God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1063: 500,000 tons of rare earth

Such an attitude made Chen Yuehui's heart light, Zheng Ming also felt relieved, smiled a little, and said in his heart, Xu Dong is really good, and he has a good overall view.

Chen Yuehui also got serious, because what he wanted to talk about was not a private matter, but a public matter, representing the high-level opinions and decisions.

"Xudong, I heard that you have explored a lot of rare earth resources in Australia, and have also signed a series of agreements and documents with Australia?"

This is not a secret, and Chen Yuehui knows it. When he asked again, he just wanted to further confirm the specific situation. Wang Xudong fully understood this and did not hide it, and nodded.

"Yes, there is such a thing. I am in one of the private territories in Australia. We are lucky to explore a large number of high-quality rare earth resources, and the reserves are estimated to be tens of millions."

Tens of millions of tons!

Even though he had known about the amazing reserves before, Chen Yuehui was still a little excited after listening to Wang Xudong's own words.

Such reserves are really gratifying and exciting. China is a big country with rare earth resources, and the remaining mineable rare earth resources are estimated to be only tens of millions of tons. Wang Xudong’s private domain has only a few thousand tons of rare earth resources. Reached tens of millions of tons.

"Xudong, your luck is really a bit against the sky!"

Exploring such a huge amount of rare earth resources, even Chen Yuehui can only be attributed to Wang Xudong’s luck. In fact, this is Wang Xudong using the "God-level big mine owner" system to gather all rare earth resources with a radius of 1000 kilometers and a depth of 4500 meters. the result of.

Whether it meets the conditions of industrialized mining or does not meet the conditions of industrialized mining, all are gathered, and this has an amazing reserve of tens of millions of tons.

Wang Xudong also understood that when Chen Yuehui mentioned these rare earth resources with himself, what he said must be related to rare earths.

Sure enough, Chen Yuehui said: "Xudong, as you know, our domestic rare earth resources have been mined for years, and the total amount of their resources has become less and less. According to the current mined amount, it will be fully mined in about twenty. At that time, we will not be a big country with rare earth resources, but a country poor in rare earth resources, and we need to import rare earths from abroad."

Rare earth is a strategic resource, and the global reserves are limited. Those countries that have rare earth resources must be reluctant to sell it. Even if you want to import it, you probably won't be able to buy it.

China cannot do without rare earths. With such a huge industrial system, the demand for rare earths in many places is indispensable. Without rare earths, it will definitely be greatly affected.

Wang Xudong knew this, and said with a serious face: "Minister Chen, you continue to say, what do you want me to do."

Chen Yuehui said: "The senior management has formed a unified opinion. In order to preserve our limited rare earth resources, they have begun to restrict the amount of extraction and export in order to extend the life of our domestic rare earth resources."

This is easy to understand. There are only so many rare earth resources, and only a little less can be mined. Only by controlling the amount of mining can the mining last longer.

However, domestic industries, especially military and high-precision industries, are increasingly demanding rare earth resources, which is in contradiction with restricting mining.

Therefore, Chen Yuehui pondered over and over again, and also reported that after the senior management had agreed, he personally went to the door and found Wang Xudong.

"Xudong, what we mean is that you sell part of the rare earth to the country every year, eh, 500,000 tons a year, right?"

After speaking, he looked at Wang Xudong hopefully, waiting for Wang Xudong's answer.

500,000 tons is not a small amount, on the contrary, the quantity is very large. Chen Yuehui was also a little nervous, afraid that Wang Xudong would refuse, or that he did not have so many rare earths.

Zheng Ming also knew that 500,000 tons was not a small amount. He did not persuade Wang Xudong to agree, but Wang Xudong made the decision himself.

Wang Xudong groaned, and after thinking about it, he agreed, "Minister Chen, although 500,000 tons is a lot, we will try our best to satisfy."


Chen Yuehui seemed to have been hit by a huge surprise, the anxiety and worry in his heart was wiped out, the whole person relaxed, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Xudong, it's great. You have made a great contribution. You have made a huge contribution to our country and future generations."

With the 500,000 tons of finished rare earths sold by Xudong Mining Group every year, domestic production can be further restricted and the limited rare earth resources can be left to our children and grandchildren as much as possible.

After agreeing to this matter, Wang Xudong also remembered that there are more than 58 million tons of rare earth resources on his private territory. Even if 1 million tons are mined every year, it will be enough to mine for decades, and the reserves are completely sufficient.

The key is the scale of mining and the scale of refining. Wang Xudong's original plan was to mine about 100 million tons of rare earth ore every year, and about 1 million tons of finished rare earths could be extracted.

Such a scale can be regarded as huge, and it seems that it may not be enough now. Sanlian Special Steel Group will definitely need hundreds of thousands of tons of finished rare earths every year, plus the 500,000 tons sold to the country, which exceeds 1 million tons.

Rare earths are definitely a hot commodity. I don't even think about it. After learning that Xudong Mining Group has mined a large amount of rare earths, some countries will definitely rush to the door and want to buy these rare earths.

In order to win the hearts of the people, let the Xudong Mining Group have a large number of followers and supporters, and bind these people together, Wang Xudong plans to sell some rare earth resources every year to companies or countries that have a better relationship with him.

The annual output of 1 million tons of finished rare earths is not enough in production capacity!

The ore mining volume of this rare earth mine should be 200 million tons, or even more than 300 million tons, which can roughly extract 23 million tons of finished rare earth ore.

The annual output of 23 million tons of finished rare earths can not only meet the needs of Sanlian Special Steel Group, but also meet domestic needs, and some of them can be exported.

Fortunately, that piece of land is open enough and vast enough. Even if the scale of construction is larger, there is enough space. As for funds, there is no shortage.

Wang Xudong promised 500,000 tons of rare earths in one go. Chen Yuehui was completely happy and chatted with Wang Xudong happily. Zheng Ming chatted a few words from time to time.

The topic has gradually become more extensive. As the Minister of Mining, I am sure that I am most concerned about mineral resources, not only at home, but also abroad.

No, Chen Yuehui said: "Xudong, do you know what happened in the country? I heard that several of their domestic oil fields have no oil at all. They have gathered a large number of experts to find the reason, but until now they are still confused. "

Obviously Zheng had also heard of this incident, and he was a little puzzled: "This incident is really strange, how come there is no oil suddenly."

Wang Xudong snickered in his heart. All of this was done by Wang Xudong. Who allowed country Y to extract oil in the disputed waters and drive all the ships approaching, including themselves, dare to drive them away.

They deserved no oil extraction.

There was joy in my heart, but there was no expression on his face. There is no oil or a drop of oil in the entire territory of country y. They are still fantasizing to find the reason. This is definitely futile. They can't understand it even if they want to break their heads.

The three chatted in the living room for a long time. Wu Yaping went downstairs and greeted warmly: "Old Chen, I will leave after eating. I will prepare the food."

Chen Yuehui hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, no need. The talk is over and I have to go."

After speaking, Chen Yuehui got up and Zheng Ming said, "Xudong, send one to Minister Chen."

Wang Xudong sent Chen Yuehui to the door of the villa. When he got on the bus, Chen Yuehui said: "Xudong, I am waiting for your good news, and I hope you can mine rare earths as soon as possible."

Wang Xudong said loudly: "Minister Chen, there will be no problem. We will mine the first rare earths soon."

Wang Xudong has been tighter on the exploitation of rare earth resources. Li Wangdong, who is in charge of the construction of rare earth mines, has not neglected the slightest. It will not take long before large-scale exploitation can begin.

Of course, mining is not a problem, because open-pit mining is relatively simple, and the biggest project is the extraction plant of rare earth resources.

Wang Xudong has planned that the rare earth ore will be mined and sent to a refinery not far from the mine site for preliminary processing, so that the rare earth ore will become semi-finished products, that is, crude products.

That's it.

These semi-finished products can be shipped to China ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or sold to countries or companies that need them. Refining by themselves.

The semi-finished rare earths shipped to the country will also be sent to the domestic refining plants to obtain finished rare earths. Because there is a complete refining system in the country, there are also existing refining factories.

After watching Chen Yuehui get in the car and leave, Wang Xudong called Li Wangdong, instructing him to speed up the construction of the open-pit rare earth mine on the one hand, and on the other hand to explain to him that he needs to expand the scale of mining more than 300 million tons of rare earth mines per year. .

It is estimated that 300 million tons of rare earth ore is mined every year.

After arranging these, Wang Xudong turned back to the villa, Wu Yaping and the nanny were already preparing meals, and the familiar smell of the meals floated from the kitchen...

Wang Xudong did not rush back to Donghai City, but still stayed in the capital. It was okay to go shopping with Zheng Xiaotong and visit some scenic spots near the capital.

Wang Xudong even wondered in his heart whether I was a little bit reluctant to think about it.

Today, the two of them drove together by Wang Xudong to a new scenic spot on the Great Wall. It was an undeveloped section of the Great Wall, but it was highly regarded by the travellers as a new hot spot for self-driving tours.

Wang Xudong drove out of the villa, Zheng Xiaotong was in the co-pilot's seat, the two talking and laughing, and drove out of the city.

Zheng Xiaotong said happily: "Brother Dong, that section of the Great Wall is very beautiful, and the surrounding scenery is also beautiful, but the location is a bit off."

Wang Xudong also said: "I really admire those fellow travellers. They found such a good place. Let's go and take a look at the beautiful scenery there."

Both are in a good mood.

However, it didn't take long for Wang Xudong to feel that something was wrong, and intuitively told him that he was being followed.


Send the second more!

In the continuation code, there is another chapter, which will be posted a little later.

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