God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1171: "Super Fatty" debut

What happened in the mining area spread like the wind throughout Lanhe County.

Many people know that Ma Wenbin was arrested, even Qin Hongliang was arrested, and several other leaders were arrested. What happened in the mining area was even more vividly described by many people.

In the streets and alleys, the most local people talk about what happened in the past two days.

"Don't you know, Xudong Mining Group is really bullish. The military dispatched a large number of troops, and I heard that armored vehicles were dispatched."

"Not only the armored vehicles, but also armed helicopters and machine guns were deployed, killing many of Ma Wenbin's men in the area of ​​the big copper mine."


The story was so fascinating that Wang Xudong had basically stayed in Lanhe County for the past two days, and he could not help but smile after hearing some of it.

Naturally, Wang Xudong would not correct anything. There was no way to correct or stop this kind of thing, but to let it pass on. Besides, the spread of the matter will do no harm to Xudong Mining Group, at least a huge deterrent is gradually forming.

Ma Wenbin, the big local cancer, was pulled out, and no one dared to go to the mining area to make trouble. The construction of the entire mining area went smoothly.

The planning of the mining area was completed as quickly as possible. The entire mining area has been under construction according to the plan. Soon, it will be a huge mining area, and a large amount of copper ore will be mined every day.

Wang Xudong stayed in Lanhe County for a few days. Seeing that everything was on the right track, he felt relieved that he did not stay long and returned to Donghai City.

As for Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie, they went back long ago.

Wang Xudong returned to Donghai City, and when he arrived at Xudong Mining Group, Liang Hongbo came to him and said with joy: "Brother Dong, our second large copper mine is under construction. According to this construction progress, it will take more than a month. Can mine ore."

Wang Xudong said: "This is a good thing. I didn't think about it. Our second copper mine is located behind."

Liang Hongbo said: "Brother Dong, in more than a month, our first batch of copper ore will be mined. Many people want to order. How do we sell these copper ore."

This is a large complex deposit. The ore contains precious metals. The sale of this ore requires consultation with Wang Xudong.

Wang Xudong knew what Liang Hongbo meant, and said with a smile: "Copper ore is priced according to grade and quality, and sold at our price."

The price of copper ore is in the hands of Xudong Mining Group. If you want to buy our ore, you can, then you must follow our price and follow our rules.

"Hongbo, you may not know it. The complex deposits of the Big Copper Mine mainly have multiple veins, among which precious metal veins and ordinary copper ore veins are separated, and the ordinary copper ore mined does not contain precious metal."

The veins are separated!

This is easy, Liang Hongbo said: "Brother Dong, it's amazing. Then our copper ore can be easily mined and sold according to grade and quality. We mine the precious metal veins separately."

The precious metal veins contain copper, iron, platinum, gold, silver and other metals. The grade of the precious metals is not low. It is estimated that some of the ore has reached a high grade of more than ten grams/ton.

Separate mining, ordinary copper ore is sold externally, and ore rich in precious metals is mined and processed by Xudong Mining Group.

Liang Hongbo said: "Brother Dong, it looks like we have to build a precious metal smelter to extract the precious metals from the ore."

Wang Xudong said: "We don't need to worry about the smelter. Lao Chen is already preparing to invest in this smelter in Lanhe County and enter the precious metal smelting industry."

Chen Sanlian went to the mining area with Wang Xudong a few days ago, personally saw the ore deposits there, and picked up a few ore rich in precious metals and returned.

After some tests, he knew that the grade of precious metals in the ore was not low. Chen Sanlian knew that there was a lot of money to make. He told Wang Xudong that he wanted to smelt these ores.

Wang Xudong of Sanlian Special Steel Group owns 70% of the shares. Following the principle of "the meat is rotten in the pot", Wang Xudong immediately agreed.

Liang Hongbo suddenly realized: "Brother Dong, it's no wonder I heard that President Chen has gone to Lanhe County again. He was planning to invest in the establishment of a large smelter there."

Wang Xudong said: "So, we don't have to worry about ore smelting, we just need to concentrate on ore mining."

The ore veins are separated into ordinary copper ore veins and precious metal ore veins. It is very convenient to open and take ordinary copper ore that does not contain precious metals. The ore containing precious metals is handed over to Chen Sanlian for smelting.

The ores containing precious metals can not only smelt metals such as copper and iron, but also smelt precious metals such as gold and silver.

The separation of ore veins is not uncommon. Like the famous Olympic Dam, its ore layers are formed by more than 150 ore bodies. Some ore bodies are rich in precious metals, and some ore bodies are basically free of precious metals. separate.

In the office, Wang Xudong and Liang Hongbo talked a lot about the development and construction of the Big Copper Mine in Lanhe County.

Xudong Mining Group also released news that the Lanhe County Big Copper Mine has officially started accepting orders and accepting orders for copper ore from various enterprises.

This is a high-quality copper mine with a grade of about 6% to 8%. The grade and quality are first-rate. As soon as the news was announced, many companies came to order the copper ore from this big copper mine.


Northwest, an airport.

This airport is as usual, the passengers are in order, from time to time there are flights landing at the airport, from time to time there are flights leaving.

An "Airbus a380" aircraft flew slowly, getting lower and lower, and finally landed slowly on the runway.

The arrival of this plane attracted some people's attention, because the plane had the eye-catching logo of "Xudong Mining Group".

This is not an ordinary passenger plane, but a private jet.

"Look, this Airbus A380 aircraft should be the car of the president of Xudong Mining Group. It is known as the world's most luxurious palace in the sky. Many presidents can't match this aircraft."

"If you were lucky enough to take this plane, that would be great!"

This can only be regarded as a luxury. This is Wang Xudong's private car, and most people don't have the opportunity to go up and experience it.

The plane landed at the airport. On the plane, Wang Xudong threw the card in his hand and stood up and said, "Here, we get off the plane."

Liu Yu immediately quit, "Brother Dong, I'm lucky this time, and I finally caught a'King Bomb', but you didn't fight anymore. Is that a shame?"

Zheng Xiaotong covered her mouth and chuckled.

The three of them came by plane from Donghai International Airport. In order to kill time, the three of them played "Run Fast" on the plane for pure entertainment.

Liu Yu loses more and wins less. Either Wang Xudong wins or Zheng Xiaotong wins. Liu Yu is looking forward to a good hand and a fierce win.

After catching the "King Bomb", Liu Yu was very happy and prepared to have a turnaround. No one knew that the plane had landed and everyone needed to disembark.

Wang Xudong smiled, "Liu Yu, I can't blame this. We are going to get off the plane. If we want to play again, we will continue at night."

Wang Xudong came from Donghai City, mainly at the invitation of the military, to visit the military’s first large-scale military transport aircraft, the “Super Fatty” test flight.

This is a semi-public test flight. Not only the scientific research and technical personnel of the military and the aircraft manufacturer, but also many invited guests, Wang Xudong is one of them. It is said that there are a small number of overseas friendly people who are lucky enough. Visit this test flight.

Wang Xudong is naturally very familiar with the "Super Fatty" transport aircraft. The full set of technical data comes from the "God-level Mine Owner" system. Under the leadership of the military, it is manufactured by a domestic aviation industry enterprise and the military's first large transport aircraft.

This is the world’s most comprehensive large-scale military transport aircraft, capable of loading more than 90% of the military’s weapons and equipment, including the military’s main battle tanks.

It is also one of the largest military transport aircraft in the world, and its take-off weight can drop many military transport aircraft for several blocks.

Wang Xudong also looked forward to this aircraft. He was invited by the military. Wang Xudong came over happily. Liu Yu was a small attendant and wanted to come. He said he also wanted to take a look at this rumored transport aircraft.

Even though there are a lot of things at hand, Wang Xudong still came over, wanting to see the "super fat man" style and take a look at this world's top aircraft.

When he stepped off the plane, Wang Xudong saw the military personnel who came to greet them~www.wuxiaspot.com~Two military vehicles had been parked not far away.

A major ran all the way, stood at attention with a "pop", saluted a standard military salute, and said loudly: "You are Mr. Wang Xudong, we are ordered to come to meet you, please get in the car."

Wang Xudong nodded: "Thank you."

A group of four people, Wang Xudong, Zheng Xiaotong, Liu Yu and Lin Hu, boarded the two military vehicles together and left the airport for the military test flight base.

Last time the "Flying Dragon" fighter plane flew there, Wang Xudong had been there, and he was not unfamiliar with it. In the car, he saw gradually away from the airport, and the surrounding buildings gradually disappeared. The car entered the mountainous area along the beautiful asphalt road. Drive fast.

Liu Yu came over and seemed to have forgotten that he had caught the "King Bomb". He said enthusiastically, "Brother Dong, what kind of transport plane is like, please introduce me."

Wang Xudong said: "You will be at the military test flight base in another half an hour, and you should be able to see this aircraft."


Liu Yu was pleasantly surprised, rubbing his hands and said: "It's great, I didn't think I could see this plane right away!"

The flight test of the "Flying Dragon" fighter aircraft last time was full of mystery. This time it was different. It was basically semi-public. With the installation of the "Flying Dragon" fighter aircraft, the strength of the Xia Air Force has become world-class. Hidden and tucked.

This time is the first show of "Super Fatty"!

Sure enough, about half an hour later, the military vehicle entered the military's test flight base. This is a huge airport with a lot of planes parked. One of them is so eye-catching, like a crowd of chickens.

Liu Yu's eyes lightened even more, pointing to the plane and shouting.


Send the second more!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone! ! !

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