God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1106: Let's talk about it

Mustafa looked sad!

Finally, I met an ideal buyer like Wang Xudong, who hoped to sell the island in order to solve the current financial difficulties. Wherever he thought, Wang Xudong insisted on going to the island and taking a helicopter ride. Go. Le-wen-

One of his entourage noticed Mustafa's face and reminded: "Sir, we will go to the airport now, maybe it's too late."

Mustafa thought about it, knowing that this is the only way to go, and immediately waved: "Get in the car, everyone!"

They all got in the car, left the hotel, and headed towards the location of the heliport. They were so fast that even Mustafa called himself, hoping to contact Wang Xudong and discourage them from going to the island.

At this time, Wang Xudong had arrived at the helicopter airport.

The conditions there are a bit rudimentary, not comparable to those in China, but it is indeed a heliport, with several helicopters parked, and Itanium Guangzheng is already there personally.

Wang Xudong came, and after getting off the car, he saw these helicopters, and he also saw Itan Guangzheng who was walking quickly.

"Mr. Wang, the helicopter is ready. There are two helicopters in total. See if you are satisfied." Itanium Guangzheng is as respectful as ever.

Wang Xudong waved his hand and said, "Go, take us to take a look at the helicopter you prepared."

Under the leadership of Itanium Hiromasa, everyone walked to the front of the two helicopters. These are two civilian helicopters. They should be of the large and medium-sized ones. Each can carry at least seven or eight people. Obviously modified.

"Good fellow, and machine gun!"

Wang Xudong saw the machine gun on one of the helicopters, but the machine gun is relatively old, but it will definitely work, and it also has a long bullet chain.

Itan Hiroshi said: "There is a group of militants entrenched on the island, the number is temporarily ominous, but I think there are at least a hundred people, this machine gun may be useful."

According to Wang Xudong’s instructions, two days ago, Itanium Guangzheng took several of his staff to visit the island. Without thinking about it, he encountered a group of militants. There were 20 or 30 people on the other side, several times that of Itanium. Guangzheng, and the opponent is well equipped.

Without precaution, Itan Hiroshige killed two of his subordinates, and several others were injured. Because of the absolute disadvantage in numbers, he did not take much advantage.

Fortunately, Itanium Guangzheng took the opportunity to retreat immediately, retreat while fighting, and leave by boat in time. If he is late, he might be dumped.

If you suffer a loss, you must take revenge. Guangzheng Anteng is a Fusang native, and he can't suffer any loss. He has already called back and selected dozens of people to come, and he is still contacting an international mercenary organization to prepare. Go to the island to jointly encircle those militants.

Wang Xudong wanted to go to the island to take a look. Itan Teng Guangzheng knew that this might be dangerous, so he prepared the two helicopters with machine guns. He himself took a few of his men and planned to go together.

After looking at them, Wang Xudong was satisfied with the two helicopters and knew that it might be dangerous to go to the island for inspection, and he also made some preparations.

An Teng Guangzheng said: "Mr. Wang, shall we leave now?"

Wang Xudong looked at the time and slowly said, "Wait a few more minutes, and Gail and the others may be there soon."

After waiting for about two or three minutes, Gail and the others haven't come yet, but a call came. It was an unfamiliar call.

Wang Xudong still answered the call, "Who are you?"

An anxious voice came from inside: "President Wang, hello, I am Mr. Mustafa's interpreter. Mr. Mustafa is on the way here. There is an urgent matter to discuss with you. Please wait a moment."

Wang Xudong smiled lightly, without thinking that Mustafa rushed over in a hurry. It seemed that he wanted to dissuade him from going to the island, so wait a moment, anyway, Gal and the others have not come here yet.

A few minutes later, Gail waited.

Two helicopters flew from a distance and landed not far away. Galher shot live ammunition and jumped from one of the helicopters.

"Wang, I am here, I have all the things you need ready."

Wang Xudong waved his hand and said, "Go, let's take a look at those things."

Gale not only came in person, but also brought several of his subordinates, all with live ammunition, one of them even carried a machine gun, and the long bullet chain was very conspicuous.

Seeing this, Gail and the others are going to go to the island to do a big job.

Wang Xudong walked over with everyone and saw the weapons and equipment that Gael had brought. They were very advanced. They not only had brand-new assault rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, but also grenade, and two shoulder-mounted bazookas.

Good guy, everything is so complete!

Wang Xudong picked up one of the assault rifles and watched with interest. Lin Hu was also interested, picked up a sniper rifle, and said happily.

"This is a heavy sniper. One shot can break the enemy into two pieces from 1 kilometer away."

He Xiaoyun also picked up a pistol, installed the magazine skillfully with a click, and said loudly: "This is an active-service pistol in a certain country, Gail, you can also get something like this."

Gail was smug, as if he was saying, "This is a piece of cake, believe it or not I can get you a tank or armored vehicle."

I checked these weapons and equipment. They were all very good and there were enough. There was no problem with equipping 20 to 30 people.

"Wang, shall we set off now."

Wang Xudong shook his head gently, and slowly said: "Wait a minute, Al Mustafa is coming, I also took a look, he was going to say something."

After waiting for another few minutes, Wang Xudong saw several cars coming. It was Al Mustafa. The cars stopped not far in front of Wang Xudong.

Mustafa took a few of his entourages, got out of the car, and hurriedly walked over. Seeing that Wang Xudong was not leaving, waiting for him there, he was quietly relieved.

Seeing Gail and the others fully armed, he also knew it in his heart. It seemed that the situation on the island could not be hidden from Wang Xudong. People already knew it.

"President Wang, are you going to the island?"

Wang Xudong said: "Exactly, you see that we even have helicopters and even weapons and equipment ready. I heard that there are militants on the island. We are going to take a look."

Mustafa said anxiously: "President Wang, I suggest you give up your plan to land on the island and never go by helicopter. It seems that you already know that there are militants on the island. Alas, it seems the thing is. I can't hide it."

Wang Xudong only knew that there were militants on the island, but did not know the situation of these militants. He was ready to listen to Al Mustafa's introduction.

"Yes, we already know that there are militants on the island, Mr. Mustafa, your actions are not authentic. Knowing that this is the situation on this island, you still want us to be taken advantage of and want to sell this island at a high price. Give us."

Mustafa was ashamed and a little embarrassed. They were really not authentic and concealed the actual situation of the island. When they negotiated with Wang Xudong in the morning, they said nothing about the militants on the island, but only introduced the island. The advantages of the island.

"President Wang, this is indeed our fault. There is indeed a group of militants on the island, but we guarantee that as long as you buy the island, our government promises to send troops to eliminate all the militants."

Hearing such words, Wang Xudong laughed.

It is estimated that it was not two or three days for the gang of militants to stay on the island. It may have been several years. It has not been able to destroy them for so long. It is tantamount to a fantasy to wipe them out in a short time. .

Wang Xudong really guessed it. The government of the country did send troops to the island several times to destroy the gang of militants, but they failed every time.

There was even a fiasco, and that time should be the largest. Hundreds of people were dispatched and several armed helicopters were dispatched, but they were hit by anti-aircraft weapons.

That group of militants was well equipped and used shoulder-fired anti-aircraft weapons to shoot down all the armed helicopters one by one. Later, the country once sent helicopters to investigate, but they were shot down every time and never dared again. A helicopter approached the island.

Mustafa saw that Wang Xudong was about to take a helicopter to the island. He was so frightened that he came to dissuade him immediately. He was worried that the helicopter that Wang Xudong was travelling would be hit as soon as the helicopter approached the island~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the plane crashed and killed. It's a big one.

Wang Xudong said: "That group of militants does not seem simple. You have not wiped out them for so many years. I think it is impossible to wipe out them in a short time."

Pharaoh Musta blushed when Wang Xudong said something. He was really bragging just now. There was only one purpose for making such a promise, and that was to get Wang Xudong to quickly buy the island.

As long as Wang Xudong paid the money and signed an agreement between the two parties, they would not care about the rest of the matter anyway, the money was already in hand anyway.

This is not authentic!

Fortunately, Wang Xudong was not stupid. He knew that Mustafa’s promise was unreliable when he heard it. He broke it in a word, which made Mustafa feel very embarrassed.

"President Wang, it's too dangerous to land on the island. Let's sit down and talk about the sale and purchase of that island. The price is easy to discuss."

At this time, Mustafa wanted to get rid of the island as soon as possible, and he wanted Wang Xudong to pay immediately, even if the price was lower, he accepted it.

After thinking for a while, Wang Xudong said, "Then let's talk."

I already know in my heart that there are not simple militants on the island. The island is a hot potato. Only under such circumstances can the price be negotiated.

As long as the price is right and the conditions are favorable, Wang Xudong is still ready to start the island. In the eyes of others, this island is a hot potato, but Wang Xudong does not think so. Maybe he has a solution.

Seeing that Wang Xudong agreed to sit down and talk again, Mustafa was overjoyed and immediately invited Wang Xudong to get on the bus.

Gail and the others looked at Wang Xudong, which meant that all preparations had been made, and whether to go to the island to take a look.

Yes, do you still go to Daoshan?


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