God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1008: Lively Qinglong Port

Wang Xudong waited to go to Yinhai City, while He Yehui has been staying in Lucheng these days.

Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. began to be registered and established. This is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sunward Heavy Industry Group. It is going through a series of procedures. The registration place is Lucheng City. All procedures will definitely be green.

Gate of machine tool factory.

The "Lucheng Machine Tool Equipment Factory" brand that had been hung for many years was taken off, and a few workers together hung up the "Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd." brand.

Many people around were watching, one by one, enthusiastic. This was a big event for everyone. Seeing that the sign was hung up, there were many cheers and warm applause.

"Great. Starting today, our name is Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd."

"I was excited to think about it. After so many years, I finally saw hope."


The listing is a major event. Several middle and high-level members of Shanhe Heavy Industry Group such as He Yehui are here. Fortunately, the factory gate is big enough and wide enough to enclose hundreds of people.

"Mr. He, our brand is finally up."

He Yehui nodded and said: "Yes, starting from today, our Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. is established. Mr. Gao, it will be up to you in the future."

Standing next to He Yehui is Gao Yiyong, the former sales manager of Shanhe Heavy Industry Group. Now he is a step forward. He has been appointed as Deputy General Manager of Shanhe Heavy Industry Group and General Manager of Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. It is natural to stand out from so many middle-level cadres. There is Gao Yiyong's superiority.

Gao Yiyong was not only one of the first people who followed He Yehui to fight the country, but at the time when Sunward Heavy Industry Group was the most difficult, Gao Yiyong did not choose to leave.

Later, Sunward Heavy Industry Group came back to life and developed rapidly. It has become one of the largest, most powerful and influential heavy industry groups in China. Gao Yiyong is a witness and participant in the entire development process.

Especially this year, Sunward Heavy Industry Group has developed rapidly. This year's sales exceeded 100 billion yuan in one fell swoop. Gao Yiyong performed well.

Formally because of this, Gao Yiyong was selected as the general manager of the newly established Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd., and was fully responsible for all affairs of the new company.

The senior management team of Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. will be composed of one manager and three assistants. One manager is Gao Yiyong. The three vice presidents will be selected and hired publicly. Through open competition, in Sunward Heavy Industry Group and the original Lucheng Machinery Factory Conduct selection.

At present, there are more than a dozen people participating in the competition for the three deputy general managers, most of which are from Sunward Heavy Industries Group, and a few are middle and high-level leaders of the former Lucheng Machine Tool Plant.

The newly established Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. will have a very streamlined structure. The original Lucheng Machine Tool Equipment Factory has a bloated structure, especially with a large number of management personnel, which is not enough.

After the open competition, management positions and personnel will be greatly reduced, leaving behind the elite and the incompetent mediocrity. As for the skilled technical workers, these are treasures and intangible wealth, except for a few that are really impossible. Most of them will be left behind, about 70% to 80%.

The "Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd." brand was hung up, and the company was established today, followed by a series of open competitions.

In the office.

Cao Guowei is looking at his application materials once again. His ideal position is the deputy general manager and chief engineer of Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. He has read the relevant requirements of this position and he fully meets the requirements.

Yao Jizhou knocked on the door and came in with a document in his hand. That was his application document. He was going to compete for the position of deputy general manager in charge of production and operation.

"Old Cao, the competition materials are almost ready."

Cao Guowei saw that it was his old friend and couldn't help but smile: "Well, it's almost done, check it again, I don't want to have problems with the information for this competition."

Yao Jizhou said: "This time the competition is estimated to be very fierce. For example, there are two people who compete with me for the vice president of production and operation, and I am three."

Cao Guowei said: "I am the same. There are three people competing for the same position as me, but I am confident. If we can't compete successfully, then the others will be even worse."

"Haha..." Yao Jizhou smiled happily and said confidently: "Yes, we are determined to win. In the future, we will work hard for the development of the machine tool plant and make it a world-famous manufacturer of machine tool equipment and a world-renowned existence."


The big hands of the two were held tightly together, full of confidence.

Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. started a intensive open competition, from the company's deputy general manager to the following general management positions, all of which need to compete for employment.

At this time, Wang Xudong was in Yinhai City.

Wang Xudong stepped off the plane, followed by Liang Hongbo, Xu Jie and others, and walked out of the cabin. Wang Xudong was delighted to see the situation outside.

Gong Qiaoping personally took a car to the airport to greet him. In addition to the leaders of Yinhai City, Wang Xudong also saw several other familiar figures. The bosses of the three major national oil giants all came, such as China Petroleum. Kong Changan, general manager of the Chemical Group, Gu Jun, general manager of China Offshore Oil Group, etc.

This time, it was not only the day when Qinglong Port Pier 1 was completed, but also the day when the Yinhai Oilfield No. 1 oil extraction area was officially completed.

The No. 1 oil zone is funded and constructed by the three major domestic oil giants. The ownership will be owned by the Xudong Mining Group and will also be managed by the Xudong Mining Group. The three major oil giants will have a 70% share of the oil.

"Chairman Wang!"

As the "landlord" and "host", Gong Qiaoping was the first to greet him and enthusiastically shook hands with Wang Xudong, "Welcome to our Yinhai City again, and thank you for building the world's largest crude oil exporter in our Yinhai City. port."

If Yinhai Oilfield is fully constructed, it will be the world's largest oilfield with the highest oil production.

The total oil reserves have reached more than 100 billion barrels, and the annual output of high-quality crude oil is expected to be more than 2.5 billion barrels. The output will be higher than that of Fuchuan Oilfield. It will be the world's first oilfield. Not only Gong Qiaoping is pleased, but everyone in Yinhai City is also happy. Just think about it, and I will be happy.

Kong Changan and Wang Xudong had a good relationship, and he came up too, "Xudong, the situation is so gratifying. I never dreamed that our No. 1 oil zone would have such a large output."

The No. 1 oil extraction zone has been basically completed. Half of it is on the sea and the other is on land. It covers an area of ​​tens of square kilometers. There are nearly 100 oil wells. The daily oil output has reached more than 2 million barrels. Even if the output will drop slightly, It is estimated that it will stabilize at around 2 million barrels.

2 million barrels of crude oil per day!

With such a high output, coupled with the oil from the Fuchuan Oilfield, even if the three major oil giants have a huge demand for oil, these two oilfields are already sufficient and no longer need to import oil from overseas.

No wonder Kong Changan was so happy, not only greeted him at the airport in person, but shook hands happily with Wang Xudong as soon as they met.

After being polite with everyone, Wang Xudong and others were also invited to board the car. The convoy left the airport and went to the hotel first.

Wang Xudong received a grand reception again, and arranged to stay in one of the best hotels in Yinhai City. At noon, there was a sumptuous luncheon. This kind of enthusiasm made Wang Xudong unable to stand up.

Qinglong Port will hold the completion ceremony of Pier 1 tomorrow. All preparations are already in progress. In order to cheer, Liu Yu is here, and his largest oil tanker is also here. It is docked at the largest berth of Pier 1 and will load oil here. , To transport a large amount of oil.

"Brother Dong!"

After Liu Yu got off the ship, he hurriedly rushed to the hotel where Wang Xudong was staying. He met Wang Xudong and said happily: "I am coming from Qinglong Port. mine."

Wang Xudong was happy, "I heard that a giant 200,000-ton tanker has arrived at the dock. That is your ship, right."

"Of course." Liu Yu was a little proud, "Qinglong Port Pier 1 is completed, we will definitely come to join us, we still have two tankers on the way."

Tomorrow there will be a completion ceremony. Qinglong Port will naturally not be deserted. It must be lively. Liu Yu knows this well. Several of his giant oil tankers have arrived, reaching three, and two more are coming and will be docked at the dock. next to.

In addition to the giant ships of other ocean transportation companies, the entire Pier 1 will dock at least ten giant oil tankers. It will be lively and it will definitely be very spectacular.

Just imagine, a huge ship, tens of thousands of tons is considered small, there are 100,000 tons ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even a huge ship with a displacement of more than 200,000 tons, how spectacular it is.

The aircraft carrier is large, the displacement is generally 60 to 70,000 tons, and the largest may be 100,000 tons, even if it is 100,000 tons, it still has to be compared with the 100,000 tons or even 200,000 tons of giant tankers. Slightly smaller.

These are oil tankers as big as an aircraft carrier, and even bigger than an aircraft carrier. How spectacular it is to dock at the dock like this!

Hearing Liu Yu talked about the situation around the pier, Wang Xudong was very excited and hoped that tomorrow would come soon. When tomorrow, he will go to Qinglong Port to take a look and see the magnificence there.

Today, I don’t have time to go to Qinglonggang. Kong Changan has invited Wang Xudong in advance to take a look at the No. 1 oil area of ​​Yinhai Oilfield.

No. 1 oil zone, Wang Xudong has not been there for at least a month, and he is also looking forward to it. He wants to take a look at the situation there, and he readily agrees to Kong Changan’s request.

After a short break, at about two o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Xudong and others, at the invitation of Kong Changan and others, went to the No. 1 oil exploration area of ​​Yinhai Oilfield.

This place was originally selected by Wang Xudong himself. Three or four months ago, Wang Xudong chose the place, where about 40 billion barrels of high-quality oil was gathered there. The construction was funded by the three major oil giants and has now been completed. Up.

The convoy left the hotel and drove towards the No. 1 oil zone. The road conditions along the way were very good. It was full of spacious and beautiful asphalt roads and reached the No. 1 oil extraction zone. It can be seen that the road leading to the oil zone has been widened and built. .

Gradually, the distance to the No. 1 oil zone is getting closer, and Wang Xudong in the car can already vaguely see the huge oil extraction area in the distance through the car window glass.

Wang Xudong was slightly shocked, is this our No. 1 oil zone?


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