God-level Base

Chapter 959 9-star blue robe

The injuries caused by the Demon King-level powerhouses to the Demon-God-level powerhouses can be quickly recovered by those Demon-God-level powerhouses. However, the damage caused by the demon-level powerhouses to each other is not so simple to recover.

Although the demon-level corpse worm killed the demon-level rhinoceros skeleton monster with the help of Shu Feng, it was also seriously injured and needed to be recovered.

Three hours later, the devil-level corpse-eating armored earth recovered its health under the nourishment of the high-level source energy of the source energy evolution tower, and was summoned again by Shu Feng.

Shu Feng also regained his full strength in the Yuanneng Evolution Tower, and then, under the guard of the Demon God-level Corpse Eater, carefully walked towards the big city.

As soon as he entered the big city, Shu Feng saw many human and humanoid skeletons of demon gods. He directly put all the skeletons of the demon gods into the base space.

Those Demon God bones are extremely hard and are top-grade materials that can be used to synthesize powerful synthetic beasts. In addition to this, the bones of the demon gods basically have a trace of the source of the demon gods attached to them.

Shu Feng collected more than 10,000 Devil God bones along the way, and the number of Devil God Sources in his hand also exceeded 80 units. It is equivalent to the harvest of beheading 80 demon-level powerhouses.

"Yes, just these Demon God bones are a huge gain. It can make up for my consumption of synthesizing Demon God-level corpse ghouls."

Shu Feng happily collected the skeletons of the devil gods, and his eyes were full of joy.

A look of doubt flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "However, why aren't there any demon-level treasures here? Unless people have destroyed all of their extraordinary spirituality, they should exist even in the past hundreds of millions of years."

The physical quality of the strong human race is inherently far inferior to that of other races. Shu Feng cultivated the supreme demon body, and after his transformation, he was infinitely close to the top ancient demons, which was the result of his consumption of resources like mountains and seas. Even so, his physical quality may not be comparable to those of the top descendants of ancient demons.

However, the strong human race is proficient in refining all kinds of secret treasures. With the blessing of various powerful secret treasures and secret techniques, the human race can compete with other races without falling behind.

Since this is a human race battlefield, according to the truth, there should be countless demon-level secret treasures, or fragments of demon-level secret treasures.

In the virtual world, in addition to the true demon-level secret treasures, even the power-level secret treasures will slowly disappear with the passage of time.

If there is no special seal for a demon king-level treasure, all the extraordinary power of millions of years will be lost. The magic god-level treasures can generally last hundreds of millions of years. The secret treasure of the high-energy level can only support tens of billions of years of power before it will run out.

Shu Feng shuttled through the ruins, looking for room after room, but found countless skeletons, but did not find any valuable treasures.

"found it!"

Inside Shu Feng's main hall, his eyes suddenly lit up.

There are dozens of heritage jade tablets in that hall, and a headless skeleton wearing a blue robe knelt on the ground.

The upper half of the dozens of inheritance jade monuments have been directly cut off by a sword light, losing the power of inheritance.

"This time, I made a big profit!!"

Shu Feng looked at the dozens of inheritance jade tablets with excitement flashing in his eyes.

Although the dozens of inheritance jade tablets have lost the power of inheritance, the inheritance of the demon god level has disappeared. But they themselves are treasures with countless high-level energy sources.

Shu Feng thought about it, and the Demon God-level corpse armored worm immediately rushed towards the headless skeleton wearing a blue brocade robe.

The devil-level corpse armor has thick skin and thick flesh, and has a strong resilience. If there is any danger, Shu Feng will let him test it first.


The headless skeleton wearing a blue robe was hit by the corpse armor and immediately fell to the ground.

Shu Feng speculated in his heart: "There is no backhand! It seems that this guy was directly obliterated by someone. If he can smash a big city with many demons guarded by one sword, the one who shot this big city should be a top-level big demon."

If you can take action against this big city,

Above that sword mark, it must be covered with mighty might. If there is no external force, it will not disappear even for hundreds of millions of years.

Shu Feng stretched out his hand, and the blue robe on the headless skeleton flew into his hands.

"This is also a demon-level treasure! However, many places have been damaged, and it is not as good as a real demon-level treasure."

Shu Feng looked at the blue robe carefully, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

A magic god-level defensive treasure can make Shu Feng's defense even stronger. Although this demon-level artifact has been dilapidated, Shu Feng can use the source of the demon and high-level energy to repair this treasure.

Shu Feng observed it carefully for a while, but didn't notice any changes. Then he stepped forward, directly put away the dozens of inheritance jade tablets, and threw them into the resource dissolving pool in the base space.

Countless splendid brilliance shone, and the inheritance jade tablets were directly dissolved, and various mysterious inheritance knowledge emerged one after another, which was absorbed by the database of the base space.

"There is also the inheritance of the demon god level in these inheritance jade tablets! There is also the inheritance of the great demon god level, but unfortunately they are all broken. It can only enrich the database of the base space."

"However, this time is really a bumper harvest!!"

Shu Feng's eyes fell on the resource data of the base space, and ecstasy flashed in his eyes. The dozens of inheritance jade tablets added a total of 2.3 billion high-level energy to him, which is equivalent to him looting another ghost world.

"Repair this magic god-level treasure!! This will improve my survivability in the battlefield of death."

With a thought, Shu Feng threw the blue robe into the Origin Energy Evolution Tower.

As soon as the blue brocade robe was thrown into the Origin Energy Evolution Tower, it was immediately wrapped in countless mucus, forming a large egg.

The souls of the demon gods and the sources of the demon gods disappeared into the blue robe, and stars emerged one after another in the blue robe.

Countless high-level source energy poured into it, submerging into the blue robe.

The blue brocade robe absorbed the power of countless high-level energy sources and began to repair it quickly, and at the same time, the stars continued to light up.

When the nine stars were completely lit up, the blue robe was completely repaired and turned into a complete demon-level secret treasure, and recognized the master Shu Feng and became his treasure.

Countless information poured out from the blue robe and disappeared into Shu Feng's mind.

This blue brocade robe is a high-level demon god in the former human empire based on nine stars. It took countless time and energy to refine it into a high-level demon god-level secret treasure. .

After the repair of the base space, the [Nine Stars Blue Waiting Robe] has been restored to the secret treasure of the lower demon god series. If you want to continue to evolve, you must absorb a large amount of high-level energy or various heaven and earth treasures.

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