God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1091: Fall to the altar

China’s "Flying Dragon" fighter plane made its maiden flight today. It is not a secret internationally. China’s military has invited more than one hundred foreigners, including three from Citigroup.

It is a pity that Fusang is no longer invited, and there are no Fusang people among the more than one hundred foreigners. Unwilling to reconcile, Fusang began to use Yaozi, and actually sent a few spies, carrying high-tech binoculars, cameras, etc., on a hill near the military test flight base to take pictures of the first flight of the "Flying Dragon".

The military's test flight base is very large, not just the airport, but the surrounding area is a military area. After these Fusang people entered, they were noticed by the military not long after they arrived at the hilltop. They just started shooting, they were immediately caught in a pot.

Actually wanted to film the first flight of our "Flying Dragon" fighter, no wonder Peng Runwei was so angry and said that he should deal with it seriously. It is estimated that these Fusang spies are in tragedy and will squat through the military prison.

Wang Xudong was also very angry and said fiercely: "Uncle Peng, the Fusang people are like this. When our "Flying Dragon" is mass-produced, we will deploy a hundred and ten "Flying Dragons" along the eastern coast, so that the entire Fusang area will be in our place. Within the voyage of the Flying Dragon fighter."

The "Flying Dragon" fighter has an ultra-long range and can easily cover the whole area of ​​Fusang. In addition to such small actions, Wang Xudong made such a proposal.

Peng Runwei said: "This is a good suggestion, let's just do it!"

After speaking, Peng Runwei thought with relief that one hundred and ten planes are too few, and I will deploy two or three hundred planes to scare these Fusang people to death.

Someone once said that the truth is only within the range of the artillery. Peng Runwei knows that the truth is only within the combat radius of the "Flying Dragon" fighters. When a large number of "Flying Dragon" fighters are deployed in several major bases along the eastern coast, the Fusang people do not expect it. Dare to jump again.

At noon, Wang Xudong had a meal in the hotel of the flight test base. There were several tables in total. The military had a celebratory taste and was richer.

The successful test flight of the "Flying Dragon" fighter has been officially reported in China.

In the official news at 7pm, there was news about the successful first flight of the "Flying Dragon" fighter. The content is not long, but the amount of information is very large. Especially from a video of more than ten seconds, it can be seen that the "Flying Dragon" fighter is vertical. Take off.

Take off vertically, which is more awesome!

The Chinese people who saw this news were all excited and happy, especially those military fans, feeling all of a sudden lifted up. Following that, some news websites had reports in this regard, and some military forums reported on the "Flying Dragon" fighter. There was a hot discussion.

Cool and high-value appearance!

Can take off vertically!

These, etc., make many people feel amazing. The only regret for many people is that the official introduction of the parameters of the "Flying Dragon" fighter has not been announced, and even the basic introduction is scarce.

In the official news, it was only an introduction that this is the latest generation of fighter planes successfully developed by our country and has the world's leading level.

"World leading" level, the information content of this sentence is relatively large, but at least one thing can be judged, which means that it is more advanced and outstanding than the active f22 fighter. Otherwise, the official news will not use "World The word "lead".

My goodness, better than the f22 fighter, even better!

Many people watched and watched this video of only ten seconds in the official news as if they had been on stimulants.

Many people shouted in their hearts that we have the most advanced fighter in the world, that is, our "Flying Dragon" fighter. More people are concerned about the specific parameters of this fighter, when will the energy production and other information, but unfortunately, the official word in this regard Not to mention.

Even so, many people in China are still inexplicably excited and happy, at least we have successfully developed the world's most outstanding fighter.


Payton and others, after watching the first flight of the "Flying Dragon" fighter, went back to Citigroup and reported the situation immediately without stopping.

An expanded high-level meeting of the Citigroup military was also held immediately. As one of the people who watched the first flight of the Flying Dragon fighter, Payton was asked to give a detailed introduction at this meeting.

Payton introduced everything he had seen, without any reservations. After the introduction, he especially emphasized that with his professional level and vision, he personally believed that the "Flying Dragon" fighter was the best fighter in the world.

Someone immediately refused to accept it and retorted: "Colonel Payton, what you mean is that China's "Flying Dragon" fighter is even better than our f22 fighter."

Payton thought for a while, even if he didn't want to admit this in his heart, but he nodded and said: "Yes, I think it is better than our f22 fighter."


Many people who attended the meeting looked horrified and couldn't believe it. After a long time, someone said with difficulty: "Gentlemen, this should be just the personal subjective inference of Colonel Payton. I think that the Flying Dragon fighter plane is absolutely impossible to surpass. Our f22 fighter."

This view is probably the mainstream view of the Citigroup military.

No, some people immediately agreed: "Although China's aviation industry has made great progress in recent years, there is still a big gap compared with ours. I also think that with China's current aviation industry level, it cannot be Developed a more advanced fighter than our f22 fighter."

In this case, many people agree.

Upon seeing this, Payton sighed helplessly. He knew that it would be difficult to change their views. Maybe one day, when the f22 fighter and the "Flying Dragon" fighters encounter, these people will find the "Flying Dragon" fighters. Advanced point.

They didn't have to wait so long. They soon learned that the "Flying Dragon" fighter was the most advanced fighter in the world. Citigroup's intelligence department paid attention to China's official news reports on the "Flying Dragon" fighter, and the situation quickly came to this point.

An army officer came in and reported the situation, and also brought the ten-second video published in the official China News.

After watching this video, they have been silent for a long time. They are not outsiders. Although their knowledge of the Flying Dragon fighter has been very limited so far, it can be seen from this video that the performance of the Flying Dragon fighter should be better than that of the f22 fighter. on.


The flight test of the "Flying Dragon" fighter developed by Huaxia was successful. It was reported in the official news and a video of more than ten seconds was also released.

This news, this video, was reprinted by many media in the world, and was followed by many countries, especially the military leaders of some major countries. I heard that they all watched this video collectively.

Many aviation industry experts and many military professionals have conducted research on the "Flying Dragon" fighter. Even if the data and information are limited, many people know that the f22 fighter that has been in the altar position will give way. The position must be given to the "Flying Dragon" fighter.

The f22 fighter jet began to fall to the altar!

In the hearts of many people, especially in the minds of pilots in many countries, the f22 fighter has always been a god-like existence, but from now on, the "flying dragon" fighter has appeared, and the fall of the f22 fighter has become inevitable.

Wang Xudong returned to Donghai City.

After watching the successful first flight of the "Flying Dragon" fighter, Wang Xudong took his Gulfstream G650 directly back to Donghai City. Now, Wang Xudong is in his office.

On the Internet and in the news, Wang Xudong heard a little bit about various reports about the "Flying Dragon" fighter. Seeing that everyone had such a high evaluation of this fighter, Wang Xudong was pleased and happy.

Now, Wang Xudong is smiling and in a good mood. He is watching the news on his computer, and even went to a forum to browse, especially after seeing a post such as "f22 fighter jet falling into the altar", Wang Xudong went in and watched it for a long time.

This post is very popular. The poster is obviously also a professional. He listed the performance parameters of the f22 fighter in detail, and then listed a series of parameters of the "Flying Dragon" fighter.

Of course, these parameters of the "Flying Dragon" fighter are all inferred or conjectured by the host himself. The parameters of the two fighters are listed for comparison, plus some of his views and professional opinions.

Wang Xudong looked excited and smiled as he watched.

Wang Xudong knows the performance parameters of the "Flying Dragon" fighter very well, and laughed after reading the parameters listed by the host.

This poster is bold enough, but still underestimates the excellence of the "Flying Dragon" fighter. If you really compare the f22 fighter with the "Flying Dragon" fighter, you will find that the gap between the two is not generally large.

No wonder Wang Xudong smiled when he looked at it.

Others don't know how the performance of the "Flying Dragon" fighter is. When they see these parameters, they believe it and they follow the posts, and they all vent their anger and shout in excitement that the f22 fighter has fallen from the altar.

In the next few days, whether it is internationally or domestically, the "Flying Dragon" fighter has always been a hot topic in the news. Unfortunately, no one knows the true performance of the "Flying Dragon" fighter.

Wang Xudong occasionally visits Xudong Mining Group. Sometimes he returns after ten o'clock in the morning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Today, Wang Xudong rarely comes earlier.

Because Wang Xudong has important things today, last time he instructed Itan Guangzheng to find a piece of land overseas for him. It has been a while, and there have been results.

Itan Teng Guangzheng reported and found two places. He planned to send the specific information to Wang Xudong himself. However, Wang Xudong declined and ordered him to send the information to his computer mailbox.

What did Wang Xudong say, An Teng Guangzheng did what he said. He sent the information to Wang Xudong’s mailbox. Wang Xudong was very excited. He arrived at his office early and wanted to take a look. What did Anteng Guangzheng find for himself? Two places like this.

For Xudong Mining Group to further develop and grow, if it wants to be the number one in the world, and has a huge influence in the world, it must have a great say in the international crude oil market.

The idea of ​​controlling the international crude oil market is very attractive, but Wang Xudong also knows that it is a delusion. Even Citigroup can’t do it. Wang Xudong is very wise. He has never thought of controlling the world crude oil market. The right to speak on it.

To gain a great deal of speech, it is necessary to go abroad to build oil fields overseas. Wang Xudong's first choice is the Middle East.

To develop and construct oil fields in the Middle East, you must first have a private territory. It can be purchased or leased. There must be such a place.

Itan Teng Guangzheng did not disappoint Wang Xudong. He found two places for Wang Xudong and sent information about these two places for Wang Xudong to choose one of the two.

Sitting in his office, Wang Xudong turned on his computer, logged in to his mailbox, and saw the email sent by Itanium Guangzheng. When he saw the email, Wang Xudong gave a slightly surprised "Huh".


The first one is sent!

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