Chapter 768 Not Enough

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Red Ocean Star, two old men walked out of the planetary headquarters of Boston Credit Bank surrounded by dozens of subordinates. These two old men are famous and powerful. One is the President of Murphy Shipping, and the other is the Galaxy Vice President and President of Planetary Headquarters of Boston Credit.

"It's not easy to get the credit approved this time. I have to do a lot of work to convince those old bastards to agree to the credit."

The president of Murphy Shipping smiled and said: "After acquiring the fleet of Black Maple, we are now one of the top 100 shipping groups in the entire federation. And the fleet arrived very timely, just in time to win a very important order .Just for this batch of orders, the shipping cost exceeds 1 billion!"

"What kind of order will pay such a high shipping fee?"

The president of Murphy Shipping hesitated for a moment, and took the old man a few steps away, away from his subordinates, Fang said softly: "It is said to be a strange creature called a silver-lined horned lizard. They can only survive in a very unique environment , there is no ability to provide raw materials for their incubators in the Cangfu galaxy. Without supplements, they can only survive for seven days. Therefore, the entrusting party is very anxious and must transport them to the laboratory at the headquarters within seven days. "

"There are so many strange creatures. Is there anything special about this kind of crowned lizard?"

"I heard...they are sulfur-based life."

The old man was surprised: "This is very rare!"

The president of Murphy Shipping said with a smile: "After the completion of this order, our performance this year can guarantee at least a 20% growth."

The old man seemed a little moved: "Then isn't your stock price going to rise again?"

"It's not going to go up a lot!" The president said modestly.

On the other side of the red ocean, Kun was sitting in front of the window, admiring the beauty of the setting sun. On this lava-flowing planet, there are occasionally beautiful views that other planets cannot see. For example, the setting sun in front of me is golden from the sky to the earth, and it is indescribably magnificent.

Jane's image appeared beside him, saying, "Kun, long time no see."

Holding a glass of wine, Kun said leisurely, "I reserved this communication channel exclusively for Richard. Only he can freely appear in my room. Since he let you use this channel, he must know about it, and he won't in the future." Do you have such authority?"

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Jane's eyes, but it disappeared quickly, and said: "I contacted you twice, but there was no reply. This matter is very important, so I came to you in this way. When you know the content, you You won’t feel like I’m being reckless.”

"Tell me, what's the matter." Kun was a little lukewarm.

Jane said bluntly: "We need your legion to dispatch now, preferably with other legions from Bilinde. Of course, just making a gesture is enough, and there is no need to actually fight."

"more specific."

"I will release the news that the Bilinde Legion will suppress Light Year. At that time, your legion will go to the N77 star field, but as long as it appears, it will be fine, and then stay for a while. Whether it is training or traveling, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, what the capital market needs to see is that you have arrived, and that’s enough.”

Kun frowned slightly, then stretched out, and asked, "Is Light Year provoking again? Or do you want revenge?"

"Don't you know? A few days ago, Guangnian suddenly made a short sale of Boston Credit. You know that is our family's core business. Chu Jungui's intention is to attack our family and take revenge on me."

Kun was slightly taken aback, read the relevant news for a while, then pulled out insider information through his own channels, and finally read the information provided by Jane, and finally understood the cause and effect of the whole thing, saying: "It turns out that the stock price of 1 light-year The rise is because of this incident. What is your plan now?"

In the past few days, the more the stock price of Boston Credit has fallen, the higher the profit of 1 light year, so the stock prices between the two have begun to show a trend of ups and downs. Now the stock price of Boston Credit has dropped from 21 to 16, which means that the profit per light year exceeds 10 billion, so the stock price is very strong during this period.

Jane said: "This time I will let Mr. Chu return to nothing. The stock price fell during this period not only because he was short-selling, but also because of some negative news, which was released by me. Now our family and the surrounding people Some funds have been buying stocks at a low level, and have increased their holdings by more than 10%. It is estimated that if they absorb another 5% of chips, the stock price will not hover at a low level. By then, we will announce 3 large acquisitions, and we will There was a plan to increase the holdings of Boston Credit by a large institution. At the same time, we will announce the report in advance and make a commitment to the annual performance. With these few items, our stock price will not only return to its original position, but also hit a record high. To At that time, Chu Jungui might not even be able to buy enough stocks to close his positions, so he could only passively accept the price we gave him. Last time he earned 15 billion with us, but this time I will make him pay 100 billion!!"

"What's the use of Billind's legion?"

"Your legion is dispatched, in the eyes of the capital market, it means that Bilinde will take measures against Light Year. The specific measures are not important anymore. The important thing is that Light Year is definitely not Bilinde's opponent. Even if the news is still uncertain , investors will also have doubts and dare not lend money to Chu Jungui. At that time, they will not be able to borrow a penny in light years, and Chu Jungui can only fill in this bottomless pit with his own money. So the final result will either be He's bankrupt, or he's 1 light year out of business, there's no other option."

After finishing speaking in one breath, Jane's face was a little flushed because of excitement. She calmed down and said, "People always make mistakes, and Chu Jungui is the same. But the only difference is that we still make mistakes when we make mistakes. He can afford to pay, and after he made this mistake, there is no possibility of turning over again. He was a liar in the first place, and now he just turned back into nothing."

Kun finally looked up and looked at Jane seriously.

Even Kun has to admit that Jane is very good-looking, and the slightly rigid facial lines add a bit of danger to her. And this is what many successful men long for. They feel that they are omnipotent, and they like to conquer women who don't seem to be easy to get.

It's just that Jane's beauty has now become an uncomfortable place in Kun's eyes. Kun wanted to weigh it seriously, but he didn't need to go through the brain to know that no kind of beauty could compare with his own dignity.

Kun finally said, "Okay, I see."

Jane looked happy and said: "In return, I will sell you 10 million shares of Boston Credit at the current market price, which come from my account, and I will provide you with 1:1 financing with an interest rate of only 5%. All gains are yours, and if you lose, your principal is guaranteed."

Kundao: "Even 5 million shares would cost 80 million. I can't afford that much now."

Jane frowned slightly, she didn't believe Kun's words at all. A guy who can form a private army of thousands of people can't even get 80 million? This is nothing more than talking about conditions. This kind of demeanor lowered Jane's evaluation of Kun by a notch, and classified him into the category of bottomless greed. But she didn't express anything on the surface, and said calmly: "This is a very good opportunity to make money, and you can't miss it. How about this, I will personally lend you 80 million for one year without interest, how about it?"

Kun smiled and said, "This is the best."

Jane smiled slightly and said, "Then it's a deal. Your army needs to be ready within two days, and you have to set off on the third day. It can't be later."

"Time is a bit tight, I'm afraid we won't be able to transfer many troops."

"It doesn't matter if it's less, just say more, and no one will verify it anyway." Jane said.

"okay, I get it."

Jane waved goodbye, and Kun suddenly asked, "Which institution is planning to invest in you?"

Jane hesitated for a moment and said, "It's okay to tell you in advance, it's Pinnacle Fund."

"never heard of that."

"They are well-known in the industry, they are the top 50 M\u0026A funds, and they have a strong style. Their announcement of the capital injection itself can restore investors' confidence in Boston Credit."

"So I'm more likely to buy some Boston Credit. Can't it be more?" Kun asked.

"Our funds are also very tight now, and basically all of them are used to maintain the stock price." Jane refused tactfully.

Kun nodded and watched Jane's image disappear. He changed the permission of this channel to require consent to connect, and then smiled playfully, and said to himself: "This self-righteous woman probably thinks that I am greedy?"

He connected to the assistant's channel and said, "Help me find out who is in charge of investing in the Boston Credit Project in Pinnacle Fund. If possible, ask him out to meet. If his level is not high enough, it is called high enough level." come out."

"Understood, my lord, I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

Kun opened the 1 light-year interface, looked at the stock price fluctuating steadily between 190-195, and said, "You guy, what are you planning?"

At this moment, a prompt message lit up on the screen, showing that 160 million yuan had been deposited into his account.

Kun raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that I am only worth 160 million in her mind. Oh, that's wrong, it's the right to benefit from this money."

Kun turned off the screen, got up and ordered: "Get ready for the speeding car, I'm going to Bilinde's planetary headquarters."

This side of the planet passed from dusk to night, Jane was out of the study, and Richard was sitting in the living room watching the news.

Richard glanced at Jane and said, "Kun has canceled my automatic connection authority, and I can't find him anytime in the future. I hope this gain will be worth the loss."

Jane said disdainfully: "When there are tens of billions more in our account, there will be no shortage of friends."

Richard sighed and said, "I'm different from Kun. We've known each other since we were young. This relationship can't be measured by benefits alone. Do you understand?"

"That's just because the benefits are not measured enough." Jane said flatly.

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