May 15.

It was early in the morning, the sun was shining brightly.

A business car stopped at the gate of the Sucheng Military District.

Military District Si Ling Qin Gui, Evidence Committee Member Yang Hai and others came to greet them immediately.

“Professor Chen, welcome to inspect!”

Chen Yu and Ning Feng, who had just got off the car, were a little uncomfortable seeing this scene.

He smiled and said,”Qin Siling, I am the medical consultant of the Sucheng Military Sub-district. Coming here is like being at home. No need to be so polite!”


Qin Gui smiled and said with full energy:”Professor Chen, you are usually too busy, and I am afraid that you will forget our military sub-district!”

In November last year, he invited Chen Yu to serve as the medical consultant of the Sucheng Military Sub-district.

This position is very leisurely.

You don’t need to do anything at ordinary times.

You just need to come forward to diagnose and treat some difficult and complicated diseases that military doctors cannot solve.

Since there was nothing happening in the Sucheng Military Sub-district during this period,

Chen Yu came once last year.

Until now, it has only come for the second time.

“How could I forget?”

Chen Yu smiled and said,”I am a native of Sucheng and have a special feeling for the Sucheng Military Sub-district. I can forget anyone but not our military sub-district!”

Then, after a few people exchanged pleasantries, they got straight to the point.

Qin Gui said straight to the point,”Professor Chen, yesterday one of my retired captains came to the Sucheng Military Sub-district to see me, and he suddenly had epilepsy.

Military doctors have no way to treat this disease.

I can only trouble you!

I wonder if you have any way to treat epilepsy?”

Hearing this,

Chen Yu said bluntly,”If it is just epilepsy, I should be able to treat it!”

Epilepsy is a clinical syndrome caused by abnormal synchronous discharge of neurons in the cerebral cortex.

The main clinical manifestations of patients are systemic or local limb convulsions, accompanied by impaired consciousness.

At present, there are about 50 million epilepsy patients in the world.

There are about 9 million epilepsy patients in Xiaguo, and 400,000 new cases appear every”117″ year.

“That’s good!”

Qin Gui heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that it could be cured.

He quickly said,”Professor Chen, please follow me!”


Chen Yu nodded and followed Qin Gui into the military subdistrict.


A moment later, everyone came to a ward.

An old man, about 70 years old, was on the bed with saline drip.

He had no consciousness and his body twitched from time to time.

After a moment of diagnosis,

Chen Yu asked,”Qin Siling, is the operating room of your military sub-district fully equipped?”

Behind Qin Gui

, a middle-aged military doctor stood and said hurriedly,”Professor Chen, don’t worry, the operating room of the military sub-district is very well equipped with various high-end instruments.

Whatever the outside world has, we have here.

Whatever the outside world doesn’t have, we also have here.”

Chen Yu asked again,”Are there stereotactic EEG and stereotactic laser?”


The military doctor nodded quickly.

Hearing this, Chen Yu said bluntly:”That’s good, now I will perform surgery on the patient immediately!”


The middle-aged military doctor was stunned.

In his impression, epilepsy is a disease that cannot be completely cured by surgery. If it is treated with drugs, it is theoretically possible to cure it.

“You heard it right, it’s surgery.”

Chen Yu replied, and began to make relevant preparations before the operation.

Although the middle-aged military doctor was curious, he did not ask questions at this time.

Professor Chen is the number one in medicine at this stage.

If he said that surgery can completely cure epilepsy, then it must be possible!



The patient was transferred to the operating room.

Chen Yu, wearing a surgical gown, began to perform surgery on the epileptic patient with the assistance of his disciple Ning Feng.

What he performed was not a surgery in the conventional sense.

It was a multi-procedure treatment method.

The so-called multi-procedure refers to a combination of multiple surgeries.

In terms of Chen Yu’s specific surgery, he used stereotactic EEG-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation, stereotactic laser ablation, neuromodulation, vagus nerve stimulation, focused ultrasound and other treatment methods.

After a full four hours.

The operation was a complete success!

When Chen Yu left the operating room, he smiled and said,”Qin Siling, the patient’s vital signs have stabilized, and his epilepsy has been completely cured.

Let someone send the patient back to the ward for recuperation.

He is expected to wake up tonight.

Then he can be discharged from the hospital after three days of good care!”

“”Thank you, Professor Chen!”

Qin Gui thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

The reason why he could have what he has today was all because of the old captain’s kindness.

This time when the old captain came to Sucheng Military Sub-district, he suddenly suffered from epilepsy, which made him very anxious.

Especially when the military doctor said that epilepsy is very difficult to deal with.

With the existing medical means, this disease cannot be cured at all.

Hearing this.

Qin Gui felt that his sky had fallen!

Fortunately, he suddenly remembered.

The military sub-district has a famous medical consultant-Professor Chen Yu!

Professor Chen can cure many difficult and complicated diseases, maybe there is a way to cure epilepsy?

When the time comes, heaven and earth will work together.

Professor Chen can really cure epilepsy!

Qin Gui suggested:”Professor Chen, you have been busy all morning and haven’t had lunch yet.

The chef of the military sub-district kitchen team cooked a sumptuous meal.

I’ll take you there now!”

“Thank you Qin Siling!”

Chen Yu smiled and nodded.


In the military sub-district cafeteria,

Chen Yu had a good lunch.

He looked at Qin Gui and said,”Qin Siling, even if you didn’t look for me, I would come to the military sub-district in the next two days.”

“Oh? What do you mean?”

Qin Gui was a little confused.

Chen Yu said slowly:”During this period, I have developed two new drugs.

The results of clinical trials show that the two new drugs are effective and more suitable for soldiers.

The first new drug is called Huanyu Hemostatic Spray.

Patients with skin bleeding can quickly stop bleeding in five seconds after using the hemostatic spray.

This drug molecule can quickly promote the contraction of damaged capillary ends, strongly stimulate thrombin in the blood, and play a magical role in rapid hemostasis.

And the hemostatic spray I brought this time is a military version.

It only takes three seconds to stop bleeding quickly!”

As soon as these words came out,

Qin Gui became interested.

As a soldier, he is very familiar with traumatic bleeding.

Hemostatic drugs are a very important drug in the field of clinical emergency treatment.

If soldiers are injured and bleeding heavily, if they are not stopped in time, their lives will be seriously endangered.

Qin Gui has come into contact with many hemostatic drugs over the years, but he has never seen a magic drug that stops bleeding in three seconds!

He hurriedly asked:”Professor Chen, did you bring the hemostatic spray? I want to try it!”

“”Brought it!”

Chen Yu’s disciple Ning Feng quickly took out a bottle of Huanyu hemostatic spray from his bag.

Qin Gui was a very decisive soldier.

When he saw the hemostatic spray, he immediately took out a knife and cut a three-centimeter cut on the back of his hand.

In an instant, blood gushed out.

“”Oh, this?”

Ning Feng was stunned for a second, then quickly used the Universal Hemostatic Spray to stop the bleeding on the back of Qin Gui’s hand.

It must be said that the Universal Hemostatic Spray is extremely effective. After the spray came into contact with the wound, the back of Qin Gui’s hand stopped bleeding in just three seconds. Ning Feng smacked his lips and said,”Qin Siling, even if you want to see the effectiveness of the hemostatic spray, you don’t have to cut yourself!

“What’s the big deal?”

Qin Gui said nonchalantly,”I’ve been a soldier all my life, and getting a cut is just a common occurrence.”

At this point, he said with emotion,”This bottle of Universal Hemostatic Spray is really a miracle drug!

If all the soldiers in our country are equipped with this kind of hemostatic spray, they will definitely be invincible on the battlefield.

Even if they are injured, they can save their lives first and wait for follow-up rescue.” As soon as the voice fell, (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Chen Yu nodded in agreement.

Universal Hemostatic Spray is divided into civilian and military versions.

The civilian hemostatic spray that stops bleeding in five seconds will become a life-saving miracle drug in the field of clinical emergency treatment.

The military hemostatic spray that stops bleeding in three seconds will become a life-saving miracle drug in the field of battlefield emergency treatment.

Qin Gui asked,”Professor Chen, what is the second new drug you developed?”[]

“Universal Gene Enhancement Potion!”

Chen Yu said bluntly:”As the name suggests, this drug can strengthen the soldiers’ genes and greatly enhance their physique, thereby gaining attributes such as strength, speed, and agility that surpass flesh and blood.”


Qin Gui couldn’t help but gasp when he heard this, his face full of shock.

The spray that stopped bleeding in three seconds had already surprised him.

And now…

Professor Chen Yu actually took out this epoch-making medical miracle drug.

Isn’t this too incredible?

He murmured,”Professor Chen, you also understand the field of genetics?”

Chen Yu smiled and said,”Qin Siling, you forgot that I am not only a professor at the School of Medicine of Soochow University, but also a professor at the School of Life Sciences of Soochow University.”

“So that’s it!”

Qin Gui nodded in sudden enlightenment.

He didn’t expect that

Professor Chen had profound attainments in the fields of medicine and life sciences!

Chen Yu said,”Qin Siling, the Universal Gene Enhancement Agent has completed the preclinical trial stage.

And in the future, relevant human clinical trials are needed.

After careful consideration,

I think I should cooperate with you.

Even if human clinical trials are to be conducted, soldiers should be the main subjects, not ordinary people.”

“That’s right!”

Qin Gui nodded sensibly.

Drugs like gene enhancement should be kept secret regardless of the success of clinical trials. He asked,”Professor Chen, what do you need me to do?” Chen Yu said,”It would be best to find two soldiers who are willing to cooperate with the clinical trials. If the drug is effective, I will donate it to the military sub-district. If it fails, I will continue my research.

“”Okay, I’ll arrange it!”

Qin Gui nodded and strode away immediately.


Not long after,

Qin Gui found two people who were willing to cooperate with the clinical trial.���He introduced

:”Professor Chen, the tall soldier on my left is named Zhao Lei; the thin soldier on my right is named Wang Zhen.

They have signed the informed consent form and are willing to fully cooperate with this drug trial and bear any side effects.”

Hearing this, Chen Yu nodded slightly………..

He carefully looked at the two soldiers.

Zhao Lei and Wang Zhen were tall and straight, with bright eyes. They were very outstanding soldiers, even at the level of the king of soldiers.

He asked Ning Feng to take out two tubes of blue reagent from the package and said,”You two follow me!”

Hearing this,

Zhao Lei and Wang Zhen hurried to follow.

A moment later, the group came to an empty training hall.

Ning Feng took out a special testing instrument from the package.

The instrument can detect data such as bone density and muscle strength.

He ordered,”You two lie down first.”

Zhao Lei and Wang Zhen lay down as instructed without any hesitation.

Chen Yu picked up the Universal Gene Enhancement Agent and injected 100 ml of it into the arms of the two.

The blue gene enhancement agent quickly flowed into the bodies of the two people along the transparent leather tube.

The faces of the two people, who were originally calm, suddenly turned red and blue veins popped out.

Zhao Lei and Wang Zhen’s bodies suddenly made crackling sounds, and they felt the power of the medicine washing over their bodies, filling them with strength.

The testing equipment continuously displayed various body data.

On the screen of the equipment, the muscle density and bone density of the two people were increasing rapidly.

Chen Yu instructed Ning Feng:”Inject them with the special nutrient solution.”

“Yes, Professor!”

Ning Feng nodded and did as he was told.


Fifteen minutes later.

Zhao Lei and Wang Zhen had sharp edges on their faces, their bodies became more slender, and their arms were muscular, like bodybuilders.

The screen of the testing instrument showed that the height of the two men increased by 5 centimeters.

The weight increased by 20 kilograms. The muscle density was 5 times that of before.

The bone density was 3 times that of before.

The cell division speed was 2 times that of before.

The nerve activity was 2 times that of before.

The body fat percentage increased from 8 to 2.

Seeing these data.

Chen Yu said to Ning Feng:”The prompting ability of the gene enhancer varies from person to person.

Some people’s physical fitness will increase by one or two times.

Some people’s physical fitness will increase by two or three times.

Some people’s physical fitness will prompt four or five times.

The specific improvement of the two people still needs further testing.”

“”Yes, Professor!”

Ning Feng nodded to show that he understood.

While the two were talking,

Zhao Lei and Wang Zhen had already stood up.

They looked at their stronger muscles and well-proportioned muscle lines, and they felt incredible.

The two clenched their fists and found that they had an unprecedented sense of power.

Next, everyone came to an unmanned test site and conducted a full range of physical tests.


Two hours later, the physical test data came out.

Zhao Lei deadlifted 1228 kg, Wang Zhen deadlifted 1175 kg.

Zhao Lei weightlifted 1315 kg, Wang Zhen weightlifted 1280 kg.

Zhao Lei sprinted 7.22 seconds for 100 meters, Wang Zhen sprinted 7.10 seconds for 100 meters. Zhao Lei’s standing long jump was 6.08 meters, Wang Zhen’s standing long jump was 6.30 meters. Zhao Lei’s vertical jump was 242 cm, Wang Zhen’s vertical jump was 256 cm.

Zhao Lei’s vital capacity was 43,000 ml, Wang Zhen’s vital capacity was 42,500 ml. 1.9


Various physical test data are amazing.

Their strength, speed, bounce, endurance, agility, explosive power, lung capacity, reaction speed, etc. are much stronger than before.

Every indicator crushes the current world record holder and creates a new human limit.

In addition, the vision, smell, hearing, taste, and touch of the two have been significantly improved.

At this moment, Zhao Lei and Wang Zhen are very excited.

They are active soldiers.

Naturally, they understand what these physical test data represent.

If every soldier in Xiaguo has this kind of physical fitness, then it will be completely invincible!

Everyone is a super special forces soldier.

How do other countries play?

Chen Yu said to Qin Gui, who was already stunned:”Qin Siling, our company’s plan is this.

Genetically enhanced drugs are handed over to the military for use to ensure that Xiaguo soldiers have a physical fitness advantage over global soldiers.

Dilute the genetically enhanced drugs many times and use them for the public to enhance the physical fitness of the Chinese people.”

Hearing this, Qin Gui reacted.

Genetically enhanced drugs are a national weapon.

When drugs are put on the market, they must be cautious and cautious.

He asked:”Professor Chen, as the saying goes, medicine is three-part poison, so does the gene enhancement drug have side effects?”

“Of course!”

Chen Yu nodded and said,”People who take gene-enhancing drugs will consume several times more energy every day than ordinary people.

They need to eat a lot of food to maintain their body’s consumption.”

“So that’s how it is.”

Qin Gui nodded in sudden realization.

No wonder Zhao Lei and Wang Zhen had to be injected with special nutrient solution to maintain energy consumption after taking the gene-enhancing drug.

Qin Gui took a deep breath and said,”Professor Chen, the gene-enhancing drug is too important. Please allow me to report to my superiors!”

“As it should be!”

Chen Yu agreed with a smile.

The outside world thought he was the best in the medical field.

I’m afraid no one expected that he would also achieve world-renowned achievements in the field of life sciences!

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