God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1048: Free great drama

The "Xifu Petroleum Group" of country Y is very famous in country Y. It is the largest oil group in their country. It is mainly engaged in oil exploration and mining. In recent years, it has developed into offshore oil fields, and its development has been more rapid.

As the founder of this oil group, Ruan Xifu came to his offshore oil field in person to check the oil exploitation situation here.

He remembered that about half a year ago, he invested heavily in the development of a large offshore oil field. It was under construction and was about to start large-scale exploitation. Suddenly, the oil field was running out of oil, and there was not a single drop of oil. Drifted.

This place should belong to the China Sea, but Ruan Xifu is very domineering and unreasonable regardless of so much. It is precisely with such a brutal character that he has established such a large oil group.

What about the disputed sea area? Ruan Xifu completely ignored other warnings and still invested heavily in the development and construction of larger offshore oil fields.

He was standing on a large oil mining flat, holding a telescope, and looking at the surroundings. Behind him stood several of his subordinates. In his field of vision, he could see one by one on the sea. Oil drilling platform.

In this area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, he invested heavily in the construction of more than 50 oil rigs, where a steady stream of oil began to be extracted, Ruan Xifu was delighted.

In order to prevent Huaxia’s ships from approaching, he even organized a patrol fleet consisting of seven or eight ships. The two largest ships have a displacement of more than 1,000 tons. The ships are also equipped with high-pressure water guns and water cannons. Patrol this area.

Whenever they encounter ships of other countries, they will warn and drive away. If they encounter a Huaxia Coast Guard ship, they will drive off with their tails between them.

Taking a look at the telescope, Ruan Xifu said, "Well, yes, our oil field is so big, it's really gratifying."

The subordinates behind him were all senior executives of his company, and they were all very happy. Someone said: "President, last time our big oil field was inexplicably out of oil, this time, we will definitely be able to extract oil. To a lot of oil."

"That's for sure. The oil reserves here are relatively rich, and we have invested so much money. This will be a very large offshore oil field."


These people are very happy one by one. They are totally optimistic about this oil field, dreaming of extracting a lot of oil here, and then making a lot of money. As for the disputed sea area, they are completely ignored. Perhaps in their hearts, here It belongs to the sea of ​​country y.

Ruan Xifu looked at his offshore oil field again, and then looked at the direction of the Yinhai Oil Field. He said with a little envy: "The largest oil field in the world should be the Yinhai Oil Field of Xudong Mining Group. Their No. 3 The oil extraction area is not too far away from us, only more than 200 kilometers."

One of his subordinates seemed to understand Nguyen Xifu’s thoughts at once, and immediately suggested: "President, there is so much oil in their area. We can also be close to their oil extraction area. We go there and build an oil extraction area. And compete with them to extract oil."

This suggestion...

Ruan Xifu was very excited, and had a little urge to do so, but he wanted to grab food from Xudong Mining Group, Ruan Xifu was a little bit afraid.

After thinking for a while, he made a decision and said: "Mr. Chen, you can arrange this matter. First, set up an exploration team and send an exploration ship to the Yinhai Oilfield's No. 3 oil exploration area. For exploration, we must first find out the situation. If there is oil, we will choose a site close to there and build an offshore oil field."

This "General Manager Chen" is a deputy general manager of Ruan Xifu. He hesitated: "President, we are currently in short supply of funds. To build another offshore oil field, I am afraid..."

Insufficient funds, this is a big problem. You thought it was Xudong Mining Group, an oil field was explored, and immediately there were a lot of people waving banknotes to help with the construction, Ruan Xifu couldn't do it.

All his money was invested in the construction of the offshore oil field in front of him, and he also backed up a lot of bank loans to build a large offshore oil field. He did not have this financial strength.

But he was very jealous of the situation in Yinhai Oilfield, and he was envious to death.

According to his investigation and understanding, the oil reserves of Yinhai Oilfield are more than 100 billion barrels, and there are 3 oil extraction areas in total. Each area has huge oil reserves and excellent oil quality.

100 billion barrels!

Ruan Xifu just thought about it, and he felt a little excited. He thought, if you can build such an offshore oil field close to the No. 3 oil extraction area of ​​the Yinhai Oilfield, you don’t need to have tens of billions of barrels of reserves, as long as there are dozens of them. He is very content with hundreds of millions of tons of tons per year.

Of course, this is a fantasy, just a dream!

He also wanted to get involved in the oil of the Yinhai Oilfield. It was simply that the old longevity star had eaten arsenic and lived impatiently. No one in China would dare to think that way, he was a national y, and he was fantastic.

Ruan Xifu got used to rampant domineering, and he didn't encounter hard stubble. I thought I could grab oil resources from the Xudong Mining Group.

His goal is to get close to the No. 3 oil zone, where an oil extraction zone is established, in an attempt to get a share of the pie.

Ruan Xifu said: "I will solve the problem of funding. We will be able to conduct large-scale oil extraction soon, and I will be able to borrow from Yinhai again soon."

The vice president surnamed Chen nodded and planned to send an exploration vessel in a few days to get close to the No. 3 oil area of ​​Yinhai Oilfield to take a look.

"President, look!"

Someone found something and immediately pointed at the sea in the distance and shouted loudly. Many people, including Ruan Xifu, looked far away.

Those are their two ships, the two largest ships in the entire patrol fleet, are fleeing hurriedly towards this side, behind these two ships there are two Big Macs.

At a glance, you know that the two huge ships behind are chasing these two small boats. Ships with a displacement of more than 1,000 tons are not small, but in front of these two 100,000-ton ships, they are completely small.

Seeing this scene, Ruan Xifu's face gradually turned blue, and he bit out a few words fiercely, saying in the national dialect of y, which means something like "unreasonable".

He bullied others all the year round, he was arrogant, and one day it was his turn to be bullied.

"President, they stopped pursuing."

This way Ruan Xifu's face was slightly better. At this time, the person in charge on the two huge ships also received Liu Yu's notice and stopped pursuing them.

According to Liu Yu's personality, Liu Yu intends to order his two huge ships to catch up and knock them over. Wang Xudong reminded that there is no need to do this. If it is really like that, it will be embarrassing if it is not done well.

Wang Xudong has his own way.

At this time, Wang Xudong was on his big yacht, looking at the direction of Ruan Xifu's offshore oil field, and activated the "God-level big mine owner" system.

On the holographic three-dimensional map in front of him, after partial magnification, Wang Xudong had a clear view of the situation of the offshore oil field of the countryman Y.

Angrily said in his heart: "It is estimated that it will take more than half a year for Nima's to be constructed to such a scale. It seems that there are at least dozens of wells distributed within this hundreds of square kilometers."

Pack up the two ships just now.

Those two boats of country Y called out to Wang Xudong, warned them, and even used water cannons. Unfortunately, they didn't take advantage of anything, and they were turned around by Wang Xudong.

It's not enough to just play with them.

If this were to be done, it would be too cheap for them, and they had to give them a little color to take a look, otherwise, they really thought that this place was showing great power.

With the system in hand, dealing with two such ships in a small area is naturally not a problem.

The Kimura Consortium of Fuso Kingdom is strong enough, and it's not the same. Two ships like the other party, Wang Xudong is planning to use his own "God-level Big Mine Owner" system ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to also let them die.

It can be seen from the holographic three-dimensional map that Liu Yu’s giant ship that was originally pursuing the two ships has stopped chasing and has begun to turn, and there is a sufficient safe distance between the two ships of country Y.

Those two ships have also arrived at their oil extraction area. There must be a lot of Chinese people on the oil extraction platforms. Wang Xudong is going to invite them to watch a free and exciting show.

Choose a good location, right below the two ships. It can be seen from the holographic three-dimensional map that the sea depth in that area is only about tens of meters, and the water depth is very appropriate.

It may be that they have seen their own oil extraction area, the two ships are relatively close to each other, the distance is only 100 meters.

The timing is good!

Wang Xudong issued an order to gather natural gas without too much need. A total of 10,000 tons of natural gas was gathered under the two ships, and the system was used for compression and then compression.

When the 10,000 tons of natural gas reached a terrifying pressure, Wang Xudong released it, and a very spectacular scene happened.

This is an explosion of 10,000 tons of natural gas!


With a loud noise, the sea water within a radius of several hundred meters was squeezed clean by the explosion and washed up into the sky. The two ships were overturned by a huge air wave and then disintegrated...

This, this, this.......

This scene is too spectacular and too scary!

Many people stared at the scene in front of them in a daze. Those nationals on the oil rig, including Nguyen Xifu, were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

My heart is screaming, this, this, this is impossible!

In the distance, on the two 100,000-ton-class ships, the crew of the "Daewoo Ocean Shipping Group" also watched this scene. They were startled, dumbfounded, and then cheered!


The first one is sent! .1

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