Gao Kai is a first-year graduate student at the School of Medicine of Suzhou University.

After the summer vacation, he will start his second year of graduate study.

Compared with graduate students in other majors, graduate students in the medical field have to work much harder.

In the past academic year,

Gao Kai was in regular training at the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University during the day.

At night and on weekends, he had to attend classes at the School of Medicine of Suzhou University.

As a professional graduate student in clinical medicine,

Gao Kai started standardized training for resident doctors at the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University after completing a stage of theoretical courses.

In this way, when he graduates from his three-year graduate program, he can get a master’s degree, a master’s degree, a regular training certificate, and a practicing physician certificate, four certificates in one!

After graduation,

Deng Kai does not need regular training and can directly enter clinical work without any sense of disobedience or unfamiliarity.

On the other hand, academic medical graduate students, after graduation, if they enter the hospital to work, need to undergo regular training in the hospital for two years before they can obtain the regular training certificate and the practicing physician certificate and officially start work.

Gao Kai is very fortunate about this.

He is a professional graduate student and can do regular training while studying for a master’s degree.

The way Soochow University trains medical graduate students is divided into three cycles according to the academic year.

In the first year of graduate school, you need to practice various basic skills in the training building of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

Only in the second and third years of graduate school will you go to various departments for rotation.

The classmates have gone home for the summer vacation.

But because of his average basic skills, he did not go home this summer vacation, but continued to practice boring basic skills.

There is no other way.

Gao Kai understood the principle of the early bird catches the worm at a very young age.

If his basic skills are not as good as others, then he will spend more time studying hard and strive to catch up with other students.


At the end of July, Gao Kai was practicing surgical suturing in the training building of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University. The training building, whose full name is Clinical Skills Training Center, has surgical animal laboratories, vascular intervention simulation operation rooms, surgical skills training rooms, anesthesia and intensive care simulation training rooms, and DSA integrated hybrid operating rooms.

、DSA-There are more than a hundred seats in the 3D laparoscopic combined operating room, lung tumor MRI navigation training room, etc.

At this time, Gao Kai’s classmate Ge Fang came over.

Like Gao Kai, Ge Fang did not go home during the summer vacation because her basic skills were not up to standard. Instead, she stayed in the hospital to practice her skills.

She said excitedly:”Gao Kai, Professor Chen Yu’s students are about to have a basic skills competition. Are you going to watch it?”

“Professor Chen’s students?

Gao Kai’s eyes lit up and he immediately became interested.

Professor Chen Yu is a prominent figure in the School of Medicine of Soochow University.

Since he took office at the school, he has published 40 papers in Nature and compiled 3 national undergraduate planning textbooks.

No one expected that Professor Chen’s theoretical knowledge of medicine was invincible.

He was also extraordinary in the field of clinical medicine practice skills.

He used the Da Vinci surgical robot to easily complete the first Da Vinci robot pancreaticoduodenectomy in Jiangsu Province, and his medical skills were extremely superb.

As the saying goes, a good teacher produces good students.

I believe that Professor Chen’s students must have excellent basic surgical skills!

“”Let’s go and have a look!”

Gao Kai urged anxiously.

Ge Fang nodded and took Gao Kai to the competition site.


A moment later.

Ge Fang and Gao Kai appeared in a large, bright and spacious practice room.

The two of them looked around.

They found that Professor Chen’s 10 students had already arrived.

Among them, there was not only Chen Yu himself, but also seven or eight chief physicians and deputy chief physicians of the Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

Chen Yu looked at his students and said,”You have just graduated from undergraduate studies. You will be studying for the first year of graduate school in the next academic year and will enter the regular training stage.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University is the best hospital in Suzhou City and ranks 53rd in the country.

Therefore, the hospital has very high requirements for regular trainees.

If you want to become a doctor of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University in the future, your foreign language level, clinical skills, theoretical knowledge, etc. must all meet the standards!” As soon as the voice fell, the students nodded.

Since the middle of this month.

Professor Chen Yu has been leading them and teaching them how to practice basic surgical skills.

In half a month, they have made rapid progress and are expected to make a splash in today’s basic skills competition.

Chen Yu got straight to the point and said,”Without further ado, today’s basic skills competition officially begins!” As soon as the words came out.

10 students took their seats.

In front of each of them, there was a surgical instrument kit and a torn rubber glove.

They needed tools to sew up the glove.

Chen Yu held the timer and counted down:”Three, two, one, start!” As soon as the words fell, the students took the tools and sewed up quickly.

In the eyes of Ge Fang, Gao Kai and others, there was only one feeling.

That was fast!

Extremely fast!

Threading, inserting the needle, and removing the needle!

10 students were sewing a work of art like embroidery.

All the movements were smooth and there was no pause.

Ge Fang and Gao Kai looked left and right.

They found that everyone’s speed was incredibly fast!

At this time, a female student named Qin Shuang put down the tools and blew air into the rubber gloves.

The gloves that had been torn.

There was no leakage at this moment!

She raised her hand and said,”Professor, I’m done!”

Chen Yu pressed the stopwatch and found that only 28 seconds had passed!

“I’m fine too!”

“Stitching complete!”

“Oops, one step too slow!”


The voices rang out one after another.

The slowest one took less than 36 seconds!

Everyone present was stunned!

In less than a minute, the gloves were sutured!

Isn’t this suture level too high?

Not only that!

The suture thread used by each participating student is thinner than a hair.

The shape after suture is more beautiful than embroidery!

Is this a freshly graduated undergraduate?

I’m afraid that the attending doctors in many domestic hospitals are not at this level, right?

If you say this is a chief physician, they will believe it!


The basic skills competition continued.

Chen Yu said:”The next stage is to compete in blood vessel suture under a microscope.

You need to cut the epidermis of these chicken wings in front of you under a microscope and separate blood vessels with a diameter of less than 1 mm.

The blood vessels are cut open and reassembled to finally complete the ‘end-to-end anastomosis’.

The suture needle prepared for you is 0.1 mm, and the suture thread is 0.03 mm.”

After the voice fell.

Gao Kai and others were surprised.

Suturing a 1 mm blood vessel, is this something a human can do?

After getting ready.

The competition officially began.

Under the light of a microscope, the participating students cut open the skin of the chicken wings and quickly separated the blood vessels.

They first cut the blood vessels. Then , they used thread thinner than a hair to sew 10 stitches on the 1 mm diameter blood vessels. The two blood vessels formed a new whole.

“I’m fine!”

“I’m fine too!”

“”Shit, I’m slow again!”

Chen Yu glanced at the stopwatch and found that the fastest one took 40 seconds and the slowest one took 52 seconds.

At this moment, Ge Fang, Gao Kai and others all took a breath of cold air.

In less than a minute, the blood vessel suture was completed, and it was very smooth.

You know, the suturing operation under a high-power microscope requires extremely strong concentration.

Facing the needle as thin as a cow’s hair and the extremely thin blood vessel wall, using a thread as thin as a quarter of the thickness of a hair to shuttle back and forth.

During the suturing process, you can feel the slightest movement of your fingers.

At this time, not only is the hand steady, but even the breathing is strictly controlled.

It can be called”meticulous and meticulous”.

It can be seen that the basic skills of Professor Chen Yu’s students are ridiculously solid!



10 students will take other tests.

Under a microscope, peel the eggshell of a raw egg.

Use a scalpel to cut paper through a balloon and cut out a heart.

Use a long surgical forceps to clamp 30 beans in 15 seconds.

Ge Fang, Gao Kai and others were all stunned.

Peeling a raw egg tests the doctor’s hands, eyes, endurance and perseverance.

Cutting paper with a balloon tests the doctor’s grip on the scalpel.

Clamping beans with surgical forceps tests whether the doctor’s every step is precise.


These participating students have extremely solid basic surgical skills.

After the competition.

Chen Yu said to the students:”Only by accumulating over time can you be at ease; only by striving for excellence can you protect life.

Doctors are a profession that requires strong professional skills. If you are a little careless, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, details determine height, and rigor determines depth.

If you want to truly become a doctor at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University in the future, you must practice basic skills in your spare time, do you understand?”


The 10 students, led by Qin Shuang and Ning Feng, said in unison.

After giving some instructions,

Chen Yu led the students away.


In the practice room,

Gao Kai looked at an associate chief physician who was about to leave, and asked,”Director, may I ask, have the basic skills of Professor Chen’s 10 students reached the level of doctors at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University?””

“In fact, it has been achieved!”

The deputy chief physician smiled and said,”The apprentices taught by Professor Chen have very solid basic skills, no worse than us.

Take the previous suturing technique as an example.

If we use the level classification in novels to describe it.

Suturing is divided into entry level, proficient level, professional level, master level, grandmaster level, and grandmaster level.

Xiao Gao, your level is average, just a little better than the entry level.

The interns in your batch barely reached the proficient level.

The surgeons in tertiary comprehensive hospitals are almost at the professional level.

The surgeons who have been working in tertiary comprehensive hospitals for more than ten or twenty years are almost at the master level.

And the interns who just participated in the basic skills competition have all reached the master level.

Grandmaster level belongs to the top famous doctors in the country.

Grandmaster level belongs to world-class famous doctors”


Hearing this, Gao Kai took a breath of cold air, his face full of shock.

The basic skills level of Professor Chen’s students has convinced him.

But he didn’t expect that such a solid basic skills level can only reach the master level, not the grandmaster level.

This is too outrageous!

Seeing Gao Kai’s expression, the deputy chief physician patted his shoulder and comforted him:”Xiao Gao, don’t be discouraged.

There are about 4 million people with practicing medical licenses in our country.

However, there are only 20,000 doctors with master-level suture skills at most.

You must remember!

The training building of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University is the cradle of clinical skill enlightenment, the fertile ground for the growth of professional skills, and the podium for medical predecessors and master professors to pass on their knowledge and treasures!

Compared with the regular trainees in other hospitals.

Your starting point is already very high.

In addition, Professor Chen Yu has been in the hospital recently.

You can find an opportunity to ask Professor Chen for advice.

I believe you will benefit a lot!”

Hearing this,

Gao Kai’s eyes lit up with hope.


I can find an opportunity to ask Professor Chen for advice!

The 10 students who participated in the competition just now only practiced basic skills for half a month and reached the master level.

If I can ask Professor Chen for some pointers,

I will definitely be able to make rapid progress and have master-level basic skills!

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