God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1038: The gospel appears

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Lin Yunwen is not the only one who feels the headache. This is a headache for China's aviation industry and the entire manufacturing industry. We do not have high-precision and high-performance advanced CNC machine tools. If we rely on imports, they will implement a sales and embargo.

Lin Yunwen hopes that this factory has several high-performance and high-precision five-axis CNC machine tools, and Liu Fudong also hopes that he can successfully buy several five-axis CNC machine tools of the kind he wants.

They all eagerly hope to buy such a good thing. Just when they feel more troublesome and headaches, a good news is about to spread, because Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. is about to hold a product launch conference at Dahan International Hotel to launch their A CNC machine tool.

The preparatory work is already underway, and the invitation letters have been issued one by one. For example, Jixiang Automobile Group has received the invitation letters. Almost all domestic aerospace manufacturing companies have also received invitation letters, and domestic manufacturing companies with more famous and powerful manufacturing companies have also received them. When the invitation letter arrived, even some industry insiders in the machine tool industry also received the invitation letter.

Since it is a product launch event, there are not a few media invited, and all preparations are carried out in an orderly manner.

Jixiang Automobile Manufacturing Group.

Liu Fudong was thinking about negotiating with Fuso people tomorrow. Hashimoto Goro finally gave a specific time and place, and asked Liu Fudong to go there in person instead of Hashimoto Goro. The two sides discussed the sale of these machine tools in Donghai City.

His vice president is reporting: "President, I will go with you. We will leave at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning and arrive at about 8 o'clock. We will start talking with Goro Hashimoto about these machine tools at 8:30."

Listening to the report of his vice president, Liu Fudong was very upset. These Fusang people had too much air. With the respect of hundreds of billions of presidents, he actually wanted to come to the door personally, as if he was asking the Fusang people to sell them to him. Machine tool.

As for the 30% increase mentioned by the Fusang people, Liu Fudong was also ready to pinch his nose to recognize it, and his heart was full of bitterness and helplessness.

After listening to it, Liu Fudong remained silent for a long time, and the vice president under him couldn't say anything, so he could only sigh softly.

No idea! Being led by the nose by the Fusang people, you must do what you want. They said that if you postpone the talk until tomorrow, then postpone it until tomorrow. Saying that a three-point increase will result in a thirty-percent increase.

For a while, the whole office was very quiet and the atmosphere was very heavy. It was not until there was a knock on the door outside that the quiet and heavy was broken. Liu Fudong's assistant gently pushed the door in.

"President, Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. has sent you an invitation letter, inviting you to participate in the product launch conference to be held at Dahan International Hotel in Lucheng three days later."

"No, don't mess with me anymore."

Without even thinking about it, Liu Fudong waved his hand unhappily, and even glanced at his assistant very dissatisfied, saying in his heart, this little Zhang, how does this work, this little thing bothers me.

His assistant lowered his head, ready to withdraw gently.

Suddenly, Liu Fudong seemed to remember something, and stopped his assistant, "Wait a minute, and show me the invitation letter."

His assistant hurriedly gave the exquisite invitation letter to Liu Fudong, and said softly: "President, Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sunward Heavy Industry Group in Lucheng..."

Liu Fudong stopped his assistant and also remembered that Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. might be related to Sunward Heavy Industry Group. After listening to his assistant's introduction, he said in his heart that, as expected, this is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sunward Heavy Industry Group.

I thought of Sunward Power Company in my mind, and thought to myself, is it possible that this newly established Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. is not simple, and the machine tool products launched are very good, are they the same as Sunward Power’s car engine?

After thinking about it in my mind, my frustration was wiped out. I gradually became full of hope. I stood up and said excitedly, um, it must be like this. The machine tool products they are about to launch must be amazing.

Picking up the phone, Liu Fudong dialed He Yehui's number.

There is a connection between the two and the friendship is pretty good. This starts with the Jixiang Automobile Group’s large order of Sunward Power’s engines. As the cooperation between the two parties has become closer, Liu Fudong and He Yehui have gradually become acquainted.

"Old Liu, please call me. I should have called and invited you to participate in our product launch..."

As soon as the phone was connected, He Yehui's enthusiastic voice came from Ma. After the invitation letter was sent out, some heavyweight guests, He Yehui, prepared to call one by one to show their politeness.

After listening to He Yehui, Liu Fudong immediately congratulated him, "Mr. He, you have newly established Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. If it were not for the invitation letter, I really don't know that you have established a new company. Congratulations!"

The establishment of Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. was relatively low-key and did not make publicity. It was limited to Lucheng City. Liu Fudong did not know that this newly established company was normal.

This low-key new company will soon have a high-profile bright image, and will also launch their first machine tool product, a high-precision, high-performance large-scale 5-axis CNC machining center.

Wang Xudong originally gave He Yehui the technical information of three of the world's top CNC machine tools. Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. has just been established, has just completed the integration, and is still in its infancy. For the sake of safety, the first machine tool will be launched instead of three at the same time.

After this CNC machine tool is successfully launched and won market orders and fame, the other two models will be launched, that is, step by step.

He Yehui laughed, "Old Liu, you don't care about us too much. You see, I care a lot about you. I know you will launch a very good new model."

Speaking of this new model, Liu Fudong is both happy and worried. He is happy that this new car is indeed good. Liu Fudong is completely optimistic about it. Once it is launched, it will definitely win a good market prospect. The worry is that the processing of certain key parts requires a five-axis CNC machine tool with good accuracy and performance, and this machine tool has not yet arrived.

It seemed that he felt something. As a friend, He Yehui asked concerned: "Old Liu, what's wrong, it seems that you have encountered something difficult."

Liu Fudong sighed softly without concealing it. He told the story again. After saying it, he said: "Lao He, do you think these Fusang people are too bullying? I can't wait to kick them severely. "

He Yehui laughed, "Old Liu, it's not necessary to kick them a few feet. Tell them that you don't want their second-rate five-axis CNC machining center, and they will sell it to whomever they like."


Liu Fudong was slightly startled. He didn't understand for a while. If he doesn't buy Fusang machine tools, then where to find a seller?

Finally seemed to remember something, Liu Fudong said in a trembling voice: "Old Ho, you mean your Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. will launch a 5-axis CNC machining center!"

"Yes, this is the product that our product launch will release. I can't explain the introduction of the product in a few words. I will send you the introduction."

Such introduction materials are completely public, and are also the external product promotion materials of Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd.

For this product launch conference, a lot of such product promotional materials were printed, using high-quality coated paper color printing, first-class quality, and a comprehensive introduction to this upcoming 5-axis CNC machining center.

After finishing the call, He Yehui sent the introduction materials in just a few minutes. After receiving the materials, Liu Fudong opened it and looked at it hopefully.

His assistant and the vice president under his are all in the office. Just now, I heard a general conversation between Liu Fudong and He Yehui. I also knew that Liu Fudong received the introduction. The two noticed that Liu Fudong's face was obviously not right. .

The two silently looked at each other.


Xudong Mining Group.

Wang Xudong already knew about the upcoming product launch conference of Sunward Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. The time was set at 9 o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, and the location was in the news hall of Dahan International Hotel.

I thought with satisfaction that Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. has been established for more than two months and is finally launching their first CNC machine tool. This large five-axis CNC machining center was launched. I don't know how it will respond.

Maybe your chin will drop a bit!

Thinking about this, Wang Xudong smiled happily, and ordered Lin Hu to prepare a car and go to Lucheng. He Yehui was about to arrive in Lucheng. Gao Yiyong from Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. called and invited Wang Xudong to take a look.

Shanhe Machine Tool Equipment Co., Ltd. has been established for more than two months. Its predecessor is Lucheng Machine Tool Equipment Factory. More than two months ago, where did Wang Xudong go? Now more than two months later, Wang Xudong really wants to take a look. How's it going.

The changes there must be huge. The important thing is that the first machine tool will be launched soon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or the best 5-axis CNC machining center in the world!

Driving by Lin Hu, Wang Xudong and Lin Hu left the International Finance Building in off-road vehicles and went up the bustling avenue of Donghai City towards Lucheng.

Lin Hu's car skills are first-rate and he drove very smoothly. He gradually left the bustling downtown area of ​​Donghai City. The road was not so crowded and the traffic volume was significantly less. There was a crossroad in front of him. At this moment, it was the green light and he could pass.

The off-road vehicle slowed down and passed through this intersection. When it was driving to the middle of the road, Lin Hu saw a car appeared on his left. The car was extremely fast and rammed straight towards him. He was about to hit Lin Hu. Driving this off-road vehicle.

The opponent is obviously running a red light, and the speed is still fast.

Upon seeing this, Wang Xudong's eyes condensed, and Lin Hu reacted quickly. He slammed the brakes and the tires made a harsh and sharp rubbing sound.



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