September 18th.

In the press conference hall of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University.

A grand press conference was being held.

The theme of this press conference was”Universal artificial blood, Phase II clinical trial shows significant efficacy!

” Hundreds of media reporters gathered to report on this grand event.

All major video websites broadcast live simultaneously.

In the guest seats on the scene, there were Zhu Xiulin, president of Suzhou University, Xiong Sidong, vice president, Zhao Ming, president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University, and many experts and scholars in the medical field.

The beginning of the press conference.

The host said,”The human body divides blood groups according to whether there are specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells.

Common divisions include the ABO blood group system, the Rh blood group system, the MN blood group system, and the MNSs blood group system.

According to the ABO blood group system, there are four types of blood: A type, B type, AB type, and O type.

According to the Rh blood group system, there are Rh positive and Rh negative.

Common Rh negative O type blood, Rh negative B type blood, and Rh negative A type blood are also called panda blood.

Panda blood is extremely precious.

Only 3/1000 to 4/1000 people in China have this blood type.

When a panda blood patient is sick and needs a blood transfusion, he can only receive panda blood.

If there is no suitable blood, life will be in danger.

In news reports, there are often reports of panda blood appearing in a certain city, and the official call for blood donations from the entire city.

Of course, the medical community is not only short of panda blood, but also ordinary blood.

” Hearing this, everyone present nodded.

Blood is an important medical material.

It is also a precious resource that cannot be changed by human technological progress and cannot be artificially produced.

It can only be obtained through the most primitive method, that is, through voluntary donations from citizens.

At this stage, the medical community is facing a blood shortage.

The number of citizens donating blood has been sluggish, the clinical blood inventory continues to be in short supply, and ischemia has led to delayed surgery.

The ischemia problem has affected the treatment of critically ill patients.

Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai filmed a documentary called”The World”, which truly records and restores the daily work of the hospital.

There is a picture in it, where a doctor is giving a blood transfusion to a patient.

The doctor kept squeezing the blood bag, trying to squeeze out the last drop of blood left in it.

Because blood is hard to come by.

Save as much as you can.

Maybe you can save the next patient!

Obviously, even the famous Ruijin Hospital in China is facing an ischemia crisis.


On the high platform.

The host continued,”The shortage of blood products is one of the problems in the medical field.

As early as half a century ago, the medical field began to study artificial blood, hoping to find a real substitute.

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of technology.

No country can develop real artificial blood for the time being.

This year, Professor Chen Yu of the School of Medicine of Suzhou University launched the universal artificial blood project. While successfully completing the research and development, he also carried out related clinical trials.

This artificial blood is a completely synthetic hemoglobin.

It can replace the hemoglobin that transports oxygen in human blood, and contains a large number of red blood cells and blood type antibodies.

When the artificial blood is transfused into the patient’s blood vessels, the antibodies will play a role to prevent the artificial blood and human blood from being inconsistent.

This universal blood can allow any type of ischemic patients to obtain enough blood products in emergency treatment, surgery, blood disease treatment, etc., without relying on blood banks.

Whether it is panda blood or ordinary blood.

From now on, the medical field will no longer have to face the crisis of ischemia!”

The voice fell.

There was a sensation at the scene.

Universal artificial blood was truly born!

The media reporters were all delighted.

Every hospital in Xia Country is short of blood of every blood type.

Once artificial blood can be mass-produced, it will alleviate the blood shortage, completely subvert the medical field, and benefit countless patients.

The host said,”Now please invite Professor Chen Yu to come to the stage and speak!”

Upon hearing this, the audience burst into applause.

Chen Yu, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, walked up to the stage under the gaze of the audience.

He held a plastic bag and introduced:”Dear guests, the powdery substance in the plastic bag in front of you is the universal artificial blood.

Artificial blood is stored in a plastic bag and can be stored dry at room temperature with a shelf life of one year.

The synthetic red blood cells contained in it are only two percent of the size of human red blood cells.

When needed, inject sterile water to mix and it can be used.

After the development of artificial blood was completed, the animal testing stage went very smoothly.

Experimental mice, rabbits, monkeys, dogs, cows, pigs and other animals have undergone a large number of experiments with good results.

The results showed that the artificial blood was basically discharged after one week, and there was no residue after two weeks. The real blood replaced the artificial blood, and the animals lived very healthily.

The human trials were also very smooth.

All patients who used artificial blood did not have any physical abnormalities.

Clinical trial participants of various blood types also discharged all the blood after using artificial blood within one week, and there was no residue after two weeks.

The physical signs of each participant were very good.

Now, the Phase II clinical trial of universal artificial blood has come to an end.

We will start the Phase III clinical trial soon!” As soon as the voice fell.

There was deafening applause at the scene, which lasted for a long time.



Chen Yu began to explain the research and development process of universal blood.

This blood is not whole human blood, but an artificial red blood cell and artificial platelet.

It is made of a cell membrane component called liposome, which is made into a very small ‘bag’, and then filled with hemostatic and oxygen transport components.

At the same time, he used the gene knockout method to knock out the antigens on the surface of blood cells, so that blood transfusions can be done without matching.

It is worth mentioning that.

This artificial blood does not produce transfusion-related complications, is not restricted by blood type, and can be stored at room temperature for more than 1 year.

At the same time, blood transfusion using universal blood can effectively avoid the risk of infection with infectious diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis.

As Chen Yu narrated.

Today’s medical masters are all fascinated.

They all realize that a huge change in the medical field is coming.

Everyone will be a witness!

It is no exaggeration to say that artificial blood is a Nobel Prize-level achievement that can subvert the entire medical field!


After the press conference, all sectors of society followed up with reports

《A new trend in the medical field! Real life-saving blood!》

《The Holy Grail of Medicine: Let Human Blood Flow in the River of Life!》

《Alleviate the blood shortage! Universal blood will end human blood donation!》

《Artificial blood is still in the clinical trial stage, but it has already saved a lot of lives!》

《Sepsis? Aplastic anemia? Universal artificial blood is the savior!》

《One-year shelf life at room temperature! Universal artificial blood may become a strategic resource for my country!》

《Genius professor Chen Yu has developed artificial blood, bringing good news to the medical community!》

《Professor Chen Yu, the developer of universal artificial blood, is destined to win the Nobel Prize in the future!》

《The grand vision of artificial blood! This drug will leverage the tens of billions of dollars market in the future!》


On the Internet.

The whole network was amazed

“WTF?! A miracle drug is born!”

“Universal artificial blood, forever awesome!”

“Great! After Professor Chen developed artificial blood, it will completely alleviate the blood shortage in the medical field!”

“Not only that, with artificial blood, the medical field no longer needs voluntary blood donations!”

“Yes! Once the universal artificial blood is on the market, blood can be produced on an assembly line, which will completely subvert the entire medical field!”

“There is a panda blood volunteer team in the society, which consists of dozens of people, who support each other. With artificial blood in the future, they will never feel helpless again!”

“Professor Chen is amazing! The universal artificial blood he developed has benefited the present and future generations, and is destined to go down in the history of medicine!”

“My blood type is panda blood, so I usually live very cautiously, fearing any accidents. But now it’s good, I can sweat on the court without restraint!”

“We hope that universal artificial blood can complete the clinical trial stage as soon as possible, initiate new drug approval as soon as possible, and be approved for marketing, so as to save thousands of ischemic patients!”

“I have a quick question, who is Professor Chen Yu? How come you all seem to know him?”

“Dear netizen, let me explain this to you! Professor Chen Yu has published 50 Nature papers and 5 national undergraduate textbooks this year alone, and he is the youngest full professor in the country!”

“That’s right! Professor Chen is 25 years old this year, very young. In addition to his unrivaled medical theoretical knowledge, he has also performed pig kidney xenotransplantation and pig heart xenotransplantation, and has performed a series of world-first surgeries!”

“Oh my god! According to what you said, Professor Chen Yu is really awesome, right?”

“Of course! If artificial blood is approved for marketing in the future, Professor Chen will most likely win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine!”

“And that’s not all! The global market for blood products is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. In the future, Professor Chen will not only become a Nobel Prize winner, but also a well-known billionaire!”

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