God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 863: Wang Xudong is very angry

"Wow, driving Dong Brother's big yacht is really cool!"

In the cockpit of the yacht, Liu Yu was driving the big yacht under the leadership and guidance of Lin Hu. Seeing that he gradually moved away from the dock and began to sail towards the endless sea, Liu Yu yelled and was extremely excited.

He has taken this big yacht out to sea several times, but it is the first time to drive it. After enjoying the pleasure of driving, he immediately shouted.

At this moment, Wang Xudong gently embraced Zheng Xiaotong and stood on the deck, facing the gradual sea breeze, looking at the vast blue sea, relaxed and happy.

Wang Xudong launched the "God-level Big Mine Owner" system. This time he is driving the yacht out to sea, and playing is the second place. The most important thing is to collect energy points.

The system is activated, and the radioactive energy within a radius of 500 kilometers and a depth of 4000 meters has nowhere to hide. Wang Xudong has issued instructions to Miner One to absorb all the radioactive energy that can be absorbed. Miner One who already has a certain artificial intelligence fully knows this. How to do it.

It is not the first time to do this kind of work. It is completely unnecessary for Wang Xudong to continue to worry and pay attention. Just wait for the result. What Wang Xudong has to do is to walk a big circle and go as far as possible.

Because with Yinhai City as the center, Wang Xudong has not scanned or absorbed the radioactive energy within a radius of 500 kilometers.

A few days ago, the system was full of energy points on the way over and couldn't continue to absorb it, so Wang Xudong simply did not scan the area.

It has a radius of 500 kilometers and an area of ​​more than 750,000 square kilometers, which is the size of several ordinary provinces.

Just like Wang Xudong’s current location, a radius of 500 kilometers already covers almost the entire Western Guangdong Province, at least two-thirds of Eastern Guangdong Province, almost the entire Qionghai Province, the entire Beibu Gulf, and several surrounding provinces. To part.

Even a part of a nearby country has been scanned. Such a huge scanning area is impossible without radioactive energy.

No, the number behind the system's No. 2 energy slot immediately jumped. On the holographic three-dimensional map, Wang Xudong also saw the distribution of radioactive energy. The land area is slightly less, and the ocean area is much more abundant.

Wang Xudong thought in his heart, saying that the ocean is a huge treasure, sincerely not deceiving me, it is true. The ocean is not only rich in petroleum resources, but also radioactive minerals, such as natural uranium ore veins.

The system is absorbing radioactive energy, so Wang Xudong doesn't need to worry about it.

Wang Xudong was also very happy. He made a pot of coffee by himself. On the top deck of the yacht, he set up a big parasol and set a small round table. Together with Zheng Xiaotong, he sat drinking coffee while enjoying the beautiful sea view. .

"Brother Dong, don't call me if you have this good thing."

Liu Yu came over yelling and saw the pot of coffee on the table. Apart from anything else, he poured a cup by himself and added a little sugar.

Wang Xudong smiled and said: "Aren't you driving a big yacht? I think you are so interested, I can't bear to call you over."

Liu Yu took a sip of coffee and immediately said, "Such a good coffee is difficult to drink under normal circumstances. The yacht is driven by Lin Hu. Let's taste this coffee first and take a break."

The coffee that Wang Xudong brought out is certainly not bad, just like this kind of coffee is very valuable, one of the top coffees, some are put on the big yacht, you can make some and drink it yourself when you are interested.

Liu Yu was originally a coffee lover. To exaggerate, his nose is better than a dog's nose. It is estimated that he smelled a little bit of smell, and then ran over.

The three of them were talking and laughing while drinking this freshly brewed coffee. The big yacht gradually moved away from Yinhai City. The coastline was no longer visible, but the endless sea.

The system is absorbing the emission energy. Wang Xudong took a look and said in his heart, good fellow, this speed, this efficiency, really fast, it has exceeded 5000 points!

The number representing energy points behind the second energy slot is 5236/60000, which is increasing rapidly, indicating that the radioactive energy points in this area are far from being absorbed.

During the scan just now, the voice of Miner One rang in Wang Xudong's mind, and he discovered that there were more than 15,000 radioactive energy points. It has only absorbed one-third of it now, it's still too early.

Under the driving of Lin Hu, the big yacht sailed all the way south on the vast sea. After more than an hour of going out to sea, the energy point absorption was finally completed. The number behind energy slot No. 2 was "15641/60000", and the number stopped temporarily. Changed.

Wang Xudong is not in a hurry. It just means that all the radioactive energy points within a depth of 4000 within a radius of 500 kilometers from his current position have been absorbed. As the big yacht sails south, his position changes. New areas will be scanned, and it is estimated that new radioactive energy will be discovered.

Sure enough, after sailing for more than an hour, a part of radioactive energy was discovered. The number behind energy slot No. 2 became "16258/60000". A small uranium vein at the depth of the seabed was discovered, which absorbed hundreds of ordinary energy. point.

With more than 16,000 energy points, Wang Xudong has a good heart. He easily took the big fishing rod and stood on the deck to fish. Liu Yu also learned the way Wang Xudong was, and kept throwing his fishing rod.

"Brother Dong, hurry up!"

Liu Yu shouted, because he found that Wang Xudong's fishing rod seemed to be catching something. Wang Xudong felt the sinking strength of his hand and knew it should be a big fish.

Sure enough, this is a fish of several catties, not too small. After successfully catching the fish, Liu Yu said happily: "Brother Dong, I know this fish. We have a good food at noon today."

At noon, the yacht stayed on the sea for a while, and everyone was dining on the yacht. After the meal, the yacht continued to sail, or sailed south, Wang Xudong did not intend to return.

After sailing for the whole morning, Wang Xudong had harvested nearly 20,000 radioactive energy points. How could he be willing to go back? He must continue to sweep and collect energy points for the system.

The No. 1 oil zone of Yinhai Oilfield has accumulated a full 6 billion tons of high-quality crude oil, and the No. 2 oil zone should not be too bad, not to mention 6 billion tons, and certainly not only a few billion tons, but three, Four billion tons, that is to say, it needs about 30,000 to 40,000 energy points. Now it is only about 20,000, which is far from enough, and we need to continue to work hard. Fortunately, there is Miner One, Wang Xudong does not need to worry too much, he can fully enjoy his journey to sea this time.

However, this good mood is still destroyed.

In the afternoon, the big yacht had completely sailed out of the Beibu Gulf waters and entered the China South China Sea. This is also known as the China Sea, which has been China's waters since ancient times.

However, some surrounding countries are eyeing the Huaxia Sea because the Huaxia Sea is rich in resources. In addition to fishery resources, there are abundant gas resources.

In the waters that originally belonged to the Huaxia Sea, foreign oil rigs were erected to exploit oil and gas unscrupulously.

It doesn't matter if we mine the oil and gas resources that belong to us. They also claim that it is their sea area and their economic zone. As long as there are Chinese ships approaching, they will drive them away.

At this time, Wang Xudong, who was fishing on the deck of a large yacht, saw a scene on the sea in the distance. Several armed ships of a certain country were driving a Chinese fishing boat, using high-pressure water guns to spray the fishing boat that refused to leave. .

Seeing this scene, Wang Xudong was filled with indignation.

If you don't encounter this kind of thing for yourself, once you see it to yourself, how can you just ignore it? Wang Xudong ordered Lin Hu to drive over immediately.

Lin Hu also saw that as a soldier, he was already angry. As soon as Wang Xudong said, he immediately drove the big yacht into a beautiful large radius turn and drove towards the distant place of the accident.

Wang Xudong’s luxury super yachts are much larger than ordinary ships. They are tens of meters long and have a displacement of two or three thousand tons. They are much larger than ordinary ships. Some have a displacement of tens of tons. The two-hundred-ton ship is a small thing in front of him.

Those boats in a certain country are not big in tonnage, so they will bully our fishing boats. They must have rushed away when they encounter hard stubble.

Seeing Wang Xudong's big yacht driving towards this side with full horsepower, they knew that the matter was a bit serious, it was obviously a Chinese yacht.

People who can own such a luxury yacht ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How can their identity and strength be simple, they immediately stopped the injection of high-pressure water guns, and were ready to slip away.

When I bullied our fishing boat just now, I was so arrogant. I saw Wang Xudong’s big yacht coming over. It ran faster than anything, and soon ran away. It would be very difficult for Wang Xudong to pursue it. Wang Xudong thought angrily, Nima’s , Count you running fast, otherwise, it will sink you.

Wang Xudong really planned that, and he told Lin Hu that way, driving past at high speed, knocking down their ships, and letting them go to the sea to feed the sharks.

In the Huaxia waters, it was too angry to dare to bully our fishing boat. Lin Hu almost used the speed of the big yacht to the extreme. Unfortunately, because of the distance, when he came over, the opponent had already run far.

"Boss, do you want to catch up."

Wang Xudong looked at it and waved his hand: "Forget it, let's lean over and see how the people on the fishing boat are doing."

The big yacht started to slow down and approached the bullied fishing boat.

The distance is getting closer, and Wang Xudong also gradually sees the situation on this fishing boat. This is an older fishing boat, and it should have been some years for fishermen to use it for life at sea.

After Wang Xudong saw the situation on the ship clearly, his heart was full of anger, and he immediately shouted loudly, "Lin Hu, turn around, catch up, I will sink them."

Even if the yacht is crashed, Wang Xudong will not hesitate to go back to repair it, even if it crashes and scraps, the big deal is to buy another one by himself.

The monkeys of that certain country were so irritating. Wang Xudong saw them run away and gradually went away. He wanted to forget it. When he looked at the situation on the fishing boat, Wang Xudong knew that this matter could not be forgotten.

At this moment, Wang Xudong was very angry.


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