God-level Base

Chapter 1067 Alarmed

The other person is a sheep-headed person, his eyes seem to hide two groups of stars burning with demonic flames, his body is hidden in a black armor, with a pair of demon wings growing behind him, and his body is surrounded by endless demonic flames. .

Those two strong men are the head of the corpse clan and one of the five heavenly monarchs of the True Devil Kingdom of Water.

On the chessboard on which the corpse dark emperor and the sheep-headed demon emperor were playing chess, the sun, moon and stars appeared, and each chess piece was transformed by a star.

"Heavenly Lord Zombie, this Qionglin Banquet seems to be your Zombie clan's dominance again."

The sheep-headed demon emperor picked up a chess piece, took a step, and smiled slightly.

Shi Antian said: "You also have a lot of good seedlings in your sheep-headed demon clan. Yang Anhuo and Yang Sanyan are good."

The sheep-headed demon emperor sighed slightly: "Although Yang Anhuo and Yang Sanyan are good. But if it is not unexpected, their limit is the realm of the Great Demon God. If they are not powerful, they are just ants after all. Dead Night Golden Dragon, The chances of achieving great power are much better than they are."

Zombie Antian said: "Ziye Golden Dragon, it's really good!"

The predecessor of Zyye Jinlong was a Great Sun Dragon, the son of the powerful Great Sun Dragon Emperor of the True Dragon family. After accidentally offending Almighty, he was hit hard by that Almighty, cutting off the path of continued evolution. Before dying, a corpse transformation ceremony was carried out, and new spiritual wisdom was born on the corpse, just to continue to advance to become a powerful one.

Among the corpse clan, the corpse night golden dragon is also an extremely rare existence, with extremely terrifying evolutionary potential, and is one of the most promising geniuses in this era.

"Tianjun! I have something to report to my subordinates!"

A dragon-headed human body, surrounded by a corpse qi, came from the side of the Great Demon God of the Corpse Race, looking at the Heavenly Monarch Corpse Darkness, his eyes flashed with fanatical worship and respect.

"What's the matter, say it!"

Shi An Tianjun didn't look up, twisted a chess piece, and took a step up and down the chessboard.

The Great Demon God of the Corpse Clan lowered his head and said respectfully, "The top geniuses of our Corpse Clan and Sheep-headed Demon Clan were all defeated by the human genius Shu Feng and fell from the trial tower!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just as a piece of Shi An Tianjun was pressed, the chessboard cracked open,

Pieces of chess pieces exploded, starlight burst, hundreds of millions of intelligent beings perished, and countless souls uttered bitter and bitter curses.

That chessboard is a small world, and every star on the chessboard is a star that contains countless intelligent beings. The collapse of the chessboard means that a small world was directly wiped out by Zombie Antianjun.

An incomparably terrifying and strange fluctuation permeated around the body of Zombie Antianjun, spreading in all directions.

Shi An Tianjun stretched out his hand and pointed on the chessboard, and the curse of the hundreds of millions of creatures on the chessboard was easily absorbed and turned into a part of his power.

Shi An Tianjun said lightly: "Zi Ye Jinlong also lost?"

The Great Demon God of the Zombie Clan respectfully said, "The Zombie Night Golden Dragon was defeated by Shu Feng and Shangguanhuang together!"

Zombie An Tianjun said: "Interesting! You retreat!"


The Great Demon God of the Corpse Race quickly retreated, and cold sweats burst out from behind.

Shi An Tianjun smiled indifferently: "Is it Shu Feng? I remember this name."

The sheep-headed demon emperor also flashed a fierce light in his eyes and smiled: "Hey, I also remember this name. A mere human bastard dares to attack the genius of our family. It's really a life-or-death thing."

There were four people sitting in a suppression pavilion in a cave house in Shuiye Mocheng.

"Happy, so happy!! This little guy Shu Feng did a good job, I like it. I accept his apprentice!!"

Wearing silver armor, tall, with messy hair, a bit slovenly, the great human race exudes a domineering atmosphere and laughed loudly.

Since the defeat of True Demon Yi Zang, although the human race has been sheltered by the Water God Emperor, it has inevitably declined. When Yi Zang was the leader of the human race in its prime, the number of the great powers of the human race exceeded one hundred, which was extremely brilliant. But now, there are only four human beings left on the bright side.

A man with a handsome appearance, a refined temperament and a cyan robe frowned slightly and said, "Yang Yuanjun, no!! Shu Feng knocked down the geniuses of the corpse clan and the sheep-headed demon clan, and cut them down heavily. The faces of the two clans. The Heavenly Monarch Zombie and the Demon Sovereign with Sheep Head are both people who will pay revenge and will not give up. If you accept Shu Feng as your disciple, the two clans will definitely target my human race and make the development of my human race even more difficult."

Yang Yuanjun said coldly: "Gu Shanjun, even if I don't accept Shu Feng as a disciple. Don't the two clans target our human clan? How many geniuses of our human clan have died tragically in the hands of the two clans over the years, don't you know? If it weren't for the two clans to target, how could our human race only have four of us?

A man dressed in a yellow robe, with an unparalleled elegance and beauty, raised his eyebrows and said, "Yang Yuanjun and Gu Shanjun have no other intentions. It is also true that my human race is weak. Shu Feng is indeed a human genius and has great power. However, there are many geniuses with a powerful posture, but there are only a handful of geniuses who can advance to the advanced level. For him, it is still too irrational to have a head-on confrontation with the Zidan Tianjun."

Shi An Tianjun is one of the five heavenly monarchs of the True Demon Kingdom of Water.

Jun Xueqin and Jun Gu Shan were unwilling to be enemies with Lord Shi Antian for the sake of a mere human genius.

Yang Yuanjun looked towards the last human race and said, "Meng Yunjun, what do you mean?"

With his eyes closed, Meng Yunjun, who seemed to be sleepwalking all the time, smiled leisurely: "Yang Yuanjun, do whatever you want! My generation cultivates to be free and happy. As long as you can afford the income The consequences of the disciples will do.”

Yang Yuanjun laughed loudly and said, "Haha! Well said!"

"Shu Feng, interesting little guy from the human race!!"

"That human race genius is so arrogant, he is courting death!"

"The mere human ants dare to provoke Zombie Antianjun, what a lunatic!!"


In the Water Night Demon City, the great masters who came to participate in the Qionglin Banquet soon knew Shu Feng's name. verb: move.

In the deepest part of the Water Night Demon City, in a pavilion in the Water God Palace, a young man with a beautiful appearance, wearing a blue shirt and having dragon horns also showed a trace of interest: "There are still human races who dare to provoke Zombie Dark. God, it's interesting!"

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