God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 835: Double track completed

In addition to pressurized transportation, there is another way, that is to control the output.

There are currently 3 oil fields in the Fuchuan Oilfield. All the oil wells in each oil field have been completed, but some of them have not been allowed to produce oil.

Everyone is afraid to let these oil wells produce oil. What is needed now is to wait for the construction of the second oil pipeline to be completed and put into use. If all the remaining oil wells are allowed to produce oil, the daily output of the three major oil regions of the Fuchuan Oilfield will reach more than 5 million barrels. The current oil pipeline alone cannot transport so much oil.

Actually want to control output.

I don't know if it is worthy of joy or should be depressed. Tan Shikuan also had a bit of dumbfounding. After knowing the seriousness of the problem, he and Lu Hong immediately met with several persons in charge of the construction of this oil pipeline.

They also realized that the matter was more serious and felt tremendous pressure.

Several people apologized again and again, especially the leading person in charge, stood up and bowed to Tan Shikuan, and then apologized: "Mr. Tan, we must hurry up, as fast as three days, as late as five days, our pipeline can be put into operation. use."

Only three or five days!

This was faster than Tan Shikuan expected. He originally estimated that it would take at least ten and a half days. He didn't think it would take three or five days, and finally he heard good news.

The person in charge explained: “We are well aware of the importance of this pipeline under construction. Recently, it has been under construction day and night. With our efforts, we will close the whole line tomorrow morning and give us two or three days of testing. And the inspection time, about three to five days later, the whole line can carry out oil transportation."

This is a double line of the oil pipeline. The first oil pipeline was built by Xudong Mining Group. The second oil pipeline is currently under construction. It is basically parallel to the first and not far from each other. It is basically a parallel line. , Is also a double-line, thick oil pipeline with a diameter of 1200 mm.

The entire oil pipeline, Xudong Mining Group does not need to pay a penny, and it is all built by the three major domestic oil groups. After months of hard work, this line is finally about to be completed!

Tan Shikuan's mood lightened and immediately turned from cloudy to sunny!

I thought to myself that all the oil wells in my current three major oil regions have been built, but some have not been put into production. As long as the second oil pipeline is completed, the remaining oil wells will be fully bloomed and all put into production, and the output of the Fuchuan Oilfield will also increase sharply.

Tan Shikuan stood up, completely happy, "This is the best news I have heard, great!"


the next day.

It was earlier than expected, the sky was bright, and the construction workers who had been busy all night were not sleepy at the moment. On the contrary, everyone was full of energy and passion.

After months of hard work, the great work is finally over!

The last oil pipeline was hoisted down by a big crane and closed together. Starting from the Fuchuan Oilfield and extending all the way to Qingyang Crude Oil Port, the pipeline was finally closed!

Several workers who had been prepared for a long time began to weld the joints as required. In the east, a round of rising sun slowly rose, and the golden sunlight sprinkled on this land, shining on the workers who were building pipelines and these construction machinery.


After the final interface was welded, many workers cheered and jumped!

Everyone worked hard for more than three months and finally reaped success. The 56-kilometer-long, 1200-mm diameter crude oil pipeline was finally completed. A strong sense of accomplishment filled everyone's hearts.

Those in charge who witnessed this moment with their own eyes were full of joy and excitement. One of them clenched his fist strongly and said loudly: "Yeah! It's finished!"

Several off-road vehicles, almost stepped on a spot, came by, and from the vehicles were Tan Shikuan, Lu Hong and others. Hearing that the pipeline was closed and docked this morning, Tan Shikuan waited to come over early.

When he saw this scene, Tan Shikuan said: "Old Lu, it seems that we were a step late, and we couldn't see the gratifying moment of the smooth docking!"

Lu Hong looked at it and said with joy: "It's not too late, it's just time."

Several persons in charge greeted us with strides and happily said: "Mr. Tan, Mr. Lu, are about to call you to announce the good news. Our oil pipeline has been successfully joined and completed."

Tan Shikuan said: "Everyone has worked hard."

After finishing speaking, I walked over in stride, and walked to the front of the oil pipeline. Among the trenches two or three meters deep, the large oil pipeline lay inside and was welded.

This oil pipeline extends to Fuchuan Oilfield at one end and directly to Qingyang Crude Oil Port at the other end. Soon, it can be put into use.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

With a loud salute, how could there be no fireworks at such a festive moment! On the open ground not far away, tubes of fireworks are blasting the sky, conveying this festive atmosphere to everyone.

Three days later.

Today's Fuchuan Oilfield seems to be a little different in normal times. The workers all seemed happier than the holidays, and even Wang Xudong came in person.

An airplane landed at Qingyang Airport. Walking down from the airplane, there were Wang Xudong, Zheng Xiaotong, Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie. Today is an extraordinary day and everyone is here.

The re-line of the oil pipeline was completed, and the oil transportation capacity was doubled. Even if 67 million barrels of crude oil are transported to Qingyang Crude Oil Port every day, there is no problem. The annual transportation capacity is more than 200 million tons.

This time, Wang Xudong was relatively low-key, and did not ask local officials to pick up and send them away. Only Tan Shikuan and others greeted him at the airport. This was Wang Xudong's special purpose. Otherwise, it is estimated to be another big move.

"Brother Dong!"

Seeing Wang Xudong stepping off the plane, Tan Shikuan greeted him.

"Well, everyone has worked hard." Wang Xudong nodded, and then waved. Everyone got on the bus, and the convoy left the airport and drove directly toward the Fuchuan Oilfield.

In the car, Tan Shikuan said: "Brother Dong, everything is ready, just waiting for your past."

Today is the day when the newly built oil pipeline is officially put into use. Everything is ready. Just wait for Wang Xudong to come. Wait a minute, there is a ceremony.

Fuchuan Oilfield.

Many workers saw this team, and everyone shouted, "Here, they are here, the chairman!"

The convoy did not enter the office area, but went directly to the refueling and transportation area of ​​the oil field, where the crude oil was pressurized and then entered the oil pipeline and was transported to Qingyang Port, dozens of kilometers away.

"So festive!"

When he got out of the car, Wang Xudong clearly felt the atmosphere. Not only were there colorful flags and **** fluttering, but the workers were filled with joy one by one, watching Wang Xudong pass by.

Under the leadership of Tan Shikuan, everyone walked to a huge delivery pump with red silk tied to the huge valve turntable.

Wang Xudong, Liang Hongbo, and Tan Shikuan all delivered simple speeches, each of which was relatively brief, but they all won rounds of applause.

After speaking, everyone walked to the front of this huge valve together. They put their hands on its turntable and started to rotate together, slowly opening this huge valve.

After completing this, Wang Xudong personally pressed the start button again, and the huge transfer pump worked to pump the oil into the oil pipeline.


Seeing this scene, many workers screamed happily, jumped and screamed, and some clapped vigorously, bringing the atmosphere of the scene to the extreme.

The second oil pipeline is officially put into use!

Starting today, the oil in the Fuchuan Oilfield is no longer transported through a single oil pipeline, but a two-line transport, and the transportation capacity is greatly improved.

Tan Shikuan said: "Brother Dong, we don't have to worry about insufficient transportation capacity anymore. We can let go of oil extraction!"

The dual-line transportation can transport 67 million barrels of oil per day. All the oil wells in the current three oilfields in Fuchuan Oilfield are all exploited. The daily production volume is about 5 million barrels, which is more than sufficient.

"Go, let's go to the mining area and let all our oil wells produce oil!"

In the No. 2 and No. 3 oil fields, all oil wells have been constructed and only awaiting oil exploitation. In the past, it was because of the transportation capacity problem that everyone did not dare to let go of their hands and feet. After some oil wells were built, there has been no oil extraction.

Everyone got on the car one after another, and first went to the No. 2 oil zone.

Soon after arriving there, Wang Xudong saw with his own eyes that an oil well was pierced with oil layers, and dark brown oil was sprayed from the well head, like a huge fountain, spraying at least ten meters in height, which was spectacular.

"Brother Dong, look!"

Xu Jie shouted loudly. In the distance, there was also movement from an oil well. A large amount of oil was ejected, like a huge fountain. Many workers could not dodge and soon became "blacks."

Everyone has been holding back for too long. Now that they can let go of their hands and feet to extract oil, it is almost out of control. One oil well was pierced through the oil layer, and one oil well spouted oil one after another.

It's so gratifying!

Our oil wells are producing oil again!

Seeing this scene in front of me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ not only Wang Xudong and the others are happy, but the oil workers seem to be even more happy than Wang Xudong. Cheers are heard from time to time in the No. 2 oil zone.

It is the same in the No. 3 oil zone. Oil wells have been constructed one after another, and a large amount of oil is ejected from the wellhead.

As soon as the oil pipeline was connected to the wellhead, the oil spewed from the wellhead was originally like a wild horse that had run off. After connecting the pipeline, these wild horses were put on reins and transported along the pipeline to A huge oil storage area in the distance.

The situation is so gratifying.

These days, Wang Xudong has been staying in the Fuchuan Oilfield, watching oil wells spout out, and watching the oil production of the Fuchuan Oilfield soar.

On the same day, oil production exceeded 4 million barrels, the next day it reached 4.5 million barrels, and the third day it started to move towards 5 million barrels...


The first one is sent!

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