God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1301: Lively Dragon Island

May Day is approaching.

When Wang Xudong went to the capital, he would pick up Zheng Xiaotong and the people of the Zheng family in the capital, and take a plane from the capital to Longdao.

Because the wedding was approaching, Zheng Xiaotong returned to the capital a week ago. Wang Xudong personally sent her back. As the princess of the Zheng family, she must dress up beautifully and wait for Wang Xudong to pick him up.

Donghae City.

Century Royal Hotel can be very lively. The general managers of the major mining areas under the Xudong Mining Group are all present. The general managers of the various departments of the group headquarters, plus some deputy generals of the mining areas, have dozens of people. According to Hong Bo, the group hasn't been so uniform even at the annual meeting.

Everyone was beaming, all in formal dresses, and the shoes were polished so that they could illuminate the shadows of people. Everyone was slightly excited, looking forward to going to Long Island tomorrow.

Yes, for tomorrow's plane, everyone will board at Donghai International Airport and fly directly to Longdao.

The news spread within the Xudong Mining Group. Many employees knew that the boss got married on May 1st. Many people were full of envy and thought, if they could go to Longdao and attend the boss’s wedding, it would be great.

Donghai Petrochemical Group.

Their chairman, Han Xinguang, was anxiously on the phone. A few days ago, he had heard the news of Wang Xudong's wedding. He wanted to attend Wang Xudong's wedding very much.

I just haven't received the invitation, so I can only hold this thought in my heart and wait and see for two days. Now that the official news has come, dozens of middle and high-level officials from Xudong Mining Group have gathered to prepare to set off for Long Island in the Middle East tomorrow.

He also got news that Wang Xudong had gone to the capital. Xudong Mining Group will be led by Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie. Now, Han Xinguang is really anxious.

He wants to participate!

Being able to attend Wang Xudong's wedding is not only a very honorable and proud thing, but also an opportunity to thank Wang Xudong.

To a large extent, Donghai Petrochemical Group is able to survive today, thanks to the help of Xudong Mining Group. It is with sufficient high-quality crude oil supply that Donghai Petrochemical Group has developed smoothly. The oil ordered from Xudong Mining Group every year More than 10 million tons.

With this large order quantity, Donghai Petrochemical is also very powerful. Han Xinguang did not receive the invitation letter. Suddenly, Han Xinguang was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

I even thought in my heart, could it be because of my son Han Zhi, after thinking about it like this, the cold sweat on his face almost fell off.

If it is really because of this incident, then you have to go to Longdao and congratulate Wang Xudong, so as to make up for the rift between each other.

Han Xinguang thinks too much. Wang Xudong really didn’t pay too much attention to Han Zhi’s affairs. The matter has passed in Wang Xudong’s mind. Wang Xudong did not invite Han Xinguang. That was because Han Xinguang did not have enough weight and was excluded Out of the list.

Taking into account the particularity of the Zheng family, Wang Xudong limited the number of invited people to about two or three hundred. Many heads of petroleum companies such as Han Xinguang and heads of steel companies, Wang Xudong did not invite to participate.

The heads of domestic oil companies only invited the heads of the three major national giants, and the heads of steel companies only invited the heads of the top ten domestic steel companies.

It is not that Wang Xudong wears colored glasses to see people and divides others into three or six or nine grades, but that he really does not want to make too much movement and needs to consider the impact on the Zheng family.

Han Xinguang obviously misunderstood. He thought that Wang Xudong minded Han Zhi’s affairs. The cold sweat on his forehead was almost frightened. He quickly called anxiously, and quietly contacted some oil industry executives. Everyone was going to meet Longdao together. Congratulations to Chairman Wang Xinxi.

Donghai International Airport.

A Boeing 737 passenger plane is ready to take off. This is a chartered flight. Most of them are from Xudong Mining Group, and all of them are middle and high-level personnel attending Wang Xudong's wedding.

Xudong Mining Group has its own aircraft, but the Gulfstream G550 aircraft cannot take so many people at once. Liang Hongbo said jokingly. It seems that the group has to buy a large aircraft. Otherwise, what events will be held in the future. , The plane can't sit down.

Everyone laughed happily.

Amidst the happy laughter of everyone, the plane took off, left Donghai International Airport, and flew towards the Middle East. A few hours later, the plane arrived near Long Island.

"Look, everyone, you can already see the beautiful Dragon Island!"

The plane is already lowering its altitude and is heading towards Longdao Airport. Through the cabin glass, you can see the beautiful Long Island on the blue sea.

"Wow, really!"

Many people look down through the glass, condescending, and see everything on the sea clearly. Through the thin clouds, they can see the islands lying on the blue sea.

Everyone has heard of the name of Dragon Island a long time ago, but most of the people are the first to come to this island. After seeing this island, a series of happy exclamations rang out.

"Tsk tusk, it really looks like a dragon."

"Dragon Island, worthy of the name, very image!"


Amidst everyone’s exclamation, the plane finally dropped below one kilometer, and was preparing to land on the runway of Longdao Airport.

Now Long Island Airport has been fully completed. This is a high-standard international airport, which is very beautifully designed and constructed, especially the terminal building, which is very artistic.

"Here we are!"

"Dragon Island, here we are!"

Everyone cheered, where there is a middle-level or high-level person, but they are so excited as children, Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie, as the team leader, smiled slightly.

Everyone got off the plane and Liang Hongbo noticed that he didn't seem to be the first to come. There were already several planes parked on the tarmac of the airport. Liang Hongbo thought to himself, could anyone be faster than himself.

It is April 28, and there are two days left before May 1.

People from Xudong Mining Group arrived, and it was not the first batch to arrive. Then, from time to time, there were planes landing at Longdao Airport, and groups of people walked off from the planes.

These people include foreigners with various skin colors, as well as Chinese people with black hair and yellow skin. With the arrival of a large number of people, where there are only two or three hundred people, by the evening of the 28th alone, more than 1,000 people arrived at Long Island.

Phoenix Hotel.

This is one of the landmark buildings of Phoenix City on Long Island, and it is also a high-standard super five-star hotel. This hotel has been completely constructed and put into use. Guests arriving on Long Island are arranged here.

Su Jianglong is responsible for the reception.

When I came to this hotel for the first time, Su Jianglong was secretly surprised. The luxury of this hotel far exceeded Su Jianglong's expectations. It was a bit more luxurious than the Century Royal Hotel.

Wang Xudong is not short of money. The construction of this hotel is naturally extremely luxurious. The faucets in the guest rooms are all gilded. The carpets in the guest rooms are all expensive handmade carpets. Everything in the hotel is world-renowned brands, such as guest rooms. A set of sanitary ware is estimated to be an ordinary person's salary for one year.

With such a luxurious hotel and so many rooms, Su Jianglong thought in his heart, this is enough, and no matter how many people come, they can live.

But it didn’t take long for Su Jianglong to change his mind, because the number of people who came to Longdao greatly exceeded Su Jianglong’s expectations. Only on the evening of the 28th, the number of people arriving and staying at the Phoenix Hotel reached more than 1,000. .

29th, 30th.

Su Jianglong had to pay attention to it, and even a little worried in his heart. If this continues, it is estimated that thousands of people will arrive at Long Island.

The boss's face is so great that he only hired two to three hundred people, and in the end thousands of people may come.

Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie also stayed at the Phoenix Hotel. As the senior executives of Xudong Mining Group, they both stayed in luxurious presidential suites.

Standing in the room, through the window glass, you can see the beautiful scenery outside. In the evening, when the lights are on, the entire Phoenix city is already brightly lit.

Liang Hongbo thought in his heart, it has been several months since Long Island has been here. The changes here are really big. Tomorrow I will look around and walk around.

The next day was the morning of the 29th.

A luxury bus and several small cars left the Phoenix Hotel. The people in the car were all from the Xudong Mining Group. Everyone first visited the beautiful Phoenix City and saw the spacious and beautiful streets, new and beautiful buildings. Building, many people cheered.

Visiting Phoenix, visiting Longgang and admiring the beautiful scenery on the island, everyone was full of joy and joy. Many people thought in their hearts that this is the legendary Dragon Island.

Long Island is also lively.

More and more people arrived here, the Phoenix Hotel was full, the resort hotel was full, all full, and there was no room available.

Fortunately, Su Jianglong had anticipated this, and had been prepared. Those who came later were all arranged in the newly built residential area in Phoenix. This is a high-end residential area with well-decorated houses and can move in with a bag. It was originally for Xudong. Prepared by the employees of the mining group.

Before the employees moved in, this residential community temporarily played the role of a hotel.

Everyone arrived at Long Island and was immediately stunned by the beauty of Long Island. Many people couldn't wait to visit and visit Long Island.

In addition to its beauty and excitement, Long Island ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also full of festivals. Almost all of Long Island is decorated. There are flowers and colored **** everywhere, especially the resort hotels in Long Island. The huge "heart" pattern made of 9999 roses is very attractive.

There were many planes parked on the tarmac of Longdao Airport. At this time, a giant plane was flying towards the airport and began to land at the airport.

This is an Airbus A380 aircraft, known as a mobile palace.

After the plane stopped, a large group of people alighted from the plane, including Wang Xudong and Zheng Xiaotong, Yang Hong and Wang Yuelan, Liu Yu and Zheng Weiwei, and the elders of the Zheng family.

Stepping off the plane, seeing that the airport is so beautiful and there are so many planes parked, Liu Yu exaggeratedly yelled, "Brother Dong, sister, this is Longdao Airport, I can't believe my eyes."

Wang Xudong and Zheng Xiaotong smiled at each other.

Everyone is here too!


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