God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 859: Real investigation

Seeing everyone looking at him eagerly, Wang Xudong smiled.

Naturally, Wang Xudong is very clear about these circumstances, but it cannot be said that it has not been fully and meticulously explored. Everything has to wait until the exploration is completed. Otherwise, Wang Xudong will become an unknown prophet.

Wang Xudong said: "According to experts' speculation, Yinhai City has extremely huge oil reserves. We will know how to conduct comprehensive scientific exploration."

"Don't worry, we, Xudong Mining Group, have obtained the oil exploration rights and oil extraction rights for the whole of Buchuan City. We will organize the most powerful exploration team in China to conduct comprehensive exploration for the entire Bucheon City..."

Wang Xudong said some of his ideas. Of course, it is estimated that it will not be necessary for Xudong Mining Group to form an exploration team. It will not be long before many domestic oil companies, including the three major domestic giants, will rush to organize oil exploration teams. , Rushing to help Xudong Mining Group in the exploration of petroleum resources.

Gong Qiaoping said: "Yes, first exploration, I think the experts' speculation must be true, Chairman Wang, congratulations on the success of your new oil field."

After speaking, he took the initiative to stand up with the wine glass, and other officials also stood up when they saw it, all holding the wine glass, and collectively toasted Wang Xudong.

At this time, Wang Xudong also stood up, holding a glass of wine and said: "Thank you, everyone, when the construction of our big oil field starts, we still need to trouble you."

The officials sitting here are all Yinhai City officials. They have a great influence on the one-third acre of Yinhai City. The large-scale construction of Yinhai Oilfield, especially the construction of its own crude oil export port, requires everyone's strong support.

Gong Qiaoping didn’t know what Wang Xudong meant, and he immediately expressed his opinion in public, “Chairman Wang, don’t worry, we will fully support your big construction, and the policy will also give you great concessions. If anyone dares to neglect your construction work, I will definitely I won't spare him lightly."

"Okay, thank you everyone." Wang Xudong said happily: "Come on, everyone toast."


Everyone's wine glasses touched gently again, and everyone drank all the liquor in their wine glasses, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Xudong Mining Group will build a large oil field in Yinhai City. In addition, Wang Xudong and Gong Qiaoping are both very bold in drinking.

Not only was it warm, but it also took a long time. I have been eating this meal for nearly two hours. A table of people drank three or four bottles of liquor. Many people were a little drunk. Gong Qiaoping was even more radiant. I don’t know why. Jiu Jin came to the top because he was too happy in his heart. It is estimated that the latter is more likely.

After eating and drinking, Gong Qiaoping began to solicit opinions from Wang Xudong, "Chairman Wang, what are your next arrangements?"

Wang Xudong said relaxedly: "There are no important arrangements, mainly to investigate the construction of the oil field, so let me take a look at the entire Yinhai City tomorrow. It is best to take a helicopter and have a bird's eye view of our Yinhai City. "

This is naturally much better than traveling by car. Taking a helicopter with a wide field of vision, Wang Xudong could see that those places are suitable for his own construction of oil exploration areas, in order to fix several oil exploration areas in Yinhai Oilfield.

Gong Qiaoping naturally agreed to Wang Xudong's request, "There is no problem. I will arrange this personally. You will wait for me at the hotel, and I will be here early tomorrow morning."

With the cooperation of Gong Qiaoping, a major local official, it will be much more convenient and will save Wang Xudong a lot of things. Wang Xudong is naturally happy.

Wang Xudong said: "Then I will trouble Secretary Gong."

"Chairman Wang, you are too polite."

After the two discussed these matters, Gong Qiaoping left. He knew that Chairman Wang had also drunk a lot of alcohol and needed to rest in the hotel to stop disturbing Wang Xudong.

the next day.

Wang Xudong got up earlier, a little more than seven o'clock in the morning, Wang Xudong and Zheng Xiaotong had both washed up, and Lin Hu was earlier. Soon after the three of them had breakfast in the hotel, Gong Qiaoping came over in person.

Generally speaking, for small things like going upstairs to invite Wang Xudong, he can arrange for his secretary to come over, or he can wait in the lobby on the first floor, but he did not do this, but came up in person.

"Chairman Wang, can you go now?"

Seeing Gong Qiaoping, Wang Xudong praised him in his heart. He was a good person, at least with a good attitude and a good posture. He didn't have the air of ordinary officials, and he attached great importance to his investment this time.

Wang Xudong said: "I have just finished breakfast and we are ready to go. Today, I want to take a good look at our Yinhai City."

Gong Qiaoping accompanied Wang Xudong and Zheng Xiaotong, Lin Hu followed, and a group of four entered the elevator and came to the lobby on the first floor.

As soon as he got out of the elevator in the lobby, Wang Xudong said in his heart that he couldn't keep a low profile anymore. In the lobby on the first floor, several key officials of Yinhai City are already waiting for themselves, and even media reporters.

Outside the hall, a convoy of several black cars was already waiting. Wang Xudong smiled and said: "Secretary Gong, this is too grand, I personally think it's better to keep a low profile."

Hearing this, Gong Qiaoping waved his hand and said, "You all go back."

Only a few key officials of Yinhai City remained, their secretaries, and the reporters here began to disperse. Gong Qiaoping accompanied Wang Xudong and Zheng Xiaotong out of the hotel lobby, boarded the motorcade outside the hotel, and drove to the airport.

At the airport, a total of three helicopters were ready. When everyone came over, they boarded each other. Gong Qiaoping naturally accompanied Wang Xudong in person and boarded the same helicopter with Wang Xudong, Zheng Xiaotong, and Lin Hu.

The helicopter's rotor began to choose, generating strong lift, and the helicopter slowly left the ground and flew towards the distance.

As the leader of Yinhai City, Gong Qiaoping took office for nearly two years. He began to introduce Yinhai City to Wang Xudong as a treasure.

Yinhai is one of China’s 14 coastal open cities and one of China’s most beautiful coastal cities; it is not only a city in China’s southwestern region that also has a deep-water seaport, all-weather airport, high-speed rail, and highways, it is also the most convenient way for China Southwest to connect to ASEAN. Of the sea.

Yinhai is located at the junction of the South China Economic Circle, the Southwest Economic Circle, and the ASEAN Economic Circle, and is at the center of the junction of the Pan-North Bay Economic Cooperation Area. The high-speed rail and the North-South Expressway connect Yinhai City with many important cities, forming a convenient large channel.

The terrain of Yinhai City slopes from north to south, with hills in the northeast and northwest, and terraces and plains along the southern coast. The urban coastal plain land occupies more than 70% of the total area. The soil is composed of sandy clay and gravel. The stratum structure is stable and the bearing pressure is strong, generally 18-25 tons/m2. Ocean tidal flats account for about 20% of the total urban land area, and the land endurance is low, 12-16 tons/m2. The average altitude is 10-15 meters.

The Beibu Gulf near Yinhai City is one of the six major oil and gas basins in China. As of last year, 8.74 billion tons of proven petroleum reserves have been discovered, of which 2.5 billion tons of recoverable reserves;...

Such huge oil reserves!

Fortunately, Wang Xudong has already scanned it with the "God-level Big Miner" system. Otherwise, he would be surprised when he heard 8.74 billion tons of data.

Under the scanning of the "God-level big mine owner" system, all oil resources cannot be hidden. Even the oil resources that cannot be explored by modern technology are clear. Through yesterday's scan, Beihai City is the center with a radius of 500 kilometers. The oil reserves in the area are as high as 15.9 billion tons.

After listening to the introduction, Wang Xudong smiled and said, "I estimate that the oil reserves in the Beibu Gulf Basin are more than 8 billion tons, and the oil resources in Yinhai City are also quite large."

Yinhai City is adjacent to the Beibu Gulf. Specialists have speculated that there are abundant oil reserves in the area of ​​Yinhai City, especially the plains and tidal flats near the sea, as well as offshore.

Gong Qiaoping said: "I also strongly hope that our Yinhai City has abundant oil resources, and then I welcome Chairman Wang to build a super large oil field in our Yinhai City."

Yes, it must be a super large oil field.

This is what Wang Xudong thinks in his mind. There is so much oil in this area, up to 15.9 billion tons. If you don't build a super large oil field, you are a little bit sorry for yourself.

The three helicopters flew in the shape of a product. They were condescending and had a very wide view. They could overlook Yinhai City. Riding on the helicopter, Gong Qiaoping, the host, introduced to Wang Xudong from time to time.

If the helicopter flies over a certain place, Gong Qiaoping will introduce to Wang Xudong, the place name here, the situation here and so on.

Gong Qiaoping noticed a detail. During the whole process, Wang Xudong watched a lot and listened to his own introduction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Wang Xudong rarely spoke, only occasionally said a few words and asked some questions.

In addition, Gong Qiaoping also noticed that Wang Xudong had prepared an atlas of Yinhai City, a very detailed one, as detailed as a certain town, a certain village, or even a very small place name.

While watching, Wang Xudong wrote and painted on the atlas from time to time. In some places he visited, Wang Xudong would write some basic explanatory text, or make some circles and crosses.

The whole morning was spent almost like this. After two or three hours of flying, the helicopter flew the entire Yinhai City one time. Coupled with Gong Qiaoping's introduction, Wang Xudong had a new understanding of the entire Yinhai City. And understanding, especially in topography.

Others introduced large oil fields, which must be based on the distribution of oil. Where there are abundant oil resources, oil extraction areas should be built. Wang Xudong does not need them. He pays more attention to the topography and landforms and the surrounding environment that will be built into oil extraction areas. and many more.

At noon, Gong Qiaoping arranged a sumptuous lunch. The local seafood was delicious, and Wang Xudong was very satisfied.

Gong Qiaoping thought that Wang Xudong Mining should have seen it in the morning by helicopter. After the meal, he asked: "Chairman Wang, we will go back to the city in the afternoon. I have prepared a lot of introduction materials. Hello, I will further introduce our Yinhai City."

Where do I know it, Wang Xudong smiled and shook his head and said, "No, there are still many places I haven't been to." After that, Wang Xudong looked towards the sea.

No, the whole Yinhai City, where you should see, have been seen by helicopter. Gong Qiaoping thought this in his heart, and then noticed that Wang Xudong looked at the direction of the sea, and his heart was even more strange.


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