God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1066: Peng Runwei is angry

Australia, about 30 kilometers away from the town.

Here is a vast area. If it were before, it was very desolate and completely indifferent to the bustle. A few months ago, this place gradually became lively, and now it has become a hot spot.

A large number of construction machinery is under busy construction, and a huge mining area has been planned. This is a huge mining area with an area of ​​several square kilometers, and an open pit mining mode.

It is a few kilometers away from the mining area, where the terrain is flatter and large-scale construction is underway. In addition to a small office building, the most conspicuous is the huge rare earth ore extraction workshop, which is under construction.

There are several such large factories, no, after the completion of this place, it should be a large factory area, whose main function is to refine rare earth ore into semi-finished products.

A sandy and gravel road leads to the distance, which is the direction of the town. On this sandy and gravel road, dust is rolling, and a giant convoy is on the move, the destination is the rare earth mining area.

Good guys!

A total of 10 large mine carts of 300 tons, manufactured by Shanhe Heavy Industry Group, are the same type of large mine carts used in the Big Iron Mine and the Big Gold Mine.

"Oh, it's amazing, look!"

As the distance of this convoy approached, many workers in the mining area saw this convoy. Even though many people have seen such large mining carts, they have seen them again, especially the Big Mac composed of 10 large mining carts. Many people still look shocked at the team.

It's spectacular!

Some people even stopped and greeted the arrival of the team with their eyes. Li Wangdong is in the rare earth mining area today, not in that big iron mine.

Everything at the Big Iron Mine is on the right track, and the output has reached a stable output. Li Wangdong is not so busy. His main task now is to build this rare earth mine.

The annual output of rare earth mines is more than 300 million tons, with an annual output of about 3 million tons of finished rare earths. This should be the largest rare earth mine in the world, and none of them.

Li Wangdong also greeted the arrival of these big mine carts with his eyes, thinking in his heart that this is the first batch of big mine carts in the mining area, and a total of 5 joint mining carts will also arrive.

The rare earth mines that will be mined here are the same type of combined mining truck as the Big Iron Mine. There are a batch of such combined large mining trucks manufactured in China, a total of 10 vehicles are being shipped over at sea.

Li Wangdong is the master. Five vehicles will be transferred from the Big Iron Mine. However, there is no shortage of joint mining vehicles in the Big Iron Mine. It is possible to transfer five vehicles.

The rare earth ore here is very high-quality. Although the grade is not very high, it has reached a good grade of 1%. In other rare earth mines, the grade of many rare earth ore is only a few tenths of a percent.

In addition to the good quality, the surprise is that the rare earth deposits here are very shallow, just that there is a layer of mud and rock on the surface from a few meters to a dozen meters later. This layer of mud and rock is stripped, and the bottom is highly enriched. Rare earth mines.

These rare earth mines are mined with combined large mining vehicles, and there is no need for beneficiation. It is only necessary to complete the stripping and crushing of the ore. It is sufficient to use the same type of combined mining vehicle as the large iron mine.


Soon after the arrival of these 10 large 300-ton mine trucks, someone discovered that on the sandy and gravel road leading to the mining area, sand and dust began to roll, and another giant convoy came.

Someone's sharp eyes recognized it immediately and shouted: "That's a joint mining truck, there are five in total."

The first batch of 300-ton large mining trucks arrived, and the first batch of combined mining trucks also arrived. They were parked on the open flat ground at the edge of the mining, neatly arranged, very spectacular.

In addition to 300-ton large mining trucks and combined mining vehicles, there are at least a dozen large excavators and a dozen large forklifts.

These big forklifts are also of the same model as the big forklifts of the Big Iron Mine, and they are completely usable in this rare earth mine. Li Wangdong looked at these things, and then at the direction of the refining factory, thinking in his heart, everything is ready, only owes east wind.

As long as the construction of the first refining plant is completed, large-scale rare earth mining can be carried out immediately. However, before mining the rare earth ore, the mud and rock layer on the surface of the ore layer must be stripped off in advance.

The dozen or so excavators were used to strip these mud and rock layers. After checking the time, Li Wangdong gave the order in person.

The dozen or so excavators began to move, drove to the edge of the rare earth mining area, and began to wield their long arms to excavate debris. , The mud and rock layer covering the surface of the rare earth ore layer was excavated.

This is the first excavation. It is estimated that soon after these mud and rock layers are excavated, everyone will be delighted to discover that the following are all gratifying layers of rare earth minerals, which are highly enriched.


Beijing, a five-star hotel.

It was impossible to live in such a high-grade hotel with Shi Zhenxiang's salary. Instead, he sold intelligence in exchange for a lot of dollars, so he shuddered, thinking that he was rich, and stayed in a high-grade hotel.

Usually clothes, supplies, etc. are not cheap, and they spend a lot of money. These are all money derived from selling intelligence. This idiot doesn't know, if this continues, it will probably not work without attracting some people's attention.

Shi Zhenxiang was in the room, besides him, there was another person, who seemed to be from Fusang. Sure enough, Shi Zhenxiang said angrily: "Yamamoto, I have told you many times, and your frequent visits to me will easily expose our relationship."

The Fusang man named "Yamamoto" said disdainfully: "What about you, you spend a lot of money, and your clothes are still luxury brands. If you continue like this, it is estimated that someone will find your head."

Shi Zhenxiang said dissatisfied: "You don't need to care about my affairs."

Yamamoto said: "I don't care about your business, but there is one thing I must tell you. The above urgently needs further information about the fighter. You immediately leave Beijing and provide us with those technical information as soon as possible."

Shi Zhenxiang began to bargain, "If I get some technical information, what about my salary?"

Yamamoto said: "Don't worry, as long as it is useful technical information, we will give you this amount of remuneration, and it is US dollars, which is enough for you to go abroad for a lifetime."

I wanted to stay in the capital for a few more days. I tried my luck, if I could meet Zheng Xiaotong again. Faced with so much money, Shi Zhenxiang was completely tempted and left all other things behind. He had only one thought, that is, to get the technical information as soon as possible, get the money immediately, and then go abroad to be at ease.

Shi Zhenxiang said: "Okay, I will leave Beijing and return to the factory immediately to get the technical information of that fighter as soon as possible."

Yamamoto said, "This is my new number. We will use this number to contact us. I'll wait for your good news." After speaking, Yamamoto gave Shi Zhenxiang a phone number, and then left Shi Zhenxiang's room, opened the door, and looked around. Upon seeing it, there was nothing unusual, so he arranged his clothes and went out.

Yamamoto didn't know that everything was under the supervision of He Xiaoyun's capable men, and everything about him and Shi Zhenxiang was under He Xiaoyun's control.


In the office.

Peng Runwei was waiting for Wang Xu's arrival, so he made two cups of tea by himself and used his best tea. Looking at the time, he thought to himself that Xudong should be coming soon.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Wang Xudong arrived. After pushing the door and entering, he smiled and said, "Uncle Peng, this is black tea, the top black tea."

Peng Runwei smiled and scolded: "Xudong, you are a dog-nosed, you know it by smelling it."

While welcoming Wang Xudong to sit down, he took out a pot of tea from the cupboard, “This is this kind of tea. I just soaked a little bit. Would you like to drink it? If you like, you can bring this pot of tea back.”

Wang Xudong hurriedly accepted the tea with joy, "Uncle Peng, I don't need to drink it. I know this tea is definitely good. I like it very much."

Seeing that Wang Xudong would accept the tea without saying anything, Peng Runwei smiled and said: "You, you, since you like it so much, I will keep good tea for you in the future."

Wang Xudong was overjoyed, "Uncle Peng, that's what you said."

"One word is the final word, and the word counts." Peng Runwei agreed. As a soldier, he pays attention to promises. If he agrees, he will definitely do it.

The two of them sat down, each having a cup of tea, drinking tea while chatting. Wang Xudong took a sip of tea gently, "Uncle Peng, the tea is good, but if you ask me to come over, it's not just a simple tea."

Peng Runwei nodded, "Yes, drinking tea is only one of them, mainly because there are some happy events to share with you, which makes you happy too."

Oh, happy event.

Wang Xudong became interested all of a sudden, and made a respectful look. Peng Runwei took a sip of tea and said: "Xudong, the production and manufacturing of our'Flying Dragon' fighter is progressing very rapidly. It basically completed the production of the first aircraft in just one year. The first flight will take place next month. I would like to invite you to participate and witness the plane flying into the sky with us."

Faced with such an invitation, Wang Xudong readily agreed and congratulated: "Uncle Peng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Congratulations, in this way, we have the most advanced fighter in the world."

"Yes, this is the most advanced in the world. There is no one. Excellent stealth performance, excellent maneuverability, excellent strike ability, and super long range. Thinking about it now, it is completely like a dream."

With this kind of aircraft, if a large number of them are installed, the strength of the Air Force will jump straight, no wonder Peng Runwei is so happy.

I talked about the "Flying Dragon" fighter plane, and also about the production of the two large military transport aircraft "Fatty" and "Super Fatty". The atmosphere was very good, and Wang Xudong was also happy for Peng Runwei.

After talking for more than half an hour, Wang Xudong was ready to get up and leave. Peng Runwei was able to spare so much time to have tea and chat with him. It was already very good. Wang Xudong did not want to delay his time.

At this time, the confidential phone on Peng Runwei's desk rang, and Peng Runwei smiled and said, "Xudong, I will answer the call first."

After speaking, he picked up the phone and said loudly: "Hello, this is Peng Runwei."

Wang Xudong took another sip of tea, and said in his heart that Uncle Peng was really good to him. This should be a confidential call, and he didn't avoid the suspicion. He answered the call directly in front of him.

At the same time, Wang Xudong also noticed that Peng Runwei, who was originally happy, had a change in his expression. He asked in a deep voice, "Why did you do it? How could such a thing happen? Please investigate carefully!"

Peng Runwei was furious!

When he noticed this, Wang Xudong thought to himself, Uncle Peng was so angry about what happened.


Send the second more!

I will post two chapters first. I have been training for the past few days. I came back a little late today. I will take the subject 3 exam on the 13th of this month. I think I will be busy in the next few days, hey, tired!

Take a break and continue to code. The third chapter was posted a little later.

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