God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1055: The biggest "spiritual event"

Both Fuchuan Oilfield and Yinhai Oilfield are among the world’s largest super-large oilfields. They are all based in the country, one south and one north. They not only meet the needs of domestic oil, but also some oil can be exported to other countries, such as some countries in Southeast Asia. Australia.

It is precisely with these two super large oil fields that Xudong Mining Group's reputation and influence in the international oil industry have gradually increased. Wang Xudong is even considering whether it should develop abroad.

He doesn't want to be the overlord president, he is not a good president.

As the president of Xudong Mining Group, Wang Xudong not only wants to maintain a dominant position in the international iron ore market, but also in the international crude oil market, and also wants to become a hegemon with great influence.

Going out of the country and developing abroad, Wang Xudong just lacks an opportunity at the moment, and he basically has the strength.

In addition to the relatively powerful Xudong Mining Group, Wang Xudong's biggest reliance is the "God-level Big Mine Owner" system.

The scanning radius of the system that reaches the 9th level is huge, reaching a radius of 1,000 kilometers. The key is not to worry about ordinary energy points.

With enough ordinary energy points, Wang Xudong can transfer a large amount of resources and gather them, just like dealing with country Y, and transfer all the oil resources within their territory, so that they can become oil-poor countries without oil to extract.

In the future, if he goes abroad to establish a large oil field, Wang Xudong has made such preparations. If anyone or any force dares to disadvantage him, then I’m sorry. Lao Tzu uses the “God-level big mine owner” system to deal with them and transfer them. Of oil resources, or a natural gas explosion.

"Brother Dong, I'm leaving now!"

It seems that Liu Yu still has a little bit of reluctance. When the "fisherman" entered the role these two days, he got up early in the morning and collected the first batch of cages. The harvest was not small. He also wanted to get the next batch of cages and wait until noon. Take it up.

Wang Xudong smiled and said, "Liu Yu, don't you see, you have the potential to be a fisherman."

Liu Yu smiled and scratched his head, "Brother Dong, I'm wondering, should I also get such a big yacht, and when I'm fine, I drive to the offshore to wander around, and catch some fish, shrimp or something by the way."

Wang Xudong didn't bother to pay attention to him, just smiled, then waved his hand loudly: "Lin Hu, order to sail, set sail, let's return to Yinhai City."

This time I said he came to Yinhai City, but Wang Xudong has not yet set foot in Yinhai City. He took his own big yacht from Donghai City and has been on the sea. Now he is more than 400 kilometers away from Yinhai City. It's time to go back now.

What should be done is done, and the gas is out. The key is that I have also created the future No. 4 oil exploration area for the Yinhai Oilfield, which has an astonishing oil reserve of nearly 90 billion barrels.

Lin Hu ordered the boat to start, the big yacht started, and a beautiful large-radius turn came on the blue sea, and then sailed towards Yinhai City after turning around.

Wang Xudong made a cup of coffee in person, sat in a comfortable chair, felt the gradual sea breeze, and looked at the blue sea in a good mood.

At the same time, I also paid attention to my own "God-level big mine owner" system. Since the accumulation of nearly 90 billion barrels of oil for the No. 4 oil extraction area of ​​the Yinhai Oilfield, the energy points in the No. 2 energy tank of the system have been exhausted. Now Is absorbing energy again.

That part was gathered by Wang Xudong. The high-grade uranium ore currently deep in the seabed is the energy source, and the system absorbs ordinary energy points from it.

It's already over 10,000. When I return to Yinhai City, it is estimated that it will be full, and the energy points in the No. 2 energy slot will reach 80,000.

On the way back to Yinhai City, Wang Xudong was sailing on the blue sea.

And the high-levels of country Y have almost fried them.

There are several oil fields in the country, especially the offshore oil fields, not only the large oil field of the "Xifu Petroleum Group", but also two or three other large and medium-sized oil fields.

These oil fields are without exception. Suddenly, there is no oil. There is no drop of oil. This is a big deal. Without oil, any country would basically be paralyzed.

The senior officials of country y immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures. As for why there is no oil suddenly, no one understands the reason, that is, the so-called experts in country Y have big heads, and they don't understand at all.

This is probably the biggest "spiritual event" in the history of country Y. Many senior officials in country Y would think so. It's a hell, how could such a thing happen?

Wang Xudong doesn't care. Anyway, no matter how weird things are, they won't think about them. Think about it, rack your brains, and think about it.

Wang Xudong was cheating.

These high-level people in country Y are very happy. The matter is serious. A high-level meeting will be held immediately. The atmosphere in the entire conference room is dignified and dull. Those who attend the meeting are all big figures who often appear in the news of country Y.

After discussing for almost all morning, these people did not come up with any good countermeasures, and only formed two opinions. The first is to convene experts to find out why.

This is probably in vain, and no matter how good an expert is, it is estimated that no matter how good the expert is, why is there suddenly no oil? This is totally unscientific.

The second is to import large amounts of oil. If there is no more oil in country y, it can only rely on imports. As for where to import from, two different opinions have emerged among the top leaders of country y.

Some people think that oil is imported from the Middle East. Some people believe that Yinhai Oilfield is the world's largest super-large oilfield. The key to good oil quality is that it is within easy reach. You can consider importing oil from Yinhai Oilfield.

If you want to import oil from Yinhai Oilfield, you can't rely on the wishful thinking of country Y. It depends on Wang Xudong's answer. If country Y does not change its position, does not maintain a good relationship with Xudong Mining Group, and wants to import oil from Yinhai Oilfield, it will be impossible.

The high-levels of country Y were discussing countermeasures, while Wang Xudong looked relaxed and returned to Yinhai City on his big yacht.

In the afternoon, the sun slanted west.

The huge Qinglong Bay is very beautiful in the afterglow of the setting sun. A super yacht entered Qinglong Bay and set off in the morning sun. It sailed for more than 400 kilometers and sailed for more than 12 hours. Wang Xudong's yacht finally arrived in Yinchuan. Sea city.

There is no need to go to other ports in Yinhai City, but directly to his own Qinglong Port. This is Xudong Mining Group's own seaport.

"Brother Dong, look, that's my tanker!"

Liu Yu pointed to the distance excitedly and shouted loudly. There are indeed several huge ships berthed at Pier 1, one of which is a huge oil tanker of Daewoo Ocean Shipping Group.

Seeing the huge Qinglong Port, Wang Xudong felt happy. In time, when the major construction is completed, it will be the largest crude oil export port in the world. The oil shipped from here will reach more than 2 billion barrels each year. .

The big yacht is docked at Qinglong Port.

Stepping on the concrete floor of the port area, Wang Xudong glanced at his own big port for a while, and then stepped in to greet his car.

Gong Qiaoping came in person, and according to Wang Xudong's instructions, he did not make a big battle. There were only three small cars, one of which was Gong Qiaoping's No. 1 car.

Gong Qiaoping personally opened the door and invited Wang Xudong to get in the car, "Mr. Wang, take my car."

Wang Xudong was also welcome, and got into car No. 1, Gong Qiaoping followed, and the two sat in the back seats. The car started and slowly left the Qinglonggang area.

"Mr. Wang, whether it is Qinglong Port or Yinhai Oilfield, both have been built so large, thank you so much."

Gong Qiaoping's words are full of gratitude. In his mind, Wang Xudong was completely regarded as the savior.

When Yinhai City encountered a bottleneck in its development and its economic aggregate could not reach a higher level, Wang Xudong appeared. Xudong Mining Group invested and built the world's largest oil field here.

The largest oil field in the world!

After reaching stable production, the annual oil production can reach 20 billion barrels. The economic increase led by this item alone will be very huge, and the total economic volume of Yinhai City has directly jumped.

Every time I think of these ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Gong Qiaoping feels excited. This time, in addition to gratitude, there is also an element of excitement in his tone.

The two chatted in the car. The car left Qinglonggang District and arrived at the best hotel in Yinhai City. Wang Xudong and others were over-specified reception and warm hospitality from Yinhai City.

The evening banquet was very lively. The main leaders of Yinhai City all came. Everyone had a warm atmosphere in the box, and they had a happy drink. Fortunately, Wang Xudong had a good amount of alcohol. Otherwise, it would be difficult to hold up Gong Qiaoping's enthusiasm.

Meimei's sleep and woke up, it was already the next morning.

After waking up, he called Zheng Xiaotong first. The two talked on the phone for almost half an hour, then got up and took a wash.

Still thinking about the situation of yesterday's dinner in his mind, Wang Xudong couldn't help but smiled and shook his head slightly, saying in his heart, Yinhai City was really too enthusiastic.

After breakfast, Wang Xudong wiped his mouth with a tissue, got up and took Lin Hu and Liu Yu to leave, Gong Qiaoping's hearty voice rang.

"President Wang, I have prepared the business reception room for you."

Seeing Gong Qiaoping in front of him, Wang Xudong thanked him and said, "Secretary Gong, you don't need to do this kind of thing yourself, just ask the people below to do it."

Gong Qiaoping quickly said: "Where, where."

Wang Xudong just said that he has a big business to discuss and needs to use a business meeting room. Gong Qiaoping remembered that he came early in the morning and personally ordered the hotel to be ready. He also came to tell Wang Xudong that he was ready.

This is a big business.

This is also one of Wang Xudong's main purposes for coming to Yinhai City. The other party should be coming soon, and he will come directly to this hotel. As for reception, there is naturally Yinhai City.


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