God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1160: There are copper mines

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Wang Xudong smiled and asked, "Could it be someone from the provincial capital?"

Chen Sanlian said: "Xudong, you are really well-informed. I learned that you have returned to Wujiang City. Vice Governor Ouyang is here and you have reached the entrance of Wujiang Building."

As the president of Xudong Mining Group, Wang Xudong returned to Jiangnan Province and appeared in Wujiang City. Upon hearing the news, Vice Governor Ouyang, who is in charge of industry and economy, hurried over from the provincial capital, and it is already here. At the entrance of Wujiang Building, I came to find Wang Xudong in person.

Wang Xudong said: "It happened to have lunch together. Let's go downstairs and meet Vice Governor Ouyang."

They came in person, and they were already downstairs. Naturally, Wang Xudong would not hide behind closed doors. He smiled and walked out of Chen Sanlian's office. The two entered the elevator together until they reached the lobby on the first floor of the building.

As soon as the two got out of the elevator, Vice Governor Ouyang happened to enter the lobby on the first floor and saw Wang Xudong and Chen Sanlian walking out of the elevator. Vice Governor Ouyang said heartily.

"Chairman Wang, don't notify us when you come back, so we can meet at the airport."

Wang Xudong laughed and happily shook hands with Vice Governor Ouyang, "Professor Ouyang, you are too polite, I just went back to Wujiang City for a little personal matter, so I dare not disturb you."

"Chairman Wang, you are a great hero of our Jiangnan Province. We should welcome you when you come back."


The two were polite, and Chen Sanlian smiled and said, "Two, stop being polite. Let's go, let's eat first and talk while eating."

Vice Governor Ouyang said: "Oh, it's time for dinner, let's go, this time I will be the host."

Chen Sanlian said: "Governor Ouyang, you don't need to spend money this time. I have prepared the place. By this time, the food should be almost ready, so we can just go directly."

Seeing this, Vice Governor Ouyang did not insist anymore. The three of them talked and laughed, but walked out like old friends.

This is a mountain village on the outskirts of Wujiang City. It has a quiet environment and unique dishes. Chen Sanlian recently fell in love with this place.

The three sat down in a private room, opened a bottle of good wine, and chatted while eating. Vice Governor Ouyang also asked about Wang Xudong’s current situation with concern, and warmly congratulated Xudong Mining Group for starting to enter copper mining. Industry and owns the largest copper mine in the world.

Wang Xudong said: "Copper ore is very popular internationally, especially high-quality copper ore is even more sought-after. We received orders for copper ore at the beginning, and received more than 6,000 in just two or three days. Ten thousand tons of ore orders."


Vice Governor Ouyang gave a soft "Ah" and looked at Wang Xudong with a slight shock. As the Vice Governor in charge of industry and economy, Vice Governor Ouyang knew the weight of more than 60 million tons of copper ore. Maybe domestic There is only such a large amount of mining in a year.

"Chairman Wang, I didn't think that copper ore is so hot. It seems that one of your copper mines is not enough. You need to build another big copper mine.

Wang Xudong directly admitted: "Yes, I also have this idea, and I am looking for a suitable place, hoping to build our second largest copper mine in Xudong Mining Group."

Seeing that Xudong Mining Group really intends to build another copper mine, Vice Governor Ouyang moved in his heart.

Jiangnan Province is a province with large resources, and Wujiang City, like Wujiang City, is rich in iron ore and high-quality coal. These mineral resources were previously developed disorderly without forming large-scale industries, and the local economy is relatively limited.

With the rise of Xudong Mining Group in Wujiang City, both iron ore and coal have been developed in an orderly and large-scale manner. As the deputy governor in charge of industry and economy, he naturally hopes to increase the mineral resources of the province. The development by Xudong Mining Group is not limited to iron ore and coal.

Vice-provincial Ouyang Chang said: "Chairman Wang, you intend to build another big copper mine. How about our Jiangnan Province? Build your big copper mine in our province to benefit the local people."


Wang Xudong looked at the Deputy Governor of Ouyang with great interest and said curiously: "Professor Ouyang, do we have copper resources in Jiangnan Province?"

Vice Governor Ouyang said: "Yes, we have copper resources, and the estimated reserves are not small. Something happened some time ago..."

Wang Xudong listened carefully, and after hearing Vice Governor Ouyang's speech, he smiled with Chen Sanlian. The matter mentioned by Vice Governor Ouyang was the same thing as Chen Sanlian said before.

No wonder Wang Xudong smiled, and the idea of ​​going there to take a look even more germinated in his heart. He left after lunch and set off immediately.

The thing is like this.

In the previous period, Jiangnan Province was in the rainy season. After several days of heavy rain, floods almost happened in many places.

Lanhe County is located in the mountainous area of ​​northwestern Jiangnan Province. There are many mountains and copper ore has been mined. It is mainly rich in azurite and malachite. When it rains, these minerals are dissolved in rainwater and flow into the river. The water of the main rivers has become blue, which is why Lanhe County gets its name.

It is said that the mining of copper ore in Lanhe County has a history of thousands of years. With the mining, many people think that the resources are gradually exhausted, and many small mines have closed down or shut down.

Not long ago, during the days of heavy rain in Lanhe County, a large landslide occurred in a large mountain. This landslide was terrible. A copper deposit inside was exposed. The locals flocked to mine and robbed some of them. The forces also participated and began to build small mines in preparation for the large-scale exploitation of copper ore.

Government departments have stepped in, and the provincial government has also dispatched a working group to stop this disorderly mining and is also preparing to conduct a comprehensive exploration of the copper resources in Lanhe County.

Wang Xudong heard Chen Sanlian talk about these things before, and now he heard Vice Governor Ouyang talk about these things. Wang Xudong was very excited and prepared to go to Lanhe County to take a look.

Vice Governor Ouyang also hoped that Wang Xudong would take a look, and even hope that Wang Xudong would build the second large copper mine of Xudong Mining Group in Lanhe County.

If a world-famous copper mine appears there, it will not only effectively stop the local chaotic mining and digging, but also promote the development of the local economy.

"Chairman Wang, are you interested in visiting Lanhe County?"

Wang Xudong said: "I have this intention. I want to go there and take a look. If I can, I don't mind building the second large copper mine of the Xudong Mining Group there."

The vice-province of Ouyang was overjoyed, "Chairman Wang, great. Let's set off after dinner. It only takes more than an hour to drive from Wujiang City to Lanhe County, which is not too far."

Lanhe County belongs to another prefecture-level city. This prefecture-level city is adjacent to Wujiang City and has a highway past. The biggest difference between Wujiang City and Wujiang City lies in the topography. Wujiang County is mainly hilly and plain, and a small part of it is mountainous. .

This prefecture-level city is mainly mountainous, and many places have high mountains. Lanhe County is even more typical of mountainous terrain, with many mountains and high mountains in its territory.

Wang Xudong said cheerfully: "Okay, we will go to Lanhe County."

Vice Governor Ouyang insisted to accompany him, and Chen Sanlian joined them. A total of three cars got on the highway and gradually left Wujiang City towards Lanhe County.

Riding in the car, Wang Xudong thought to himself that he hoped that he would not be happy this time and he could build his second big copper mine in Lanhe County.

Domestic copper ore is needed, and a large amount of copper ore is needed every year. If a large copper mine is established in Lanhe County, the copper ore mined will be nearby to supply domestic needs, and the copper ore from Longdao can be transported back to the country. Can be sold to the international market.

Before that, Wang Xudong had no idea of ​​mining copper ore in China, and wanted to leave the limited domestic copper ore resources to future generations.

Now I understand that if the domestic copper ore is not mined by itself, there will be a lot of people vying to mine or even dig indiscriminately, causing serious waste of resources. In this case, it is better to be carried out by Xudong Mining Group. Mining.

Besides, if Wang Xudong wants to mine copper resources, he mainly gathers copper resources through the "God-level big mine owner" system, and gathers some copper mines that do not meet industrial mining standards and cannot be mined by modern methods. Benefit the country and the people.

As the car ran smoothly, Lin Hu took the seat of the co-pilot and reminded: "Boss, I heard that the people in Lanhe County are strong and the situation is very complicated. There are many forces."

Wang Xudong said: "Let's take a look first."

After driving on the expressway for about an hour, the car got off the expressway and drove a dozen kilometers along the provincial road, and then the county seat of Lanhe County was further ahead.

Wang Xudong didn't have the idea of ​​going to the county seat. Instead, he planned to go directly to the place where there is a copper mine and take a look at the situation there.

After reading it, Wang Xudong still wanted to go back to Wujiang City, but didn't want to spend the night in Lanhe County. It is estimated that Vice Governor Ouyang is the same. He will definitely return to the provincial capital today. As the Vice Governor, he cannot be with him all the time. He should have a lot of his own affairs.

The three cars did not enter the county seat, nor did they alarm the local government. Whether it was Vice Governor Ouyang or Wang Xudong, everyone knows that as long as the local government is alarmed, there will be endless things today~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Local officials will flock in. Wang Xudong just wants to take a look at the copper mines here, and doesn't want to have all kinds of entertainment.

The provincial road was changed to county road, and the road conditions were a little worse. Driving towards the depths of the mountains, Wang Xudong could see from time to time that there were some small mines on the slopes or at the foot of the mountains, but they were basically abandoned or shut down. Here was the "spectacle" of copper ore mining.

After driving for about half an hour, we finally reached the destination.

The mountainous areas here are all big mountains of that kind, and many of the hills are above 1,000 meters above sea level. Wang Xudong also got out of the car and saw the place where the mountain collapsed ahead.

There really was a layer of copper ore exposed, and Wang Xudong saw a lot of people, messy, and even an amazing scene.

Wang Xudong estimated that he never thought about it. As soon as he arrived here, he actually saw a large-scale weapon fight, and Ouyang Vice Provincial City saw this situation, his face sank.

"It's just playing the piano!"


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