God is Coming

Chapter 788 Fairies Can Swear

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"Stop fighting, it won't do you or me any good if we continue to fight."

Chu Jungui was noncommittal and said, "What about the conditions?"

Jane tidied up her skirt and said, "There's no need to play tricks between us. It's the same for whoever puts up the terms first. We settled at 25 yuan, and you've made a lot of money after you counted the last time. We've had grievances ever since. The two are clean, no longer targeting each other."

Chu Jungui smiled and said, "Do you think it's possible?"

Jane gritted her teeth and said, "If you are angry about the last assassination, then I can make it up to you!"

"Oh, what kind of compensation?"

"Equivalent compensation. I hurt your body and made you break a hand. You can also take revenge on my body. You can do whatever you want. But there is a limit, I can stay here for a week."

Chu Jungui looked Jane up and down, and said lightly, "I'm not interested."

Jane's face sank slightly, and she said, "I'm already very sincere, this time you provoked first. If you are not satisfied with my conditions, then tell me, what conditions do you need to reconcile?"

Chu Jungui smiled slightly, and said: "I have already won a big victory, why should I reconcile with you? If you want to ask me what I think, it is that since the game has already started, you might as well play it to the end."

Jane stared at Chu Jungui, and said slowly: "Don't think that you can continue to do this after attacking the two bases of our family. The other bases of the family are all within the Federation. If you are not afraid of death, just try it. In addition You can pretend to be a star thief, and of course I can, and the Avonton family can also raise a star thief, watching you every day to fight. Do you want to continue like this?"

Chu Jungui said: "It's not so easy to play the role of a star thief. If you are interested, you can raise it. It's just that the star thief you raise probably goes out once and never comes back."

"Don't think that the Winton family will support you unconditionally. Your current behavior has crossed the bottom line. Even if the Winton family is optimistic about you, they will never cooperate with you after knowing that you are attacking a federal base. Admit it , those two battles in the Cangfu galaxy, if you didn’t have the secret support of the Winton family, would you have fought so well?”

Chu Jungui originally wanted to refute, but test subjects generally do not lie, and he did get help from the Winton family. Evans is the help sent by the Winton family, this cannot be denied. Of course, without Evans, if Mr. Chu went to battle by himself, the destroyer would probably be saved.

Thinking of this, Chu Jungui nodded and said, "Winton's family did give me some help."

Jane's face softened a little, and she said, "It's fine if you admit it. Then we'll end at 25?"

Chu Jun said: "25 is a bit high."

Jane leaned on the sofa, her legs changed from sitting cross-legged to sideways. This angle has no possibility of revealing the light, but it can better show the lines of the legs. She took a sip of the wine and asked, "Then how much do you think?"

Chu Jungui pondered and said, "3 yuan."

Jane almost spit out all the wine in a sip, she glanced at Chu Jungui quietly, and said, "This joke is not funny! How about it, it's 24.5 yuan, and I'll stay here for a month."

Chu Jungui said: "I can feel your sincerity. This sincerity is worth at least a few million, let's take it as 6 million. It is apportioned to my position, which is equivalent to 0.003 yuan per share. So we can trade at 3.003 yuan. Finished."

Jian Teng sat up, and said angrily: "Are you going to fight me bloody to the end!?"

Chu Jungui was not angry, and said gently: "As you said, the reconciliation is beneficial to both of us. If you accept my conditions, then we will settle the matter privately. You transfer the share agreement that I need to close the position to I'm fine. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter, I will continue to act until Boston Credit itself drops to 3 yuan."

Jian Han said: "I don't accept threats!"

Chu Jungui said: "This is not a threat, but just stating the facts."

"You are blackmailing!"

Chu Jungui gently shook the wine glass in his hand, watching the swirling wine rise up along the wall of the glass, until it was level with the mouth of the glass, no more, no less, just kept there.

While playing a small game boringly, he said: "You can think whatever you want, my final condition is this, there is no room for negotiation. If you really can't accept it, then come here."

"Wait a minute! Didn't you see that the current stock price is 32 yuan! As long as it is any higher, you will be liquidated immediately. What ability do you think you have to force me to agree to such a condition?"

Chu Jun said calmly: "It can't explode."

Jane showed her sharpness and said, "I can let you raise less than a penny!"

Chu Jungui said leisurely: "Didn't you just say that I rely on the Winton family? You are right. I can always borrow some money from them, right?"

Jane sneered: "You are so naive. These ancient families have a history of hundreds or thousands of years. They have long since lost any warmth in their bones, and only have interests. Want to borrow money from them? How much can you borrow?"

Chu Jungui thought seriously: "Will you be able to borrow three to five billion?"

Jane only has hehe.

After thinking about it, Chu Jungui sent a message to Hathaway and Evans: I want to borrow some money.

After waiting for a few minutes, Chu Jungui received a reply.

Hathaway: Huh? What happened? How much do you need? I only have 11 billion in my account now, and I can give it to you immediately. More will be done tomorrow, and I'm going to arrest a few elders and hold a meeting to go through the procedure. Wait for my message!

Evans: Don't be kidding me boss, if you are short of money, don't you have everything if you drive the fleet and go out for a circle? But if you are serious, I can give you 9 billion for the sake of your appearance, which is second only to me. I have to save some money for food. No amount of good looks can guarantee it, you have to tell me what happened, and we can figure out a solution together. Why spend money on things we can solve with naval guns?

Chu Jungui looked at the reply and couldn't help showing a smile.

Jane looked a little strange and asked, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing. I just asked Winton to see how much money I can borrow."

Seeing Chu Jungui's expression, Jane roughly guessed the answer, but she was still not convinced, and said, "But time is also very important, you only have 48 hours at most."

When Chu Jungui was about to say something, Hathaway sent another message: Where are you? I bring the fleet over.

Chu Jungui was surprised, this matter was serious, so he quickly replied: It's okay, I'm negotiating the terms of reconciliation with Jane, in my office.

This time the little princess was silent for a moment before replying with a message: 2 yuan!

You are more ruthless than me... Chu Jungui sighed in his heart.

2 yuan is a bit of a killer, Chu Jungui is not that kind of person, his quotation is much higher than the little princess, and I don't understand why the little princess is so relentless.

Chu Jungui turned to Jane and said, "My bottom line has been made very clear, if you..."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Jungui received another message from Hathaway: Could it be that she wants to trade her body for something? ! Give her 100 and let her go!

Chu Jungui was shocked, it turned out that fairies can also curse.

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