God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 874: Super generous!

Everyone walked into this small meeting room and sat down. Someone from Zhenbang Group made hot tea and brought it over. Liu Bin started his own computer and projector, and inserted Wang Xudong's USB flash drive.

Liu Bin understands that the USB flash drive should contain the relevant information about the harbor mentioned by Chairman Wang. The answer will be revealed soon. He is eager to see what the harbor will look like and where it is located. Wait.

The world's largest crude oil export port!

After thinking about it, Liu Bin found that his heartbeat speeded up uncontrollably, and when he inserted the USB flash drive, his right hand was still shaking slightly.

Liu Zhenbang has seen a lot of people, and he can basically make the Taishan collapse in front of him without changing his face. At this moment, besides a slight curiosity in his heart, there is no expression of excitement on his face, as if calm.

Everything is finally set.

Wang Xudong personally introduced him, opened his USB flash drive, and displayed the contents of the USB flash drive to everyone clearly through the projector.

The first is a huge harbor. Before Wang Xudong started to introduce it, Liu Zhenbang knew it. This should be a fine natural harbor and a good choice for building a super large deep-water harbor. I just don’t know where it is and where it is located. Which coastal city.

Yes, this is a panoramic picture of Qinglong Bay.

Obviously, this picture has been processed, and some notes and some data are marked on it, such as the depth of the water, the width of the sea, the length of the coastline, the area of ​​the land port area, etc., which are clearly marked.

Seeing this picture, Liu Yu was a little excited, thinking in his heart, this is the big seaport that Dong Ge is going to build, it is the world's largest crude oil export port!

Liu Zhenbang said, "Chairman Wang, this place is not bad. You have found such an ideal place. This is the best choice for building a deep-water large port area."

Liu Zhenbang has a wealth of experience in building large seaports. As soon as he saw this picture, he could see the doorway, and he immediately praised him.

Liu Bin said curiously: "I don't know where such a deep-water port is located, which city in China, whether it is located in the north or the south."

Wang Xudong smiled and said, "It is located in Yinhai City."

Everyone naturally knows that Yinhai City is a famous tourist city in the country, with beautiful scenery and famous for its silver beach, sea view, seafood and so on.

Liu Bin said: "I didn't think that there is still such a good place in Yinhai City. Chairman Wang, you are going to build the seaport in Yinhai City. Is there oil there?"

This is the world's largest crude oil export port. It is not an unloading port. There must be a huge amount of crude oil. Without crude oil, how would you export it?

Wang Xudong said in a slightly proud tone: "According to the speculation of experts, Yinhai City has astonishing reserves of oil resources. At present, comprehensive oil exploration work has started."

Liu Zhenbang nodded and said: "I have also heard that there are huge reserves of oil resources in the Beibu Gulf. Building an oil export port in Yinhai City is a very good decision. Chairman Wang, it seems that you have already After completing the planning and design of the seaport, can you tell us about it?"

The planning and design of Qinglong Port has been fully completed by Qiu Jingsheng. This is due to the elimination of the preliminary field survey and the direct design on those data. In addition, Qiu Jingsheng is a very high-level expert who has completed the comprehensive Planning and design are completely normal.

Wang Xudong started to introduce, first introduced the situation of Qinglong Bay, and then the picture changed, a picture of a large modern port area was displayed in front of everyone.

This is a colorful 3D panorama, just like a huge color photo. This is Qiu Jingsheng's harbor design. Liu Zhenbang can be regarded as a half-expert in this area, and he has his own vision. When he saw such a design, he knew that it was designed by a high-level expert without introduction by Wang Xudong.

Therefore, Liu Zhenbang admired a little: "Chairman Wang, the planning and design of this harbor is very impressive. You can tell at a glance that it comes from an expert. Can you tell us which expert led the planning and design?"

Wang Xudong did not hide it, and said happily: "This is planned and designed by the senior expert Qiu Jingsheng of Yinhai University."

It turned out to be him!

Liu Zhenbang naturally knew Qiu Jingsheng. A few years ago, Liu Zhenbang went to the house in person and promised a high salary. He wanted to invite Qiu Jingsheng out of the mountain to be the honorary expert of his Zhenbang Group. However, Qiu Jingsheng refused, without thinking, Wang Xudong was so powerful. , Can ask Qiu Jingsheng to personally plan and design this harbor.

If Liu Zhenbang knows, it is not Wang Xudong to invite Qiu Jingsheng at all, but Qiu Jingsheng took the initiative to invite Ying and find Wang Xudong, not a penny, and strongly demand to be responsible for the design and construction of this harbor. If he knows this, it is estimated that Liu Zhenbang will have a good heart. No matter how strong it is, you may also be surprised that your jaw falls to the ground.

Paying attention to Liu Zhenbang's expression, Wang Xudong seemed to guess what Liu Zhenbang was thinking in his heart. He was slightly proud, and he was happy.

It is estimated that this will happen to anyone, perhaps even more proud and happy than Wang Xudong. An expert of Qiu Jingsheng's level could not be invited by others with heavy money. Wang Xudong didn't need to invite him at all. Qiu Jingsheng took the initiative to find him, not a penny, and was responsible for the planning and design of this harbor for Wang Xudong.

How arrogant this is. If Liu Zhenbang knew the details, his eyes would come out with envy.

Knowing that the planning and design of this harbour came from Qiu Jingsheng, Liu Zhenbang's calm face finally showed admiration and gave Wang Xudong a thumbs up.

"Chairman Wang, you are still bullish. The design of expert Qiu is very remarkable. If we are entrusted to Zhenbang Group to lead such planning and design, it will be impossible to achieve this level."

Wang Xudong smiled happily. He himself was very satisfied with Qiu Jingsheng's design. Combining the information in the USB flash drive with pictures and texts, he began to introduce it to everyone.

In the entire small meeting room, there was basically only the voice introduced by Wang Xudong. In addition, it was the sound of rustling writing. Liu Zhenbang and his son, while listening to Wang Xudong's introduction, wrote and recorded something in the notebook.

Qinglong Port has three long tanker berths, each with multiple giant tanker berths, many of which are super berths above 450,000 tons. There are three phases of projects, each of which completes the construction of a terminal.

In addition to the wharf, there is a crude oil loading port area with an area of ​​8.7 square kilometers. The port area has roads and crude oil transportation pipeline networks, breakwaters, waterways, radar navigation and other important public systems.

The huge oil storage area is very conspicuous. With an area of ​​more than 10 square kilometers, the huge silver-white oil storage tanks are very obvious, and they are neatly arranged. Each such oil storage tank is a huge tank. The tank has a diameter of 100 meters and a height of 25 meters. A single tank can store more than 300,000 tons of crude oil.

The largest crude oil storage capacity of the largest crude oil storage base built in China is about 56 million tons, and the maximum capacity of this oil storage base in Qinglong Port reaches 150 million barrels, which is about 20 million tons, which should be regarded as the largest in the world. One of the oil storage areas.

Of course, the construction of the entire Qinglong Port is also a major project, and Qiu Jingsheng made a preliminary project forecast. The total project investment will reach about 45 billion Chinese currency, the initial investment will reach 7 billion yuan, and subsequent investment in batches, such as the later investment, the subsequent first batch of investment will reach 16 billion yuan.

Xudong Mining Group has strong financial resources and said that it is not bad. In addition, the 7 billion yuan of the first investment was “contributed” by others. The Kimura Consortium’s Ryohei Kimura “contributed” more than 6 billion yuan. At this stage, Wang Xudong didn't need to pay for it for the time being, the money he won was enough.

In addition to the large investment, which shows that it is a huge project, the construction of Qinglong Port is indeed a large project. Qiu Jingsheng not only predicted the total investment, but also the amount of construction.

For example, the land area of ​​the port area is backfilled and the site is leveled over 8,000 mu, the excavation and transportation of earth and stone exceeds 30 million cubic meters, and the land and sea area relocation compensation is about 59,050 mu. The investment in infrastructure will exceed 15 billion yuan, and the investment in oil storage area construction will be around 8 billion yuan.

With both pictures and texts, Wang Xudong introduced it for nearly an hour. After listening to the introduction, both Liu Zhenbang and Liu Bin had an overall understanding of Qinglonggang. Even Liu Yu has a rough outline in his mind.

This is really a huge project!

This is also a real super masterpiece!

Liu Yu looked at Wang Xudong admiringly and thought to himself that only Brother Dong can play such a big move. Others, even if they want to play such a big move, are estimated to have no such financial strength. The total investment is 450. Billion, it's not something ordinary people can get out.

Xudong Mining Group naturally has no problem~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will not have the slightest financial pressure. Not to mention 45 billion yuan, 145 billion or even 245 billion, there will be no problem.

There is no problem with funding, and the design and planning have been completed. The next step is naturally the comprehensive construction of Qinglong Port, and the main force of this construction is naturally the Zhenbang Group.

After Wang Xudong's introduction was completed, he smiled and glanced at Liu Zhenbang who was shocked, and coughed slightly, pulling Liu Zhenbang who was in shock back from his extreme shock.

Having worked in the mall for so many years and in charge of the Zhenbang Group for so long, Liu Zhenbang has long since achieved the Taishan collapse in front of his eyes without changing his color, but this time, he has changed color and cannot calm down.

Wang Xudong's introduction was too shocking. With such a super-hands, Liu Zhenbang was completely shocked, and his heart was full of stormy waves.

Even if Liu Zhenbang was like this, Liu Bin was even more needless to say. Wang Xudong coughed softly two or three times, which brought Liu Bin back from his extreme shock.


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