God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1122: Good news from northeast

"It's a masterpiece of God, it's amazing!"

One of them sighed. This is a senior special steel material expert. In the field of special steel for so many years, he really admires Sanlian Special Steel Group for developing such a top metal material.

However, not everyone has admiration, and some people are not like that. For example, several senior members of this group are very jealous of the "Super Metal No. 1" special steel.

In their eyes, they are the bosses of the world and dominate the international special steel field. Many high-tech fields must use their products.

Many of Citi’s high-end products, even in the aerospace industry, widely use this group’s special steel products, which has also created the arrogance of the group’s senior staff.

Sanlian Special Steel Group has almost made history and developed such an amazing product. They are extremely jealous and are also digging their heads to crack this technology.

Citigroup can't crack the power of the whole country, how can they do it.

"Super Metal No. 1" special steel samples have been obtained a lot, and a large number of technicians have been gathered, and a huge amount of scientific research funds have been spent. The time has been more than two months, but there is almost no progress and gains. .

The most is to take a look at the microstructure of "Super Metal No. 1" special steel through an advanced electron microscope, like its beautiful, standard hexagonal structure, like a honeycomb.

In addition, we have figured out some performance parameters of this special steel, such as density, strength parameters, such as high temperature resistance parameters, heat treatment performance, etc., but it is a delusion to crack this technology and smelt this special steel.

This group is accustomed to rampant dominance in the field of international special steel. Sanlian Special Steel launched such an amazing product at first sight, and they couldn't accept it in their hearts.

So, after cracking this special steel to no avail, they began to consider preparing to use some shameless means in an attempt to obtain the smelting technology of this special steel.

For Sanlian Special Steel Group, the crisis has begun to sink.


Cao Jianguo is a well-known aerospace expert in China. He designed a well-known carrier rocket. It has reached a very high level in this field. However, Cao Jianguo does not want to stop at the current level, but also wants to go to the next level.

As an expert in this field, he knows that to design a rocket with better overall performance and greater carrying capacity, a better material is necessary.

The "Super Metal No. 1" special steel launched by Sanlian Special Steel Group gave him hope. At the beginning, he was skeptical like many people. Is there such an excellent metal material in the world? impossible!

Doubts fall into doubt. Taking into account the reputation and scale of Sanlian Special Steel, Cao Jianguo still got some samples of "Super Metal No. 1" special steel, and personally took his team to conduct research.

This research is incredible. This kind of special steel deeply impressed Cao Jianguo, and now I admire this metal material even more. No, I really admire Sanlian Special Steel Group.

Because of the research for so long, he has already understood this kind of metal material very well, and Cao Jianguo is already considering the use of this kind of metal material in those parts of the next-generation launch vehicle.

After thinking about it, Cao Jianguo himself was taken aback. At least half of the components of the next-generation launch vehicle can use this metal material.

"Super Metal No. 1" special steel has super high strength, super corrosion resistance, and excellent high temperature resistance. In Cao Jianguo's view, it is simply born for launch vehicles.

In this way, Cao Jianguo couldn't wait to design the next generation launch vehicle earlier.

This is definitely a new generation of carrier rocket, and its performance will be greatly improved. It will also be the best carrier rocket in the world, Cao Jianguo thought in his heart.


A famous domestic aircraft manufacturer.

China’s first domestically-produced transport aircraft was born here, and this factory also gave birth to many firsts in the history of China’s aviation industry. Today, they are making every effort to produce two large-scale "fat" and "super fat" Military transport aircraft.

In the technical center of this factory, in a conference room, several top domestic experts are carefully demonstrating.

With the emergence of "Super Metal No. 1" special steel, as everyone gradually understands this special steel, many people like this metal material and hope to use it in their own fields.

The full set of technical materials for "Fatty" and "Super Fatty" are all provided by the military. They are very scientific and very detailed. They do not require design, design or process verification, and directly refer to these materials for parts The manufacturing will do.

Because of this, the first prototypes of these two transport aircraft have begun to enter the final assembly, and the progress is very fast, so fast that many people who have been engaged in aircraft manufacturing for a lifetime cannot believe it.

Without the emergence of the "Super Metal No. 1" special steel, these top domestic transport aircraft experts would not "drift" and would go all out to produce "fat" and "super fat" as soon as possible.

The emergence of this kind of special steel has given them a little bit of "shaking". A generation of materials and a generation of aircraft are not fake at all. As the top domestic transport aircraft experts, everyone knows that if the "Super Metal No. 1" special steel is used Using these two transport aircraft, the overall performance of these two transport aircraft will be further improved.

For example, the weight of the aircraft is reduced, fuel consumption is reduced, the range is increased, and more cargo can be loaded. The key is that the overall structural strength of the aircraft is greatly improved, and the service life will be increased accordingly.

When the full set of technical data for "Fatty" and "Super Fatty" were generated by the system, there was no special steel "Super Metal No. 1" at that time. The two aircraft used all materials that existed at that time.

They are all experts. After some cautious argumentation, they felt that it was feasible to use the "Super Metal No. 1" special steel on "Fatty" and "Super Fatty". So several people decided to give it a try.

The current prototype will remain unchanged for the time being, and will be manufactured as usual, and subsequent aircraft will be fully made of "Super Metal No. 1" special steel.

Large-scale changes of materials often require great care, but this time is different. It should be possible to replace relatively poor materials with good materials, and only need to perform some verification, such as the flight test verification of the whole machine. .

After Sanlian Special Steel Group launched the "Super Metal No. 1" special steel, its popularity is very hot, because this metal material is not only excellent, it is also an all-round type and can be widely used in all walks of life.

At this time, many crooked nuts were envious. How could China have such good metal materials? If we had them, it would be great.

Unfortunately, the special steel of Sanlian Special Steel Group currently mainly meets the needs of the domestic market, and the export volume is very small. It is currently difficult for these crooked nuts to use this special steel.


Chen Sanlian has always been very busy, but he has always been in a very good mood, especially the popularity of the "Super Metal No. 1" special steel made him almost wake up from sleep.

He also understood in his heart that all the credits belong to Xudong. Without Xudong's technical data, Sanlian Special Steel Group would not be able to smelt such excellent special steel.

The only "worry" is that there are always all kinds of people who take the initiative to come to the door, and a large part of them are foreigners.

They only found one purpose, and that was to order the "Super Metal No. 1" special steel from Sanlian Special Steel Group.

It’s ridiculous that Sanlian Special Steel clearly stated that all of its products, including "Super Metal No. 1" special steel, are temporarily not considering opening up to Fuso Market and Kimchi Country Market, but people from these two countries are always looking for them. , I want to order my own special steel.

Just yesterday, a well-known large company in Fusang sent someone over and specified that they wanted to see Chen Sanlian and wanted to order "Super Metal No. 1" special steel. However, for such a person, Chen Sanlian would not see him and directly instructed the people below him to They blasted out.

It is light to blow them up. According to Chen Sanlian's temper, he can't wait to beat them out with a stick. When Super Stainless Steel came out, it was also a Fusang man who kidnapped his son and tried to threaten him.

Chen Sanlian has never had a good impression of Fusang people.

The original good mood was almost destroyed by this incident. Fortunately, good news came from the northeast. Chen Sanlian was in a happy mood and said, it was great, it was really timely rain!

At present, the only thing that puts Chen Sanlian under pressure is the insufficient production capacity of "Super Metal No. 1" special steel, because of the three large factories, only the one in Ninggang City was put into operation, and only the first phase of the project was completed and put into production. The output is relatively limited.

Chen Sanlian often thought in his mind that if all three domestic factories were completed, it would be great. After full production, the annual output could reach tens of millions of tons.

At this time, Chen Sanlian finally fully understood why Xudong had to build each factory so huge.

At the beginning, although Chen Sanlian did not stop ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there were still worries in his heart, worrying that Wang Xudong would take too much steps at once. Now it seems that Xudong's original decision was so wise.

Chen Sanlian was even thinking that if he knew it was so hot, he should have started building four large factories at the same time. No, five large factories should be opened at the same time, one in each of the east, west, south and north, to smelt and produce "Super Metal No. 1." "Special steel.

Well, there is finally good news from the Northeast. Great. Xudong has been back from the Middle East for a while. I'm going to the East China Sea to tell Xudong the great news. I will also call Shang Xudong. Let's go to the Northeast to take a look. Chen Sanlian thought so happy in his heart.

After thinking about it this way, he picked up the phone and said loudly: "Xiao Li, prepare the plane, I am going to Donghai City tomorrow morning."

Chen Sanlian has already bought a private jet, the same model as Wang Xudong's, the Gulfstream G650 jet. He likes it very much. This time I went to the East China Sea and naturally took his jet.


Send the second more!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone!

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