God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 872: Formal cooperation

That's right, Wang Xudong is really ready to release He family's blood, and he still amplifies the blood.

Just apologizing, I want to order oil from myself, it is a dream. Wang Xudong has accepted this apology, and it is justified that he no longer troubles the He's family. He Xinjia wants to make an inch and order oil from Wang Xudong to solve the situation that they don't have rice. That is impossible.

He Xinjia's heart trembled inexplicably when he noticed Wang Xudong's expression, thinking in his heart, Wang Xudong wouldn't want to beat himself up.

At this time, He Xinjia sadly remembered a sentence, "Man is a knife, I am a fish." Now, He Xinjia is the fat on the chopping board and can only be slaughtered by Wang Xudong.

He Xinjia said with difficulty: "President Wang, let's talk... let's talk."

Wang Xudong was too lazy to talk nonsense and didn't want to waste his time. He directly said: "It's impossible to order our oil, but I can say hello to Eastern Petroleum. You can order refined oil from Eastern Petroleum."

Order refined oil from Eastern Petroleum Group!

This seems to be good. In this way, the more than 1,000 gas stations under the Yinlong Petroleum Group will have refined oil, and they can retail and start business.

But He Xinjia also knows that if this is the case, Yinlong Petroleum Group will completely become a vassal of Eastern Petroleum Group. In the future, it must rely on the nose of Eastern Petroleum Group. The fate of the entire Yinlong Petroleum Group is completely in the hands of Eastern Petroleum Group.

If Yinlong Petroleum Group shows any signs of disobedience, Eastern Petroleum Group can get stuck in Yinlong Petroleum Group's neck and cut off your refined oil supply. The entire Yinlong Group will be struggling or even unable to survive.

He Xinjia looked difficult. After thinking about it for a long time, he refused: “We, Yinlong Petroleum Group, cannot just buy refined oil from Eastern Petroleum Group.”

He Xinjia’s abacus is very good. Yinlong Petroleum Group has no refined oil, or in the case of insufficient refined oil, it can purchase some refined oil from Eastern Petroleum Group to alleviate his own urgent needs.

If the situation is relieved, refined oil can be obtained from other channels, or even crude oil can be obtained from abroad, it is no longer possible to purchase refined oil from Eastern Petroleum.

Wang Xudong did not back down, and resolutely said: "No, it must only buy refined oil from Eastern Petroleum Group. Yinlong Petroleum Group cannot buy refined oil from the second oil company, nor will it refining itself."

The meaning is very simple, only 100% of refined oil can be purchased from Eastern Petroleum Group, and not from other places. In order to make the He family obedient and stop jumping up to make trouble for themselves, the Yinlong Petroleum Group must be controlled and their refined oil supply is a good control method.

Naturally, He Xinjia didn’t want to get stuck in his neck. He only wanted to buy crude oil from Xudong Mining Group or refined oil from Eastern Petroleum Group. Once his own situation was relieved, he would abandon these and buy crude oil instead. By processing it himself, and then selling the refined oil by himself, the entire Yinlong Petroleum Group can recover.

Where is such a good thing.

Wang Xudong is not the savior of the He family, nor is he reaching out to save them. After understanding what He Xinjia meant, Wang Xudong sneered: "Then there is nothing to talk about."

He Xinjia also got up, knowing that his hopes were lost. The original plan was to take the initiative to find Wang Xudong to apologize, persuade him, and obtain Wang Xudong's forgiveness, and then order crude oil from Xudong Mining Group to relieve his current dilemma.

His wishful thinking fell through, so naturally he would not stay any longer.

He Xinjia said: "Let me go back and think about this matter."

Wang Xudong smiled coldly, you know that He Xinjia did not go back to think about this matter, but rejected himself. After He Xinjia returned, he would probably try his best to hope that he could import oil from overseas.

He Xinjia really thinks so. He plans to think about a way after he goes back. If he can get imported crude oil, it is best. If he can't get imported crude oil, he is ready to come back again and accept Wang Xudong's condition to let Yinlong Petroleum Group from Eastern Petroleum Group purchased refined oil.

Want to be beautiful.

Wang Xudong said in his heart, waiting for you to come again next time, I am more than just such a condition.

Xu Jie said softly: "Brother Dong, this He Xinjia just left. Does he really want to get imported crude oil from overseas?"

Wang Xudong said disdainfully: "He probably believes that they are a big family with profound background. If he thinks he has a way, then let him try it. When he hits a wall, he will probably come back to me again."

Xu Jie said angrily: "Brother Dong, if he comes again, we can't just make such a condition. When I see it, I will come once and ruthlessly and buy the entire Yinlong Petroleum Group."

Wang Xudong smiled and glanced at Xu Jie, thinking in his heart that Xu Jie was more ruthless than me, and he wanted to buy Hejia’s Yinlong Petroleum Group directly.

This group is pretty good. There is a large refinery that processes 20 million tons of crude oil each year. In addition, there are more than 1,000 ready-made gas stations.

If Yinlong Petroleum Group is acquired at a low price and incorporated into Eastern Petroleum Group, then Eastern Petroleum Group will not only have another large-scale ready-made refinery, but also more than 1,000 gas stations, and the overall strength will be enormous. The jump.

Thinking about this, Wang Xudong glanced at Xu Jie with admiration and smiled and said, “Well, that’s a good idea. Next time if He Xinjia comes over, let’s talk about the acquisition of Yinlong Petroleum Group.”

Xu Jie said happily: "Brother Dong, this is definitely a profitable business. I think Yinlong Petroleum Group must be acquired."

The two happily talked about the acquisition of Yinlong Petroleum Group. In Yinhai City, Liang Hongbo and several backbones of Xudong Mining Group had already arrived in Yinhai City and received a warm welcome from Gong Qiaoping.

First, accompanied by Gong Qiaoping, he visited and inspected many places in Yinhai City. Now, the two sides sat together and began to discuss formal cooperation matters.

This is a cooperation between Xudong Mining Group and Yinhai City.

The first thing I talked about is the construction of Qinglong Port, which is a large sea port fully invested and constructed by Xudong Mining Group. The design and construction work will be led by Qiu Jingsheng and his team. Zhou Chunliang will also participate in it. Planning and design are currently underway.

According to Qiu Jingsheng’s planning concept, the total area of ​​the entire port area will reach about 80 square kilometers, of which the sea area is about 60 square kilometers, and the land port area is about 20 square kilometers. The land port area is the largest and the most eye-catching. It will be an oil storage area, and the area of ​​this area will be about 10 square kilometers.

The basic idea has been developed, even if the formal planning and design drawings have not yet come out, many things can already be discussed together.

After inspecting the environment of Yinhai City, Liang Hongbo was very satisfied with the city, and thought in his heart that it is indeed what Dong Ge liked. It was really good.

Needless to say, the scenery is a famous tourist city in the country. Needless to say, the traffic situation is not only his own airport, high-speed railway station, but also a well-developed highway system, as well as a large railway station.

The important thing is that there is a natural deep-water port like Qinglong Bay, which is the best place to build a super large seaport. Liang Hongbo is also full of expectations for the future Qinglong Port.

Everyone sat down and started discussing cooperation matters in a conference room of Yinhai City Government. This conference room is not simple. It is very sacred in the minds of Yinhai City officials, because this is the place where the Standing Committee meeting is held. Today, Xudong Mining Group and Yinhai City Government negotiate cooperation matters. .

At the beginning of the discussion, Gong Qiaoping first stated, "Mr. Liang, you are welcome to invest in our Yinhai City. Our government will definitely provide you with the most convenient conditions and **** your development and construction."

With such a promise, Liang Hongbo was naturally happy.

Liang Hongbo said: "Secretary Gong, thank you, first of all, let's talk about the land in Qinglong Port."

To build the world's largest crude oil export port in Qinglong Bay, a large area of ​​land is naturally required, and Xudong Mining Group must also obtain the right to use this piece of land.

If Xudong Mining Group wants to invest, Yinhai City naturally approves with both hands. No, Gong Qiaoping said: "There is nothing wrong with land matters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That area was originally a deserted beach, and there are not many local residents. Our government will complete the relocation and land acquisition of local residents, and you Free up the needed land."

This is equivalent to vacating the land, vacating the land and handing it over to the Xudong Mining Group, which saves the Xudong Mining Group a lot of things.

Liang Hongbo said: "Then I would like to thank you first, but I want to remind you that the speed should be faster. We want to start construction of Qinglong Port as soon as possible."

Gong Qiaoping promised: "This is naturally no problem."

The negotiation between the two parties went smoothly and unexpectedly. In less than half a day, all the details were basically negotiated, and only the signing was left.

What makes Liang Hongbo very happy is that the land is still very cheap, almost the price of cabbage. This also fully reflects the sincerity of the Yinhai Municipal Government.


Donghae City.

Wang Xudong sorted out his salute a bit. Lin Hu dragged the gift box and walked behind, while Wang Xudong took Zheng Xiaotong's hand and walked in front. Wang Xudong was going to visit Beijing first.

At this time, why did Wang Xudong choose to go to Beijing instead of Yinhai City? Naturally, there is something to be done. Zheng Xiaotong had to go back to the capital to stay for a few days, just to go with him.

"Brother Dong, I will stay in Beijing for a few days this time. By the way, I will stay with my parents. I will not stay with you."

Wang Xudong said: "No problem, it saves you running around with me, I guess, I will be busy in the next few days."

The two talked and laughed, and walked forward hand in hand. In front, Wang Xudong's Gulfstream G650 plane was ready, and Wang Xudong was about to board the plane. At this time, a panting voice sounded in the distance behind him.

"Brother Dong, you are too uninteresting, you are going to the capital, but you don't even call me."

Hearing the sound, Wang Xudong was happy.


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