God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1168: Mining area started construction

Chen Sanlian was well-informed. He had heard about the Big Copper Mine in Lanhe County and knew that Wang Xudong was coming. He happily greeted him at Wujiang City Airport.

"Xudong, congratulations, the large copper mine was discovered in Lanhe County, and it is also a complex deposit with extremely high economic value, rich in precious metals."

He once accompanied Wang Xudong to see the copper mine. Back then, he never thought that the copper mine had such a huge scale and its economic value would be so high.

It is conservatively estimated that the metal copper resource reserves of copper mines are as high as 20 to 30 million tons. In terms of copper metal reserves alone, it is the first in China, and it is enough to rank among the top in the world, and can enter the top five.

In addition to copper, it is also accompanied by a large amount of precious metals. After Chen Sanlian was taken aback, he felt a burst of joy in his heart. No, he congratulated Wang Xudong with joy.

Wang Xudong said: "Old Chen, thank you. I didn't think that our luck is so good. All the procedures are almost completed. We will invest in the development and construction of this big copper mine."

Chen Sanlian said cheerfully: "Xudong, I am going to Lanhe County with you today to take a look at this big copper mine."

Wang Xudong readily agreed, "No problem, let's go now."

Everyone got on the bus one after another, and the long convoy left Wujiang City Airport and headed to Lanhe County. It took more than an hour to get off the expressway. When driving off the expressway, you could already see Lanhe County in the distance.

Wang Xudong thought in his heart, "I'm here again. The last time was a preliminary investigation. This time, I want to complete this big copper mine."

Today there is a grand signing ceremony waiting for Wang Xudong. Xudong Mining Group will formally sign a document with the local government. This big copper mine is justified and completely belongs to Xudong Mining Group.

The location of the big copper mine.

It is lively here, except for some coordinators sent by the local government, there are obviously more people wearing Xudong Mining Group work clothes.

There are also some technicians who are carrying out field surveys and planning the mining area. Mining of ore will soon start here, and some construction machinery will be put in place one after another.

The entrance to the county town.

There were a lot of cars parked and a lot of people standing there, with Xu Jie and Liu Ye as the center, all looking into the distance with joy.

"Come here, come here!"

Someone shouted in excitement, and many people saw it. A long motorcade appeared on the other side of the highway. Everyone knew that Wang Xudong was waiting.

Liu Yelang said: "Mr. Wang and the others are here. Everyone stands up and stays alert." After finishing speaking, he also sorted out his tie and shirt, and watched the motorcade approaching with enthusiasm.

Sitting in the car, Wang Xudong smiled, so enthusiastic, so many people, it's a little too grand.

The two parties met again, and they went to the hotel collectively. Wang Xudong and others were politely arranged in the best local hotel.

Noon is a rich welcome lunch. In the afternoon, Xudong Mining Group and Lanhe County Government held a formal signing document. This is the final document signing. When Wang Xudong signed the word, it means that the copper mine already belongs to Xudong Mining Group.

Within a radius of tens of kilometers, there are all mining areas of the Xudong Mining Group, and no enterprise or individual is allowed to mine ore in that area.

Correspondingly, the local government has given a series of preferential policies, such as building roads to the mining area, land acquisition, and relocation of residents within the mining area.

The signature is complete.

Liu Ye shook hands with Wang Xudong excitedly and looked very happy. The thing he dreamed of finally came true. Xudong Mining Group will invest in the construction of a large copper mine in Lanhe County.

the next day.

Wang Xudong planned to visit the mining area. After breakfast, accompanied by Liu Ye, he went to the mining area. Together with Liang Hongbo, Xu Jie, and Chen Sanlian.

Several vehicles departed from the county seat and went out of the city to the mining area more than ten kilometers away. Wang Xudong thought in his heart that the road leading to the mining area must first be built. From the current two-lane ordinary cement road to at least six lanes, or even eight. Driveway of high standard, heavy-duty cement avenue.

Arriving at the mining area, here is a large valley, the terrain is open and flat, with high mountains on both sides. The copper mine is located on the **** of one of the big mountains. Most of the mountain is almost full of ore, only the surface is covered with a layer of topsoil.

This is a super large copper mine created by Wang Xudong himself. All procedures have been completed. In the near future, large-scale ore mining will be carried out here.

Arriving at the mining area, everyone got off the train. Wang Xudong saw that there were many people here, some of them were people working in Xudong Mining Group, at least dozens of them. Everyone is here and started the development and construction of this big copper mine. A series of preliminary work.

Some construction machinery is already in place, all manufactured by Shanhe Heavy Industry Group. Excavators are already waving their long arms and starting the construction of the mining area.

Muck trucks are running back and forth, transporting soil and rock, some cement mixer trucks will also be put into work, and soon, the first concrete truck will be poured.

After getting off the bus, Wang Xudong nodded in satisfaction, thinking in his heart, this is really efficient and the progress is so fast, construction has started today.

Liu Ye said happily: "It's really lively here. What I saw before my eyes seemed to be a huge mining area, not an open valley."

The group of people looked excited in the mining area and even looked at the exposed ore layers, especially Chen Sanlian. He squatted in front of the exposed ore layers, picked up a few ore and looked at it for a long time, and thought about many things.

This is a complex deposit, rich in precious metals such as gold and silver, and extremely valuable!


In the county seat.

Ma Wenbin is listening to a report from a subordinate. This Ma Zaihui reported: "Ma Ye, this is enough for the people of Xudong Mining Group to drink a pot. I heard that Wang Xudong has arrived in the mining area. We can give them a good start. ."

Ma Wenbin arrogantly said: "I want them to know that without me, even the Xudong Mining Group cannot open a large copper mine in Lanhe County."

"That is, that is, Lanhe County is your world, Lord Ma." The Ma Tsai immediately fawned and slapped his ass.

Hearing such flattering words, Ma Wenbin floated up and became arrogant to the extreme. This time, learning that Wang Xudong had come and went to the mining area, he instructed some people below to start playing with moths.

On the road leading to the mining area.

Two minibuses and several large trucks are driving towards the mining area, and each of them is full of people. Needless to say, the two minibuses are also full of carriages. people.

Most of these people seem to be local people. Among them, there are some people who are fluent and stubborn. The leader is a big bald head. It is one of Ma Wenbin's capable men, nicknamed "Boss Zhao". Some people also call him "Zhao Bald Head."

Zhao Guangtou said loudly: "Brothers, there is the mining area ahead. Do you all know how to do it? If things are done well, Lord Ma will have a big prize."

Under the stimulus of money, these people were more excited than the other. Needless to say, the subordinates of Ma Wenbin who were mixed in it, the eyes of the local farmers were bright, and some even said loudly: "Boss Zhao, can our wages also increase? ."

"Boss Zhao" promised: "As long as you are obedient, you will increase by 200 yuan each, and you will be served dinner at night."

This group of local people came here for 300 yuan a day, with only one purpose, to make trouble in the mining area and hinder the construction of the big copper mine of Xudong Mining Group.

Since ancient times, China has not blamed the law for the public. With so many people, the main body is the ordinary people. Ma Wenbin is sure that Xudong Mining Group has nothing to do. Only in this way can he act unscrupulously and instigate hundreds of farmers to make trouble in the mining area.

At this time, Wang Xudong didn't know yet, he was walking around the mining area to take a look.

The planning of the mining area has basically formed a draft, and only some details need to be perfected and improved, which does not hinder the start of construction of the mining area.

Some excavators were working, digging mud and rocks, and even digging some of the topsoil of the mine. A thin layer of topsoil was excavated, and the gratifying mine below was exposed and the area was getting bigger and bigger.

"Xudong, how gratifying you look!"

Chen Sanlian pointed to the large ore layer exposed not far away, and seemed to be happier than Wang Xudong. He just squatted on the ground and picked up a few ore for a long time. He also took a few ore and prepared to take it back~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Take a good test and analysis.

Wang Xudong nodded happily. Even though he knew that this was a highly enriched mine, he still couldn't hide his joy when he really saw the mine here.

It's so gratifying!

Wang Xudong said: "This mountain is almost entirely of this kind of mineral layer, but the surface is covered with a layer of topsoil. We will dig a part of the topsoil and build an open-pit mining area along the slope."

It is conceivable that in the future this will be a huge open-pit mining area. The entire mining area will not only have a large number of mining vehicles, but will also present a huge step-by-step, extending from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside. After two or three years, it may be Will extend to the top of the mountain.

In addition to the construction machinery that has arrived here, the first batch of mining equipment is about to arrive. The first will be a dozen 300-ton mine carts, which are expected to arrive at the mining area at noon today.

Wang Xudong took a look at the time and was looking forward to the arrival of these dozen big mine carts. With these dozen Big Macs, the entire mining area will be more spectacular and the construction efficiency will be higher.

Before ore mining, these large mining trucks also used to transport debris, and their efficiency must be much higher than ordinary muck trucks.

Everyone stood there, watching the topsoil of the mine layer being dug up and transported away a little bit, the area of ​​the exposed mine layer gradually increased, and everyone was in a good mood.

However, this good mood was still broken.

Some people came to report panting, this is the government person, here to cooperate with the construction of Xudong Mining Group's big copper mine.

He ran over breathlessly, and said anxiously: "Liu...Secretary Liu, no...it's not good. There are a lot of people here, at least two or three hundred, and they are making trouble."


Two or three hundred people came to make trouble.

Hearing this, Liu Ye's face changed.


The first one is sent!

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