God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1111: All wiped out

Hateful, hateful!

This is their own destruction. Originally, Wang Xudong still took a benevolent attitude and prepared to leave them two days to take the initiative to evacuate their island. Without thinking, they had no plan to evacuate at all, and sent someone to kidnap themselves. .

Such a group of people must be cleaned up.

Wang Xudong launched the "God-Level Big Mine Owner" system. To clean up this group of militants, the big weapon is the "God-Level Big Mine Owner" system, and Wang Xudong uses the system to deal with them in many ways.

The system is activated, and the vast area with a radius of 1,000 kilometers is all within the scanning range of the system, including most of the bay area. However, Wang Xudong's focus is not on the bay area with exceptionally rich oil reserves, but on his own island.

On the holographic three-dimensional map, Wang Xudong found the location of his island very easily and zoomed in to make the situation of the island clearer.

As seen in the previous data, the island is winding and long, stretching dozens of kilometers in length. The widest place is 20 kilometers, and the narrowest place is only a few kilometers. It is like a giant dragon crawling on the sea, very Beautiful.

It can be seen from the holographic three-dimensional map that there are more vegetation on the island and it is not as desolate as other parts of the Middle East. The terrain on the island is also relatively flat, with the highest peak being only more than 200 meters.

I also saw the situation of the village on the island. It was very backward and dilapidated. Some houses were even in ruins. This is a masterpiece of that group of militants.

The village was on the tail of the island, and the militants gathered on the other side of the island, where they built a base, some fortifications and so on.

This place is also the focus of Wang Xudong's inspection. After zooming in, he can see the situation there more clearly, and he can even see some militants patrolling and guarding.

I also clearly saw the buildings, fortifications, etc. they built. In the lobby of a major building, there were several people sitting. Look like this, they should be the main leaders of this group of militants, sitting in the main building. It should be Ibn.


Wang Xudong let out a soft "Huh". He didn't think that there was such a new discovery. These militants really spent a lot of effort to build an underground passage to a hidden place by the sea, where it was still hidden. Several speedboats.

In addition to the secret passage, Wang Xudong also discovered a large-scale basement with a lot of things stored in it. The three-dimensional picture is semi-transparent, and it is not very clear. Wang Xudong thought in his heart, could it be...

Thinking about it this way, I was slightly excited. If my guess was correct, I would be too lucky to buy such an island.

Well, this group of militants seems to be staying on the island, including all their leaders, members, etc., there are a lot of them. That is a good time to start.

To deal with this group of militants, Wang Xudong has several ways to gather high-pressure natural gas to explode and blow up the group of people. It is also possible to gather a batch of high-grade uranium ore, so that all these militants are exposed to high doses of radiation to death.

Wang Xudong immediately ruled out the gathering of natural gas to explode. This is my own private island, and a big explosion on the island will blow the island beyond recognition, which is not desirable.

The best way is to gather a batch of uranium ore and let them die by radiation. The aborigines of those islands live in the end of the island, far away from where the gang of militants are, and they can effectively avoid radiation. So Wang Xudong made up his mind.

"Miner One, scan the distribution of uranium ore."

Uranium ore resources with a radius of 1,000 kilometers and a depth of 4,500 meters are clearly distributed and have good reserves. What is gratifying is that there are actually a small amount of extremely high-grade natural uranium ore that can be absorbed by upgrade energy points.

It must first absorb the upgrade energy points. This is a good thing that can be met but cannot be expected. The number behind the energy slot 1 of the system jumps. Starting from "1342/5000", it jumps every second, which means every Absorb one upgrade energy point per second.


Wang Xudong was satisfied. There was no hope of encountering upgrade energy points. He didn't think about it. He absorbed 330 points here, which is good, very good!

After the upgrade energy points were absorbed, Wang Xudong issued an order to gather uranium ore, a large batch, with a grade of 2%, which was very radioactive.

So much uranium ore, almost all over the entire base of these militants, is buried very shallow, only two or three meters from the ground.

After the gathering, Wang Xudong saw from the holographic three-dimensional map that the gang of militants basically did not react and were unaware.

This is killing invisible!

When you're done, Wang Xudong thought coldly in his heart, you have done a lot of evil, just go to death for me!

Well, you can eat. After the major work is done, we will only wait for all these uranium ore to be transferred tomorrow. There will be no more uranium ore on the island, and the system will absorb all the residual radioactive energy. This way, the island will be clean and there will be no radiation.

Perhaps no one would have imagined that a large number of high-grade uranium ore had appeared on the island. They appeared out of thin air and disappeared out of thin air.

Wang Xudong took a look at the time, and then did not rush to shut down the "God-Level Big Mine Owner" system, but began to check the conditions in the waters around the island.

The 80 nautical miles around the island is Wang Xudong's private area, and oil and gas resources will be exploited. Wang Xudong is more concerned about the seabed topography in that area.

In front of the "God-level Big Mine Owner" system, the situation in the sea area was clear. Soon, Wang Xudong found two good places. The first place was a huge submarine plain with an area of ​​hundreds of square meters. It is about ten nautical miles away from the island and the water depth is about 50 to 60 meters.

Another place is a submarine basin with a larger area and a flat terrain, but the water depth is deeper, about 100 meters deep, and a little farther away from the island, about dozens of nautical miles, but still at 80 Within the range of nautical miles.

Except for these two places, other places are not ideal. Either the geological conditions are complicated or the terrain is undulating, which is not suitable for large-scale exploitation of oil and gas resources.

Well, if you want to exploit submarine oil and gas resources in the future, there is no shortage of places. There are two places to choose from. Especially the first place is very ideal. The key is that the island is not very far away. If you want to lay submarine oil and gas pipelines If so, the amount of work is not very large.

Wang Xudong looked at these two places in a good mood, then looked at the island again, thinking in his heart, after all the militants on the island are gone, I should also board the island, take a good look and visit it on the spot. Some.

Wang Xudong did not use the system to check the oil and gas resources within the scanning range. This is the Middle East. Most of the Gulf region is within the scanning range of the system. Wang Xudong has no worries about oil and gas resources. As long as there is a suitable place, he can carry out large-scale operations. Large-scale exploitation of oil and gas resources.

Well now, there are suitable places, and there are two places to choose from, especially the first place is very ideal.

By the way, there are copper ore resources. Hong Bo said that the price of international copper ore has been rising, and the domestic demand for copper ore is very huge. It is necessary to choose a place on the island to build an open-air copper mine. It couldn't be more appropriate.

The area of ​​the island is not small, 98 square kilometers. If you choose a place, it doesn't need to be too big. Just a few square kilometers in size, you can build a large copper mine.

Wang Xudong has no worries about where there are no copper mines. The only thing he is worried about is how the copper ore resources in this area are.

A large part of the world's copper resources are concentrated in South America. This is the Middle East region, which lacks copper resources. However, under the scanning of the "God-level Big Miner" system, there may be surprises.

"Miner No. 1, scanning the distribution of copper ore resources."

"Brother Dong, every question!" The loud voice of Miner One rang in Wang Xudong's mind.

Soon, the distribution of copper ore resources, reserves, etc. appeared on the holographic three-dimensional map. After seeing these, Wang Xudong was also pleasantly surprised.

Yes, it's really very good. I originally thought that there were not many copper ore resources. It was worthy of being a "God-level big mine owner" system. It actually scanned tens of millions of tons of copper ore resources.

This is copper ore, tens of millions of tons are considered to be very huge ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The largest known copper ore reserves in the world are only tens of millions of tons.

Wang Xudong said in his heart that he is not in a hurry to gather copper ore for the time being. When I board the island and do some fieldwork, I will say that I will choose the most suitable place to gather these copper ore to form a super open-air building. Copper mine.

Then I raised my hand to look at the time. It was night, and the sky was completely dark outside, and the lights outside could be seen through the window glass. Wang Xudong Road, it was time to go to dinner.

Call Shang Lin Hu, He Xiaoyun, etc. to have dinner together.


On the island.

The gang of militants were still unaware, including their leader Ibn, who had no idea that they were already under a large dose of radiation. They conspired together again, thinking how to attack Wang Xudong again.

They were actually not reconciled. After failing again this time, they wanted to start again. It seemed normal for Wang Xudong to clean them up. If they didn't clean up, there would be endless troubles and endless troubles.

Ibn showed a ruthless face and said fiercely: "Then it's a deal. I will act again tomorrow, bring weapons, and dispatch our helicopter when necessary."

They have two helicopters, and they are modified and equipped with heavy machine guns. The other leaders nodded.

With a wave of Ibn's hand, these people retreated one after another. Ibn himself was accompanied by two entourages to dinner. After the meal, he felt a little uncomfortable. He rested earlier.

This is a bit abnormal. If it is normal, he usually goes to bed late. But this did not attract his attention at all, thinking it was too tired, and went to bed earlier.

Time just passed a little bit like this. Without exception, this group of militants are all under radiation, and their lives are losing...


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