God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1130: Go to Long Island

Wang Xudong's reaction was not slow, in fact, he did not hit Wang Xudong, there was still a little distance. Lin Hu's reaction was not slow, almost knocking the man directly to the ground.

He was a young man, about thirty years old, wearing black-framed big eyes, gentle and gentle. He looked like a scholar with a bit of officialdom.

After getting along with Zheng Peng for a long time, Wang Xudong can basically tell whether the other party is an official or not. The young man in front of him is a bit like an official.

The young man was also taken aback, especially when he was almost pushed to the ground by Lin Hu. He looked at Lin Hu with innocent eyes, and then at Wang Xudong, thinking in his heart, who is this? , Such a quick response, there are bodyguards next to him.

His eyesight was not bad, he recognized Lin Hu as a bodyguard at a glance.

Wang Xudong also noticed that this person shouldn't want to disadvantage him, but an applicant who came here to find a job.

"Are you OK!"

Faced with Wang Xudong’s concern, the young man said generously: “It’s okay, I’m okay.” While talking, picking up scattered resumes from the ground, Wang Xudong saw the name with sharp eyes and thought in his heart, it turned out that he was called Li Changping. .

To be honest, Wang Xudong is a little curious about this Li Changping. At first glance, he should look like an official, but he seems to be a little different. Where does an official come here to apply.

Li Changping smiled at Wang Xudong, took his resume with a clear goal, and walked towards the recruitment area where Xudong Mining Group was located, where employees from the Human Resources Department of Xudong Mining Group were recruiting.

Longdao is undergoing large-scale construction. Although the main force is Zhenbang Group and other construction engineering companies, Xudong Mining Group will also send some management personnel. Currently, there are dozens of management personnel on the island, which is not enough.

So Xudong Mining Group plans to recruit a group of people, the work location is Longdao, the main work is construction and development management and other related work.

Xudong Mining Group’s publicity is more in place. There are large photos of Longdao, as well as more detailed introduction materials, which are both pictures and texts. They are hung in the recruitment area. Those who apply for jobs can see these materials and understand their future work locations and working environment.

As for the treatment, it goes without saying that the treatment of Xudong Mining Group is very good, and it can be envied by many people. It only recruits dozens of people and the requirements are very high. Not only does it require management experience and excellent work performance. , The academic requirements are also very high.

Even so, the place is very hot. Wang Xudong glanced around and knew that there were at least one or two hundred people who came to apply for the job. The recruitment time is a whole day. Within this day, it is conservatively estimated that there should be hundreds of people who apply for the job. Typical Pick one out of ten.

Seeing Li Changping applying for the job in Xudong Mining Group's recruitment area, Wang Xudong smiled slightly and thought in his heart, interesting, if there is no accident, this Li Changping should become a member of Xudong Mining Group and will work in Longdao in the future .

Wang Xudong did not intend to interrupt the recruitment work, but just took a look from a distance and was very satisfied in his heart.

Because you know that as long as you pass, it will definitely cause a commotion. It is better to keep a low profile and not to pass. Therefore, Wang Xudong just looked from a distance, nodded in satisfaction, and then went to other places.

Today, Wang Xudong came to his office.

First, I read some recent documents and reports, and then made a phone call, instructing the Human Resources Department to find the dozens of newly recruited managers who will go to Longdao to send in information.

The boss of the human resources department may be a little strange in his mind. The boss usually doesn't bother about these things. This time it was different.

I quickly read the information personally, and after confirming that there were no errors, he personally sent it to Wang Xudong's office.

Holding these materials, Wang Xudong looked at it and looked through it roughly. He said with joy that the quality of these new recruits is still very high. They are all mature talents with good academic qualifications. With a little training, they will be in Longdao management. Backbone.

Li Changping!

Wang Xudong took out Li Changping's information specially and looked seriously. After reading it, he said in his heart that this is really a talent. Not to mention a master's degree in management. The key is that he has been a deputy county head, but why he did not continue to serve as a deputy. The county magistrate, you can't tell from the information.

This may be a person with a story. He should be a good talent to be a deputy county magistrate when he is more than 30 years old. Let him go to Longdao to exercise first. If he performs well, he can be given important tasks. If his performance is average, then it is still Forget it.

Xudong Mining Group’s recruitment of this group of personnel has been completed, and they are about to leave for Longdao, where they will be engaged in work. Wang Xudong is also going to visit Longdao.

How is the construction situation there, how is the exploration progress of the super large copper mine, and so on, all of which Wang Xudong is more concerned about.

Every day, Liang Hongbo or Liu Bin reports to Wang Xudong on the progress of the construction. The overall situation is still relatively understood, but it is better to be able to go to the island in person and take a look on the spot.

The exploration of the super large copper mine is personally in charge of Liang Hongbo. The exploration team is also invited by Liang Hongbo. I heard that it is a very powerful exploration team in China. They have participated in the exploration of several famous large copper mines in China. Very rich.

Just thinking of the big copper mine, Liang Hongbo came.

After coming in, he said with joy on his face and said loudly: "Brother Dong, it is hard to imagine that our luck is so good. As you might expect, there are copper mines on the island with huge reserves. This is a preliminary exploration report. ."

After finishing speaking, he handed Wang Xudong an exploration report that had just been faxed from Longdao, with a very happy expression on his face.

Recently, international copper ore has been rising. Liang Hongbo dreams that Xudong Mining Group can have a large copper mine. Now his dream comes true. There is a super large copper mine on Longdao. After receiving this exploration report, He immediately came over to tell Wang Xudong the great news.

Wang Xudong took the report and looked through it happily. "That's not bad. The estimated copper reserves are more than 30 million tons. This should be one of the largest copper mines in the world."

Liang Hongbo said: "Brother Dong, I have checked the information. The copper resource reserves are more than 30 million tons. This is the largest copper mine in the world and a veritable super large copper mine."

Another world number one!

The world’s largest iron ore belongs to the Xudong Mining Group, and the world’s largest oil field is also in the Xudong Mining Group. Although Jimingshan Coal Mine is not the largest open-pit coal mine in the world, it can definitely be among the top five in the world.

The world's largest copper mine was discovered on Longdao, which also belongs to Xudong Mining Group. No wonder Liang Hongbo is so happy.

Wang Xudong knew nothing more about this copper mine, because it was gathered by Wang Xudong using the "God-level Big Mine Owner" system. There was no copper mine on the island. After Wang Xudong got there, he had this super large copper mine.

The copper resource reserves of this super copper mine are more than 35.6 million tons, the largest in the world!

Copper ore resources are highly enriched and buried extremely shallow, allowing large-scale open-pit mining. The grade of copper ore is about 10%, which is much higher than that of ordinary copper ore.

Among the known copper mines in the world, 5% rank first in grade, and about 3.5% rank third. Most copper mines have copper grades of only about 1% or even lower. The copper grade of this copper mine newly discovered by the mining group is as high as 10%. No wonder Liang Hongbo is so happy.

"Brother Dong, I will also go to the island with you to take a look."

If this copper mine hadn’t appeared, Liang Hongbo’s thoughts would not have been so strong. With such a super copper mine on the island, Liang Hongbo would like to go over immediately and conduct an on-site inspection, and then he would personally invite a team of experts to deal with it. Planning for a copper mine.

Wang Xudong is going to Longdao again, and Liang Hongbo wants to go with him.

The 1,000 skilled construction workers of Zhenbang Group have all recruited and will set off for Long Island and take a plane at Donghai International Airport.

Several luxury buses arrived at the airport, and a large group of people got off the bus, all dressed in Zhenbang Group's work clothes, each with their heads upright, because they knew where they were going, and they would participate in one of the world's largest integrated It is inevitable that they will feel a little excited about the construction of a **** harbor.

Think about it again, this large sea port belongs to the Xudong Mining Group. They are working for the Xudong Mining Group, so they can't calm down.

The order is neat and orderly, and such a large group of people quickly attracted a lot of attention. Some people even exclaimed, "This is a member of the Zhenbang Group. With such a big battle, what are they going to do."

Naturally, they are going to Long Island to build that comprehensive sea port for Xudong Mining Group. In the future, there may be more. Some people may participate in the construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, and even airports on the island.

Wang Xudong has clearly told Liu Zhenbang that a large part of these projects will be handed over to Zhenbang Group. This made Liu Zhenbang very happy. He even called Liu Bin personally. He must pay attention to the project quality and build high-quality projects for Xudong Mining Group.

Chang Liang is dragging his suitcase ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now he is one of these people. Next to him is a dozen of his fellow villagers. He received a call from Chang Liang. These people packed up their luggage and prepared to go back to their home in the countryside. All the fellow villagers rushed over and applied successfully. They have signed a one-year labor contract with Zhenbang Group and will work on Long Island for one year.

After passing the entrance check, everyone entered the waiting hall. Through the glass, they also saw their chartered flight, which will take off from here and fly directly to the Middle East.

Chang Liang said, "Do you see that plane? It's really big!"

It was an A380 aircraft, of the Big Mac class, obviously much larger than the average aircraft.

After waiting for about half an hour, everyone was ready to board the plane. With sharp eyesight, he saw through the glass a convoy heading towards the giant plane just now. He thought to himself, who are those?


The third one is sent!

Today’s update is here. This month is over. Finally, a successful period is drawn. The new month will begin soon. I hope everyone will vote for this book. Please everyone!

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